Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen

Discord and Revelations

Nuke and I were celebrating our joint birthday when Tanner insisted that Candace interpret the petro-glyphs shown in the pictures I had taken at Bandelier. She said the runes in the caves told a story of extraterrestrial visitors and contained a celestial map of their journey to Earth. The petro-glyphs on the boulders at Tsankawi Ruins represented contacts between natives and aliens, showing the deployment of communication devices and the native’s fear of them. Regarding the face in Tanner’s cave, and in spite of Tanner’s warning that she was telling too much, Candace said he was Mishaka, a pure energy being who had assumed human form. He was the ultimate leader of his galaxy and held Position 9 on the Board of Twelve.

When she finally stopped, Nuke angrily said, “I am surprised and very disappointed that you blurted out information about a Board member without getting his permission. You know how important privacy about our personal information is.”

“I don’t think I did anything wrong by revealing what spirit showed me. I thought if the information was shown to me it was because I was supposed to share it with others. There were many other things I was shown that I did not tell.”

“You know the protocol. You continued talking about  Tanner’s identity after he told you to stop. You put him in a very awkward position.”

“I think it would be best for me to go back to the cottage, since I only seem to be doing the wrong things here.” She left in a huff.

Nuke said, “I am so angry about the way she spoke to a Board Member that if she was a man, I would probably strike her. If she insults a Board member, she insults me. We are a tightly knit group, and insult to one is insult to all. I have to go and talk to her about this.”

He returned after a few hours. “I let her know that because of her actions I had to choose between her and the Board, and I chose the Board. The only way she can rectify the situation is by making amends, and I don’t know if that is even possible. She would have to invite everyone who was present to return.”

“What did she say to that?”

“She asked how she should go about it. I asked her what was the one thing that repelled her most about being at the Station, and she said it is Mother. I told her in that case, Mother is precisely whom she will have to approach in order to arrange the meeting, and that she can invite her guides, particularly White Eagle, and we will see if she’s allowed to make amends.”

“What did she decide?”

“She said she will have to think about it.”

“If Mother offends her, I think dark forces must still be influencing her.”

Metatron was willing to forgive Candace if she would promise not to make the same mistake again, but would not accept her word unless she would bind it by forfeiting Nuke’s life if she failed to carry through. Candace, thinking Mother would take 8’s life if she didn’t keep her word, was incensed and haughtily refused. The meeting was over. Marjie and I went back home.

Nuke was understandably upset and said, “Mother always does what is best for the individual and for society as a whole. She has proven this over and over again. There is no arguing with her point of view because it is always the right point of view. She always knows what is best. What causes Candace to always challenge authority? What do you call that kind of behavior? Is there a term for her inability to make a commitment?”

“I could give you a diagnosis for her personality type, but it wouldn’t change anything.”

“What do you think of her personality?”

“Her actions speak for themselves. She is untruthful, inconsistent, impulsive, rebellious and arrogant. She wouldn’t promise on your life to do whatever Mother requires of her, but she ordered the deaths of innocent embryos only because she didn’t remember authorizing their creation and didn’t want to be their mother.”

Nuke was an emotional wreck. In spite of her flaws, he still loved Candace. He said, “I don’t want Star One to suffer because of my emotions. They’re too strong for me to contain right now. I’m going to the Station for a while.”

Candace avoided us. Fed up with her behavior, Marjie said, “If she isn’t going to have anything to do with me, there’s no point in her hanging around here until next Tuesday. It’s too hard on 8 and it’s too hard on me to have her acting like this. I want her out of here.”

“Here’s the money she needs for gas and food. You can give it to her and tell her how you feel. I don’t want her leaving on my account. I resisted her being here in the beginning, but I have accepted the will of I AM in this matter and I don’t think I should be the one telling her to go.” Marjie left for the cottage.


Before long she returned and said, “Nuke wants to know if you will talk to Candace before she leaves.”

“That’s fine with me.”

When they came back, Candace said, “I wanted to speak to Nuke, but he refuses to talk unless you are present.”


Nuke said, Mother has agreed to give Candace another chance at reconciliation. We have to recreate the situation. Perhaps Star One will be willing to ask Tanner to return, and I will seek Mother. Candace can call upon White Eagle and any others that were here.”

A few moments later I felt Mother’s touch and saw that Tanner was channeling through Marjie. We sat facing each other in the living room after Tanner had gathered sweetgrass, cedar and sage for the purification rite

He held a match to the mixture and said, “Sage smoke is the spirits of departed souls. Sweetgrass is the hair of mother Earth. The fire will stay lit only if truth will be spoken.”

