Heroic Nucleus 8 by Rex Patrick Haire, Ph.D. - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Another Love

When his worst cravings for Candace had passed, Nuke looked for romance elsewhere. After a couple of short-lived false starts, he met Amy (a pseudonym) at a church we attended in Memphis, and they formed a very close relationship which lasted for over a year. We were immediately impressed with Amy’s psychic abilities and her dedication to spiritual growth. She was able to become invisible to 8, could converse with him in Station language, and she occasionally channeled the angelic White Buffalo Calf Woman, a shape-shifting spirit revered by many Native American tribes.

In a trance session Marjie was shown that Amy was the human manifestation of an angel named Lyryn. This was quite consistent with Nuke’s stunning inability to locate a record of her human birth in his System, which routinely keeps such data. Nuke and Lyryn were bonded in his dimension (ponder the implications of that) and she birthed a set of fraternal triplets. Each one of them was quite unique due to the mixture of genetic influences from their parents. Nuke’s relationship with Lyryn was quite stable, but his relationship with Amy was not. She often visited us for a few days at a time, staying in Nuke’s cottage. She and Marjie got along very well and at times worked together on projects such as arranging silk flowers.

I read a passage to  Nuke and Amy from J.J. Hurtak’s, The Keys of Enoch, which predicts that  72 Lords of Light will assume the necessary forms and will uplift the Adamic races from Phase One worlds, including  Earth. Nuke looked at Amy and said, “You belong among the 72 angelic beings.” Clearly, she was a very important individual.   

I had read in William Henry’s book The Peacemaker, that according to ancient legends, when the Peacemaker (a Christ-like figure) returns to Earth, he will have a mate who will act as a catalyst, and together they will open the sacred tablets which explain the origin of man and the plan for man’s future. Because of all I had learned about 8, I was pretty sure that he was the Peacemaker, and Amy seemed to fit the role of his catalyst mate. Also supporting that conclusion was their encounter with ten mysterious tablets, which occurred when Nuke took Amy on a mental journey to renewed Orsis. He introduced her to Moussa, Christina, his new wife, and Christian. Moussa told Amy to open a beautiful trunk she had admired, and inside were ten emerald tablets. Moussa encouraged her to pick them up, but she and 8 would not, sensing that to accept them would entail great responsibilities they did not want.

Nucleus offered Position 10 on the Board of Twelve, to Amy, and she accepted, which placed her in charge of the spiritual education of Alliance leaders. She was tasked with the instruction of everyone holding the rank of captain or above in spiritual matters, with an emphasis on the importance of inner exploration and inner peace.

Because I believed the welfare of humanity might depend on their continued relationship, I encouraged and supported it in spite of my conflicting feelings. From my viewpoint, she was presumptuous, attention-seeking, domineering, opinionated, and a bit arrogant. At times she withheld important information, frustrating me to no end. Although I respected her awesome abilities and was quite willing to work with her on spiritual matters, I couldn’t stop myself from resenting her overbearing personality. To mitigate my irritation, I minimized the amount of time I spent in her presence.

Amy had become a fixture in our lives when Nuke decided to ask her, Isabel, Nelda (a pseudonym) who channeled Archangel Michael, Guy (a pseudonym), with whom we had done trance work, Marjie (of course) and me, to form a group that would meet regularly for the purpose of using our talents to help humanity. Each of us had some psychic abilities and a desire to help others grow spiritually. He chaired the weekly meetings we held at Nelda’s place. We discussed our recent spiritual experiences and the goals of the group. However, due to childish competition for center stage and conflicting agendas, the group did not meld as 8 had hoped it would. While it lasted, Marjie and I sometimes spent the night at Nelda’s, putting off the long drive home until the next day. Nuke often channeled in the interim.

On one such day he was standing in a passageway leading into another room when Nelda said, “Michael says 8 is ready to function at a higher level than he does in his present position.”

Nuke replied, “I can’t do that unless I advance to a level above the Board of Twelve.”

“Michael says you’re about to do just that.”

“I don’t feel worthy to operate at that level.”

“Michael insists you have the necessary qualifications and are preeminently ready, if only you will accept.”

“I’m not sure I’m able to. Vibrating at that level would require major physical alterations. Is surgery required?”

