Expectations by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Part V

Part V




A child raised up by single parents,

Will always have something missing in them,

For Sam, he always missed a father’s love,

He wanted to experience that love,

Even if it meant for just a single day,

He longed for that love,

Every time he saw his friends,

With their fathers at their disposal,

But what could he do?

Life had already designed his course,

His father was nowhere to be seen,

He was a man, who never cared,

Once he planted a seed,

He never bothered to take care of it,

He ran away.

He was irresponsible man.

It pleased him to use women,

For pleasure and then dump them,

He had no respect for women,

Though, he committed all these acts,

It was rumored that women still,

Followed him like a fly,

Follows the stench of a poo.

Maybe because his pastures were always green,

And mostly his coins spoke,

Nonetheless, no one knows.

The absence and the ignorance of his father,

Hurt him more than anything,

Sometimes he would cry in silence,

He wished he would be able to change his father’s mindset,

But how could he do that?

In fact, he had never met him,

Since the day he arrived in this world,

Sometimes he wanted to ask his mother,

But he knew, talking about his father,

It would pain her,

And would resurrect the wounds,

She has lived to avoid.

She never wanted to hear about him,

Never! Not in this life.

Maybe in life to come,

When they will all appear before the Almighty.

On that day of sieving the good from bad.

Sam swallowed that pain alone,

He couldn’t speak to anyone,

He didn’t have a close relative,

They were all absorbed in the city,

Moreover, they never liked his mother,

They always believed it’s his mother,

Who had caused his father to abandon her,

They never wanted anything to do with her.

With all these prevailing conditions,

Sam had no choice,

But to keep the pain to himself,

One day that desire will go away,

He always believed that,

A belief that gave him comfort,

Furthermore, he had other things to concentrate on,

Why waste time thinking about a man,

Who has never thought about him?

He decided to devote his time to his studies.


When a man becomes irresponsible for his actions,

He loses the value of manhood,

He becomes nothing but just an object,

Called human being,

Though, he may be of higher rank,

When it comes to material possession,

His symbol of greatness,

Becomes of less value,

He is termed as a blowing wind,

That brings nothing but drought,

Such man should not be accorded any respect,

He should not be taken as man of society,

In fact, he should be treated as an alien,

An invader to the well-being of the society,

But the current society has changed,

It’s the men that break the moral code of the society,

Who are treated with respect,

Their names are hailed every corner,

They are made the kings,

Just because they have a coin to offer,

A coin should not surpass the good morals,

When it reaches a time when,

The society values a coin more than morals,

Then it’s no longer a society,

But rather a field of mad men,

Who have lost the purpose and conscious of life,

If they are not dealt with early and correctly,

They end up losing the very essence of life,

There is nothing as worse as losing,

The utmost importance of life’s purpose.

This, if I may say, is worse than,

The invasion by the devil himself.

In this society, where Sam was born,

It chose to cast a blind eye,

To what many men, who were noble,

In their pockets were doing.

Those who were less fortunate had no one,

To fight for their justice,

They were to live with the pain,

Until maybe the day Messiah comes back,

Who knows when will that be anyway?


Situations have a way of molding a person,

In ways that can lead them to being good or evil,

Ways that can strengthen them or weaken them,

For some, they may end up nothing,

While others will try to adapt themselves,

To every situation, for a better outcome,

Some will complain and blame others,

For every affliction, they undergo,

Others will use the afflictions,

To innovate ideas that will catapult them,

They will want to focus on their purpose,

At no point will they bother to complain,

Though, it may be difficult for them,

They will persist, in the end they win,

Such kind of people are the ones,

That rule and prevail in life,

They soar where others can’t,

They win where others fail,

It’s not because they were created different,

But they have purposed to move through life,

With a positive attitude irrespective,

Of the prevailing circumstances,

They may walk through fire,

But they won’t give up,

They may face a mountain,

But they will never turn away,

Such kind of people should be hailed.

Sam and her mother made a decision,

To live life positively,

No matter what comes their way,

With this attitude,

Life has always been good to them,

Even when they face a storm,

Mother and son, together,

Unshakeable and immovable,

Going beyond the unexpected.


There is power in togetherness,

Even the scriptures accord unity.


The joy that flooded Sam’s mother,

As he saw him advance in every area of his life,

Was unsurpassable, no man could fathom,

A boy without a father, excelling speedily,

When others like him,

Were falling like dry leaves,

Turning into what everyone else was used to,

He became the top topic,

In everyone’s conversation in the village,

Other young men of his age,

Were encouraged to be like him,

To emulate his ways,

For some, he was an epitome of the future,

While others, like its human nature,

Loathed him, envy camped their hearts,

Though they couldn’t just shout it out,

They had to swallow that envy.

Sam, being polite and humble,

Never bothered to distract himself,

By thinking of those who never loved him,

Neither did he let pride take over him,

When he heard his name mentioned in honor,

All he wanted was to succeed in life,

And make his mother proud.

He always thought of the suffering,

Shame and mockery, she goes through,

Because of him,

He purposed, he is never going to fail her,

Never! Not in this world,

He must do everything,

To set her free from the shackles,

Of the village and the village life.


Education was the only way,

Out of this prison,

That surrounded them.