Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty One

Dark Influences

Candace said White Eagle wanted to channel and she wanted to find out why she was drawn to Mesopotamia, so we held a trance session. I prayed for protection and guidance before the induction. As soon as the count was finished, she began to gracefully move her hands and feet about as if dancing. I asked, “What do you hear?”

“So many drums.” She was delighted.

“Who do you see?”

“White Eagle and thousands of Indians as far as the eye can see on white horses. All of them are dressed in white. A couple of them are standing with White Eagle. He says they are Gray Deer and Horse that Flies.”

I asked, “Does White Eagle have words to share?”

He answered, “I, and those with me, have come to pay homage to a great man. The homage is first that we are here to support; we are here to express caring and love and loyalty to this great man, who has been so careful of our well being, and whom we trust to continue looking after our welfare in future existences in other places. Does Man Who Walks have questions?”

In a rather unfriendly tone of voice, Nuke asked, “What tribe did you belong to? When were you alive? Where did you live?”

White Eagle turned to me and asked, “Why does he

express hostility toward me?”

Nuke said, “I have no hostility. You offered to answer my requests, and I am making a request. Have I ever shown hostility toward you?”

“Yes, in our sport.”

Nuke bellowed with laughter. “Yes, and the next time we meet, I will beat you at your sport.”

White Eagle also laughed. “No doubt you will, but it will be difficult. I lived in the middle plains of your west, in the fifteenth century. My tribe was Cheyenne. We lived below the high mountains.”

“What does the future hold for my friend Counselor?”

“You should keep doing what you have already been doing together. Your future is bright. Almost all the barriers that stand in the way of your good fortune are gone. Do you have questions for White Eagle?

“I only wish to say that I am honored by your presence, and by the presence of those with you.”

“And we are honored by you.” He withdrew.

Candace was ready to go to Mesopotamia, so I said, “Seek some thought, memory, emotion, or experience that is connected with Mesopotamia and let it guide you there.”

Her face assumed a disdainful expression. She looked at her feet with disgust, and said in a masculine voice, “My feet are sandy and dusty. I am Macresh. I came here from Egypt. I am advisor to the king, which is indeed a very high position. Everyone recognizes my intelligence.”

“How did you come to be in Mesopotamia?”

“They did not appreciate my intelligence in Egypt.”

“You are perhaps a seer?”


“Perhaps a scribe?”

“I could be, but mainly I advise the king. The king

 never follows my advice, but that is acceptable, because I am very well compensated for it. Nebuchadnezzar is a bad man. He pretends to be good, but he is bad. Macresh is hated by other advisors to the king because I sport with them. I enjoy creating problems which others have to deal with. It pleases me to see my plans come to fruition while others are confounded, confused, and upset.”

He looked at Nuke and sarcastically said, “I know this one. You recognize me, don’t you?”

Leaning forward, Nuke glared at him with loathing. “Yes. I know you, time intruder.”

“I have played sport upon you in the past, have I not?”

“Yes you have, but this time I will beat you at your game. I will have sport with you. This time you will not escape, time intruder.”

“Oh, will I not? You have managed to entrap me?”

“Yes. You are unable to leave. You will not escape this time.”

He nonchalantly replied, “Indeed? Do you really wish to hold me in this dimension?”

“Not only will I hold you, I intend to dispose of you. Mother, take this spirit away and dispose of it.” Nuke shouted, “Candace!”

Looking pale and anxious, she timidly asked, “What’s wrong? What did I do?” Why are you angry with me?”

More gently, 8 said, “I’m not angry with you. What color am I wearing?”

“Greenish blue.”

Nuke leaned back with relief. “Thank heaven.”

Candace complained of feeling heavy. Nuke signaled to me to end the trance, which I did. He said, “What you are feeling is the protection I put around you the moment I heard that one’s voice. He remained in your body too long, which allowed us enough time to erect a perimeter that his spirit couldn’t penetrate and would protect you from any attempt to retaliate. That spirit has been a threat to every living system.”

Trembling, he stood up and faced me. “I have never been so terrified in my life. This spirit emerged in the first galaxy that formed out of the void when creation began over five trillion years ago. It has spread chaos wherever it has gone, and not in retaliation for being wronged; it had no parents. It is inherently chaotic. I have had many encounters with it. It was responsible for the demise of Rapsar and has spun my own craft out of control a few times. Thank you for keeping it distracted while I erected the perimeter. Mother has disposed with it.” He was still shaking.

“Did she destroy it?” He nodded. I embraced him and said, “Release your fear. Everything is alright now.”

He kneeled, looked upward, and said, “Thank you God, for allowing this to happen.” He sat down and said to Candace, “We did this work under the guidance of Breath. I was able to destroy my old nemesis, who has attempted to undermine everything I have desired to do. I need two or three drinks after that!” I knew he would never drink that much.

Alta Sha unexpectedly took his place, nodding a greeting to me. “Hello, Alta Sha. Whose intention created this negative entity?”

“I AM’s.”

“There is such a thing as perfect negativity?”