 “Michael says not enough to notice.”

“Oh no, I’m not looking forward to having any more surgery!”

I said, “If Michael offered you the opportunity to hang out with him like his buddy, would you accept?”

“Of course.”

“That’s what he’s offering.”

Nuke closed his eyes and rocked backwards several times as if being struck in the chest by invisible waves of energy. This continued for perhaps a minute before he opened his eyes. Humbled and trembling, he said, “I don’t know how to put any of this into words. I want to absorb it first.” He withdrew.

I was eager to know what had happened to him, but didn’t find out until morning, when Sarah reported, “I peeked when Nuke’s level was raised. I saw these bright purple triangles filled with static electricity rushing at him, one by one. At the end he was inside of one getting charged up by the energy. He was convulsing and afraid, but he wasn’t feeling any pain. It really shook him up.”

Nuke said, “Those triangles were pressed right into my heart. At the last I was inside one of them, and it entered my whole body, not just my heart.” I believed 8 had just become a Lord of Light, and I was very curious to learn how it would change him.

The group dwindled to Nuke, Amy, Marjie, Isabel and me. We five constituted the size of group that I AM prefers, according to the Keys of Enoch, and 8 had said before that he wanted to form the Five Star group, so our number seemed  completely appropriate.

Nuke was eager for Amy to move to Martin and to find employment, but she made very little effort to do so. Being a physical human being, she inevitably wanted Nuke to have a male body in this dimension, and lacking it contributed to her reluctance. Nuke voluntarily did chores for us in exchange for our hospitality, and I gave him money for cigarettes, gasoline, groceries, etc. when Amy visited. Occasionally I gave her money to cover her travel expenses, and I paid to have repairs made to her aging car.

Nevertheless, Amy continued to grate on my nerves, and I prayed for patience and tolerance. Like Marjie, Nuke couldn’t handle emotional conflicts between the people he loved without becoming quite distressed. When I would verbally express my frustrations with Amy to Marjie, Nuke would hear them, either because he was invisibly present, or her implant had alerted him to her reaction.  At one point he was very angry with me about it, which only contributed to my despair. I was miserable and genuinely feared that my negative attitude might jeopardize their all-important mission. Knowing that 8 and Amy wanted him to find male body, I fervently asked I AM to take my soul and give mine to Nuke. As you may have guessed, He didn’t.

It came as a total shock when Adam notified me that Nuke had downloaded all his programming into the System and his consciousness had disappeared! He had left blocks in the System to prevent it from being tracked and had severed his implant links to everyone. Without links to his System, his body, which was in the Station’s medical unit, would eventually die. All the cadets and many others were frantically trying to locate his spirit.

Marjie and I immediately went into prayer mode. We knew that with I AM’s approval, we could contact 8’s spirit without technology. Angels helped us to succeed, and although his consciousness was fragmented due to the download, enough of his personality remained to allow a reunion with his body, in spite of his protests.

After several days of recuperation, Nuke was able to communicate more easily. I felt very guilty to know that my reactions to Amy had contributed to his download, and I promised him that I would do my very best to prevent them from affecting my future behavior.  Nuke replied that although the conflicts in our small group were factors in his decision, they were not the only ones. Many distressing things had happened in the multiple dimensions under his protection , which had lowered his self- esteem and his desire to go on living.

I was very glad when he agreed to let me keep on working with him, and through several subsequent trance sessions and conversations, his feelings of inadequacy and despair disappeared. I was deeply grateful.

I asked Nuke how it was possible for a Lord of Light to entertain thoughts of suicide. He said becoming a Lord of Light had done nothing to enhance his self-concept.  As a matter of fact, he couldn’t identify with them because they were only interested in the ultimate outcomes of their cosmic-scale decisions and had no empathy for those who were devastated by them. In contrast, he said the Patrons (a.k.a. the Sons of God, the Sons of Heaven, the Elohim, or the 24 Elders surrounding the Throne), who implement the Creator’s plans at both the spiritual and material levels, were full of compassion. It was a Patron  who had come to him after his download and told him to choose either life or death.