For a few moments the smoldering mixture nearly died. Fortunately, it didn’t. Tanner bathed himself in the sacred smoke and I followed his example, but Candace only watched.

“Bathe in smoke,” he commanded.

She complied. Looking him in the eye, she said, “I want to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. I thought I was supposed to reveal what I had been shown and I offended you. It wasn’t my intention to do that.”

Mother said, “Do you wish to speak to me?”

“I will do whatever you require to make amends for the things I have done.”

“And what will you offer to bind your words?”

“Whatever you request.”

You do not remember what I previously requested?”

“If I do not keep my word, I will forfeit Nuke’s life.”

Metatron nodded. “You should leave your old ways behind. They are not good for you. Learn new ways, the ways of Nucleus 8’s society. This will lead to happiness for you. Is there some other thing that you would desire?”

“How can I get over this antagonism that I feel toward you? I don’t understand it and I want to get over it. Can you explain it to me?”

“You fear perfect love. Step within me.” A second passed and Mother looked at me. “Step within me deeper.”

I had been invited to enter, so I did. Huge, translucent spheres of pink Light surrounded me. I perceived the familiar hall of cathedral-like arches, and realized that it  led to the Board of Twelve’s conference room.

Metatron said to Candace, “Do you see the city?”

With a delighted smile she answered, “Yes!”

“Describe it.”

“It’s very beautiful. The buildings are so tall!”

“Look directly above you, straight above your head, and tell me what you see.”

Still beaming, Candace sighed, “Oh!”

Mother said, “I detect no negative emotion within me. Your word is accepted. Nucleus 8 remains bonded to you. Eight will now descend.”

Candace opened her eyes and exclaimed, “Eight!”

Nuke’s eyes brimmed with tears. I put my arm across his shoulders. “It’s all right,” I said. He composed himself.

“May I approach her?” he asked.

“Of course.” He sat beside her. I left the room to give them privacy. I was happy for them and thought, If Mother believes her, who am I to doubt?

A few minutes later they invited me to join them. I said to Candace, “The attitude anyone must have when approaching the Board and Mother is humility. The lives of everyone at the Station depend on the honesty and commitment of everyone else. In many ways, the Board of Twelve is like the council of elders in Native American tribes. They were the very best among them, whose first concern was always the welfare of the whole tribe. If, after listening to everyone’s opinion, they made a carefully considered decision, one either had to abide by it or go to live somewhere else. Tanner was highly revered by his people when he lived on Earth. If you approached him, you sat at his feet in silence until he spoke, and you did not leave without getting his permission unless it was a matter of life or death. Those who listened to his words carried them in their hearts forever. That’s the kind of respect he expects to receive.”

Candace hugged me. “You are wonderful, Rex.”

“I just try to do the will of Breath.”

Another crisis had been averted, and I went outside to do my chores. When Nuke joined me again I said, “I was surprised that Mother asked Candace to swear on your life that she would keep her word. I would have been very worried if my life depended on her. She has broken her promises to me too many times.”

“Surely you don’t think Mother would orchestrate my demise because of the actions of another. Mother did not say I would lose my life if Candace didn’t keep her word. She asked if she was willing to forfeit my life. If Candace makes the same mistake again, our bond will be broken, and she will lose me.”

“I think Mother knew in advance that Candace would misinterpret her words. That was very clever of her.”

Nuke soon said, “Nine is ready to meld his mind with

Candace’s so she can give you more details about his identity and your mission.”

“I have lots of questions.”

“If she consents, some of them will be answered.”

A little while later Tesar asked, “Would you please give me your version of what happened between Candace and 8?” After hearing about her misunderstanding of Mother’s words, he said, “Eight always has an ace up his sleeve. His deck has 52 Aces in it. Never forget this.”

Having heard about the proposed mind meld, Marjie said, “I’m getting that all the information we are seeking is contained in the Sacred Stick that Tanner told us to make.”

“It was White Mountain who told us to make the stick. That was before we met Tanner.”

“It’s hard for me to separate White Mountain and Tanner.”

“I know what you mean. They’re so much alike I think they could be different expressions of the same Oversoul, kind of like Star One, Victoria, and you. On the other hand, maybe 9 appeared as White Mountain among the Tarahumara just as Tanner did among the ancient Ute’s.”