“It is like your two polarities, positive and negative, which allow your electricity to work.”.”

“Must both exist in order to have perfection?”

“Of course.”

“Are you saying that in order to grow, that which is positive must have a void to fill?”

“Yes.” He withdrew.

Nuke and Candace had a formal wedding on Orsis, which made him their king. Although he didn’t care for the title and the trappings that went with it, he gave orders to be carried out by those in service to him for the benefit of the planet and the people. However, he soon learned that Candace, responding to complaints by her subjects, had secretly nullified some of his directives, thereby pounding another nail in the coffin of their marriage.

Nuke was deeply involved in the huge project of rejuvenating Orsis when Higher Command, a step above the Board of Twelve, informed him that the resources he required were being rationed. He said, “Nothing like this has ever happened before. Something very serious must be happening. Tesar, Regenc 4 and I are taking a fleet to find out what’s going on.”

After he left Marjie said, “I have the feeling that a major war is taking place.”

A few hours later Adam said, “Our fleet encountered The Dark, which is spreading and attempting to devour new worlds. We weren’t properly equipped to deal with the full force of The Dark. Its negativity is overwhelming. It seeps into the minds of all who approach, causing them to feel worthless, useless, hopeless, and helpless. The fleet has been called back and a large contingent of Mothers has been sent to contain it. I have to go back.”

When he returned Adam was very upset and said, “Nuke’s spirit got lost in The Dark for a while and is severely damaged. Tesar’s spirit was also lost, but isn’t as badly damaged as Nuke’s. Regenc 4’s spirit was slightly injured, but he is recovering. I have recommend that 8 and Tesar be brought here so you can help them find the parts of their spirits that are missing.”

Candace was with Marjie and me when Nuke began to channel. I suggested a trance session but he answered, “I don’t want to enter a trance. I’m afraid I might not survive reliving my encounter with the Dark. I think it’s rather hopeless. You should work with Tesar for a while.”

After Tesar and I had successfully recovered his missing fragments, Nuke agreed to a session intended for healing, not regression.

He asked Candace and me to each hold one of his hands and entered a trance and weakly said, “I feel as if my soul has been shattered into bits and pieces. I think it’s impossible for me to find all these pieces and put them back together. They are too far away and too scattered. I have no energy. I feel myself draining away.”

I said, “You can find the pieces if you ask the Old One for help. Call upon the Archangels and the Hosts to help you collect the pieces in one place and put them back into your body.”

After a few seconds, his mood brightened. “I see the core of myself. It looks like a vase filled with cracks, but it’s still intact. All the pieces are in place.” Tears streamed down Marjie’s face. “I’m beginning to feel some energy now.”

“Visualize the cracks being filled with Divine Light and sealed into a seamless whole.” He nodded when it was done. I said, “The vase needs to have a flower in it.”

“Ah, yes, I see the flower it needs, it’s the one that Adam and Joshua created for Sarah that smells so bad! I never thought I would choose that one for anything, but here I am, choosing it.”

 “Wonderful, Nuke!”

“I need to rest.”

Candace seemed bored and complaining of being tired, she went back to the cottage. As soon as she left Nuke said, “I can’t be around Candace right now because she always wants something from me and I have nothing to give. I must concentrate on putting myself back together. I’m going to spend the night here, if that’s alright.”

“You’re always welcome.”

Marjie said, “I’ll turn back the bedcovers for him.” I helped. She exclaimed, “I can see him in the bed!”

The bedcovers were rumpled as if slept in next morning, although we had not gone back into his room that night. Later in the day, Nuke complained that he was tired of Candace’s constant demands for attention and wanted her to leave. In the past month or so he and I had held several powerful trance sessions with her for inner growth, but as always, their beneficial effects on her didn’t last. Eight said, “I feel it’s impossible for me to help her stay on the path of Light.”

“I think you should have a frank talk with her about the future of your relationship.”

“Alright, but I don’t want to do it alone. I’ll invite her to come over here.”

When she was questioned about her plans, Candace said, “White Eagle wants me to either stay for a few more days or to look for a job.”

Nuke replied, “If you want to stay you will have to find some way to support yourself. I saw an ad for a receptionist in a doctor’s office. You could do that.”

She said, “One of the biggest negatives against staying is that I’m not up to facing any more challenges in our relationship. It’s too traumatic to even think of having more challenges.”

Exasperated, Nuke forcefully said, “Then get your ass out of here! I’ve told you over and over I have nothing to give you at this time! All you can count on right now is to give me tolerance, generosity, and low expectations.”

“I don’t buy that! I don’t want to hear any more of that! It’s time for you to be able to give me the affection I need!” She stormed out, went to the cottage, and started packing her car. Within the hour she was gone, and I sighed with relief.

Nuke and I had done everything we could think of to rid her of negative influences and on several occasions thought we had succeeded, but Candace always allowed them to return. She had kept none of her promises to me or to Nuke. Nevertheless, the challenges Nuke had faced during their relationship had resulted in a great deal of emotional growth.