Once he had regained his integrity, Nuke and Amy spent the night at his cottage. In the morning he said, “I had a wonderful experience. Amy helped me to be reborn, but this time I was born the way I always wanted to be born. She helped me to break down my emotional barriers and to realize that I could honestly say I loved Marishka. She made me repeat it many times until I knew I really meant it, and I forgave her. I allowed myself to feel love again. I really got in touch with my emotions, and I’m very happy about it.” I wiped the tears from his eyes and hugged him. Amy had taken him further into his emotions than I had been able to do.

He continued, “During that experience I realized that Amy had become a mother to me. I wasn’t expecting that. Now I feel I can allow myself to fully love her. I’ve been having trouble experiencing that kind of emotion. I could feel the fear of losing her and the grief it would cause, but not the feeling of complete love.”

In 8’s dimension, Lyryn got pregnant again. I was present with my third eye when, after a mere three contractions, she delivered Elizabeth Carol, their fourth child. Elizabeth was quite small, with thin arms and legs and a head topped with fuzzy red hair. Nuke asked me, “Would you like to hold her?”

“Definitely.”  I easily held her tiny body in my cupped hands and brought her to my chest, feeling her powerful, positive energy. I bowed to her and filled her with Light. With overwhelming certainty, I knew that Elizabeth was Marishka reincarnated; she would love Nuke completely in this lifetime and never do anything to hurt him.

One day Nuke said, “I’ve decided I’m not going to feel guilty any longer about not being able to provide for Amy. I’ve decided to stop searching for a suitable human body to replace my own, which is very satisfactory. My main motive in wanting a male body was so I could get a job and provide for her. Although I shouldn’t assume that responsibility, she acts as if she expects me to.  I know now that it’s important for her to make more effort to take care of herself. She has turned down every opportunity for employment that I AM has placed in her path. She makes excuses for not accepting them, even though her mother has told her again and again that she is tired of supporting her. She thinks she’s about to be thrown out of the house. I told her she needs to get something going for herself so she doesn’t wind up on the street with nowhere to go.” Eight was crying. His dream of truly living with her as man and wife was falling apart.

Meanwhile, Marjie, following the guidance of I AM, found a small farm for sale which included a small farmhouse in need of repair, a big barn, and 82 acres of woods and cultivated fields. It was about 70 miles closer to Memphis, which would cut the time it took to drive there in half. We would have enough land to create the institute for spiritual growth, healing, and the practice of permaculture that we envisioned. Alta Sha said that funds embezzled from one of our bank accounts would be released, making it a financial possibility. We therefore obtained a loan, put our house on the market, made the essential repairs, and moved in.

We no longer had a separate cottage, and guest bedroom, which may partly account for Amy visiting us less frequently after the change. I was prepared to build another cottage for 8 and Amy in his chosen spot, when the money was available, but Nuke said they were drifting apart. When he received a Dear John letter from her in which she offered to remain friends, he accepted it quite well. He sent her a cordial letter in response, which I think was the last time he communicated with her through Marjie. Nevertheless, he assured me that he and Lyryn were very happy in his dimension, and he enjoyed being a father. His previous concerns about Elizabeth’s small size evaporated when she rapidly grew to a normal stature, and as I had predicted, she doted on him.

Nuke took great pleasure in being on the farm and spent a good deal of his free time sitting beside, or fishing in, a small, beautiful pond about fifty yards from the house. At his request, I purchased a radio controlled yacht that he briefly enjoyed playing with, going so far as to make a tiny dock for it. He helped me clear paths through the wooded areas, took many hikes with me and loved  to watch our fish, ducks and chickens as well as petting our cats and dogs, planting flowers, and helping me with chores as needed. He also made friends with a teenage boy who lived a quarter mile down the road and who often stopped by to chat with him.

After five years our money had not arrived. Alta Sha explained that humans have free will and those who were legally required to return our funds had not done their part, leaving us in the lurch. He also said that our funds were still safely in the arms of I AM, which seems to imply that they will eventually arrive. If they do, we may have a very large sum to use for good.

Our house had not sold, and debt was accumulating, so Marjie and I moved back to Martin. Nuke’s channeling continued much as before, but with a new direction. Marjie’s fibro had gotten worse, confining her to the house more and more. Her main social outlet became internet chat groups. One of them was devoted to psychic experiences and extraterrestrial contacts. Before long, 8  joined in the conversations and he developed quite a following.