Candace consented to meld minds with Tanner. He again prepared the sage, sweetgrass and cedar. Before lighting them he said, “Will use only one match to light fire. If fire does not stay lit, it means truth is not being told, and Tanner will have nothing to do with talk.” The ingredients lighted on the first try. Candace moved the container closer instead of leaving it where Tanner had placed it. He promptly moved it back, and sternly said, “No move fire. You better pray smoke does not die.” The contents threatened to go out again. Candace’s quizzical expression suggested that she didn’t understand, but she wisely kept silent, waiting for his permission to speak. I took it as a good omen when the smoke continued to rise after she smudged.

I handed the Sacred Staff to Tanner, went to get the recorder, and was preparing it when he said, “Be still.” I obeyed.

He suddenly and forcefully extended the staff toward Candace. Startled by his aggressive movement, she jerked backward for a moment. Then she gently grasped the staff and laid it across her legs. Tanner commanded, “Now use mind’s eye.”

“I see a small man. Black hair. Coppery skin. He looks young, but isn’t. Dark eyes. Lines of wisdom. Far seeing. That’s all.”

He said, “Speak all what you see.”

“I saw you as you were the last time and I spoke the words. I got into a lot of trouble and I was punished.”

“Now you speak freely.”

“It’s not a trap,” I said.

“It’s rather difficult after all I went through. I see a very old man, very tall, very large, endowed with great wisdom, wisdom where energy and sources of energy are concerned. I see his symbol, which is the number 9, and I see his name and I see him as part of a group. He carries a large staff. He’s very well respected and has intimate knowledge of the things he pursues.”

Tanner said, “Tell more.”

“About the man that I see?”

“Tell all.”

“His name is Mishaka. It’s not the right pronunciation but it’s as close as I can get. It’s a word in the language of the species of this man. It denotes a large bird that is native to his planet. He represents this bird. This bird has strange appendages at the edges of its wings very similar

to claws, and the wingspan is quite large.

“When he came to Earth he was with many people.

They brought with them a container, a box, a chest, that was put away and hidden. Directives and messages were left as to where to find this chest. The beings he arrived with came as a tribe of native Indians but they really weren’t; it existed only during the time needed to hide and camouflage the container.

“It holds enormous information and directives that explain how to create various sources of energy. It also holds formulas and information about metals. It contains things that were placed into the box on a whim, on your whim. That’s all I can see.”

“Smudge again. Touch bag at bottom of stick. What is in bag?” She followed his instructions.

“Something crinkly. I don’t know what it is.” (It held ashes of the burned pictures of loved ones). She thought about it again and said, “These are souls. Many people.”

Tanner held up four fingers. “Only four.”

“I’m sorry, but it seems like many to me.”

“Represent many. Hold bones. What are bones?”

“These bones are not of this Earth. There’s something about them.”

“Those are raccoon bones,” I said.

I am getting that there were other bones that were not of this Earth, and they are in the container. I see with my third eye that there was a great bird that you were associated with on your home planet. It was a very large bird that had something like talons along the front edge of its wings like a pterodactyl, and it had finger bones which had large talons at the ends. The bones with the talons are in the container that you are to find,” she said to me. “They have no special significance except to indicate 9’s respect for this great bird.”

She felt of the next bag, which was made from wild

 mink fur, and said, “This is not of this Earth. It has something to do with the spirit world. It has something to do with bones.” (Alta Sha had told us to put dirt from a cemetery in it).

“Close enough.” Tanner said. He gestured toward the moccasins above the bag. “What are these?”

“They are containers of dust. They carry dust.”

“How many you see?”

“Foot coverings, two of them, but they have much dust.”

“Many feet. Much dust. Very well. Now, get in fort.” (This was a safe place in Candace’s mind that Tanner had told her to create in a previous session). “Tell what you see in this stick.”

“This stick once belonged to you. It was a symbol of your leadership, but it was also a story of what is in the container and the story of you and your people. You came to the Earth and pretended to be Indians, but you weren’t. You were beings of pure energy who could assume any form. You adopted a human form so that you could blend into your surroundings, but also because there was something you wanted to keep hidden, to protect, and that is what you put into the container. The souls of departed ones are what you put in the container. They are your relatives. They have been in the container for a very, very long time, along with certain information.”

To me she said, “When you go to find the container, there will be an element of danger. There are those who do not want the container to be found. They don’t necessarily want it themselves. They have a general idea of where it is but can’t locate it precisely. Something about sunlight causes the container to shine brighter, which will point the way. You will see very large, black birds circling above when the sun rises at the location where this is to be found. There is a glow in that area. I want to say radiation, but it isn’t dangerous like the radiation that we know. It’s beginning to show through now because it has been in that box too long. When the sunlight touches on that glow, it creates a flash, and this is what’s going to show.

“There are beings around the cave guarding the container. They are very white and their skin is rough, and they have rather large heads. They are humanoid. There has to be a lot of protection around the container because there are many who would like to find it.

“There are other people looking for this who are not of this Earth, and they may try to follow you.” To Tanner she said, “You know who these people are, don’t you. They are a species of reptiles, although they don’t look like reptiles. Their blood is very cold, however.

“At the entrance to the cave, I see an animal, a very large animal.”

“Look at feet.” Tanner commanded.

“It has very large feet with black fur. There are four of them, two and two. It’s not an animal, but two people standing side by side. They’re wearing this strange kind of foot covering that is very furry and black. They come up to the knee and are laced with leather. It reminds me of the kind of things the Norsemen wore on their legs. They appear to be standing on the ground but actually their feet aren’t touching the ground. These are sentinels standing next to each other.”

After a long pause she continued, “All of the things that are seen are somewhat symbolic, but they are really going to happen. It’s going to be up to you to write down the sequence of events, and you are only going to know the sequence as you do them. It’s like you’re writing the sequence after the fact. And as you go over your list, looking for the next event, the next event is only going to be told by the sequence that you’ve already written down. When you have all the information, it isn’t coming to you in the sequence that it’s supposed to come, so as you go through each step, you will have to make a note of it and have to go back to the information you have. It’s like a hit and miss situation, but it will come to you very quickly. You won’t have to sit for days to see what the next thing is.

“When you find the container, it will be suspended. There are two long staffs that run through the container and hold it suspended above the ground. The staffs are supported by some logs. The container is rather large and shaped like a big disc. There are words written on the top and sides of the container which will indicate how you are to open the box. I can see the writings, but I don’t know what they say. They are not of this Earth, but you will be able to decipher them.

“You are going to need a great deal of protection with you. It is important that you understand you must open the container very, very slowly and from the back side. It’s important that the energy in the container be allowed to flow out before it flows around you. You would not be able to withstand the power of this energy. The energy itself will not harm you, but the concussion it creates when it flows out could, almost like an explosion. You are going to be faced with more information than this world is probably prepared to absorb. There are indications of people on Earth at this moment who are going to be able to help you with all of this. You will know who you have to talk to that can decipher a lot of this information and help put it together.

“It’s a great struggle for me to remain within my fort. I want to leave and run because the danger is so great, coming from all directions. I think danger is the wrong word. It’s just that you have to be very, very cautious. Perhaps you can say better than I can what precautions need to be taken,” she said to Tanner. “Shall I go on?”

“Go on.”

“Nine is an entity composed entirely of boundless energy and can establish himself in any form he chooses, as can any of his species. He has great knowledge and wisdom, and he’s the leader, the ruler of the entire galaxy from which he comes. He has chosen the number nine because in his society nine is a non-number. He wishes to be obscure, so 9 suits him. His greatest downfall…may I say that? His greatest downfall is his compassion. He is very tender hearted and tries to hide it. He has great compassion for beings of all kinds.”

“He has good heart,” Tanner said.

“He does indeed. He finds it difficult at times to discipline those who wrong him. In that sense only is it a downfall.”

“Not downfall,” Tanner said.

“Perhaps not. That was the wrong term. The entities which make up his society can adapt to any form they choose, so when this container is opened, perhaps you are releasing more than just energy. The energy may become something else when it is released. Perhaps it is beings and it is time for them to come out. Perhaps it is time for them to put to use the knowledge that the world is ready to absorb.”

Tanner put his finger to his lips. “Enough words. Be quiet.” He made her be silent for five minutes. “No add words.”Tanner smiled at her. She gently handed the stick to him. He grabbed it from her and abruptly handed it to me. “Man to Come, You care for stick.” I smiled, pleased to have received his trust. He nodded at me and I to him.

After nodding to Candace, he withdrew.

Awed by the information she had provided, I asked Nuke, “Do you know what’s in that container?”

“I do not, but I would love to find out.”

“When we go to fetch it, we’ll need a lot of security if Candace is right about the dangers involved.”

“Then I had better be there.”