Hologram Experiences for Energy Beings by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Harmonizing Energy


The consideration is that all beings are accomplishing some specific task or process in every specific moment; no matter what they believe or feel to be true at that time.  While they are all doing something, it is not a universal method to balance this energy in any particular way.  Rather than give specific physical action many will begin a more peaceful environment, indirectly, when they view each action as if they were involved in it, but as a third party.

It is not necessary to engage in so many activities.  It is often necessary to engage in peaceful protests when other methods of communication do not present hopeful or worthwhile outcomes. 

The nature of the community is that there will always be some discourse, but it is not to be met with more discourse.  A great deal of chaos, confusion and disharmony is currently met with more of the same energy.  To use the example of some of the riots and anger regarding the police; often there is not a singular reason that these acts have been carried out, the shootings, there are many reasons.

What these serve to show and illustrate for many is the disconnection between those who operate governments and their citizens.  There is not a universal response.  Violence cannot be met with violence.  That is to say, there should not be offensive violence, and truly, there should be no defensive violence.

Some would say that your army should be used to protect your soil, and that you should only respond when provoked.  While this may be a seemingly better form of violence, it is still violence.  The phrase that works so well is that someone must be the more mature and responsible one of the two children fighting.

If you are being met with fists, weapons, hate and even hurtful words which could spark controversy, it is not necessary to turn the other cheek, nor is it necessary to return fire physically, mentally or verbally.  It is time to take a stand and realize that if those actions are being perpetuated, there is one aspect that is missing.  It is not a cheesy love song or about giving flowers to everyone, but the mutual respect, understanding and love for humanity is missing.

By your growth and development charts created by physicians it is important for a child to be nurtured and cared for in many stages of life throughout their young years.  Love, caring and understanding should not stop and start at points in life, but these are not for some beings.

Some beings will need to experience this through others or received from others at many later stages of life.  Even by your own science and understanding of human development you can see where most problems begin.  Why then do you not correct them?  Why not then address them?

Most often in these events that make headlines it is important to look beyond the specific event.  The specific event; the shooting, the trial, the riots that follow, we need to look beyond that cause.  The cause will never be the same no matter what city or country these events unfold.

The event is just a starter, a catalyst, a tiny break in the dam that allows for these energies or imbalances to come forward.  Please do not read this as though there is some imbalance-physically, mentally, energetically or otherwise-with those who commit these acts or those who become concerned with them.

These same things unfold in everyone’s life but only on different scales.  What the violent homicidal maniac needs, so does the quiet minister (please note we use these terms for illustration only, they are mankind’s definitions so we use them so others understand); all life is the same and not different. 

Realize that not just the military but law enforcement and criminal systems should be reformed.  There were so many who wanted to use prison and jail as a form of rehabilitation.  How much rehabilitation takes place globally?  How much takes place only in your specific location?  How much rehabilitation takes place for someone who enters that system for a short or extended period of days?

Please consider a very simple idea; when walking, do you always wait for the crosswalk signal?  Do you always cross at the signal or at the corner?  Many would say no.  It is often not practical or necessary to do so, but in most locations, it is a physical law that you do such a thing.

If every instance of your violation you were made to sit in a corner wearing a tall dunce hat, would it reform you?  Consider the number of times you have violated this law; would it have reformed you to sit, as a child or grown adult, in a corner, nose to the wall?  Your prisons work much in the same way.

Often it is necessary for a person to have an immediate break from the events.  Remove the person from the highly-scrambled energy; remove them from the emotion of the scene, the chaos and the calamity.  If your police could do this to allow beings to calm themselves and regain clarity of a situation, even to regain only their level of clarity, not necessarily some higher vision or interpretation of the events, this could begin to correct an imbalance.

There are many things about your human systems that do not help, they persecute and traumatize on many levels.  Humans, in the physical world, many of you are exceptional at punishing yourselves in your own mind.  To be viewed as a less-than-equal human by others does not assist you. 

If you are arrested, how many on your plane view your process?  You would encounter many in the law enforcement community, many in the prison and then the impact on anyone you know as this who process disrupts your life track.  Understand that many need a disruption from their current plan, that is to say, what they view as their life plan, but there needs to be more attempts to allow an individual to become improved, not rehabilitated and improved to some ill-created form of normal society; society is not normal.  Remove ‘normal’ from your vocabulary for describing people.

Consider crossing the street, we will use this scenario again to illustrate the lack of growth in your system, which treats everyone the same even though your courts want to claim that they have the ability to choose and hand out the most correct form of punishment.  The importance of crossing a street safely is important to understand, but any law does not allow for the various types of people and circumstances that exist on the earth.

A child may need this instruction more than an adult; both of them need different instruction if they live in an area with very small populations compared to a large metropolis.

There is no variance for your laws that allows for an individual to decide for themselves what they wish to do, or for the individual to take responsibility for their own actions.  Nowhere is there an exception that allows an individual to say, “I understand the risk that may or may not be present, I am not interfering in the life of another, I will do as I wish.” (This is very general, do not apply this reference to other areas of your life because there will often be times that it appears as though you are interrupting the life of another or clashing with two distinct viewpoints).

Your laws are cut and dry; there is no room for error.  There was once a little effort in this direction and this is why it is important to not view previous times in your human existence as though they were backward and idiotic.  Lacking electricity by your current conventional means does not mean that they were less-than-equal.

Consider times when there were opportunities for the accused person to explain to citizens in the street why they shot a person.  This could be justified by your standards and an instant resolution reached.  If society agreed it was acceptable, it was acceptable.  While this idea might seem outlandish it does allow for more variations in punishment and more opportunities for leveraging various outcomes.

Presently there are many punishments that are mandatory; they are required no matter the circumstances they are punished to the same degree.  As humans, you understand that each situation can be unique, but some are less apt to apply this thinking when it is to a group, class, or population different in some way. 

It is important that there be allowances and the understanding that there is a lack of kindness, caring, and genuine concern.  Many times, an act is completed and the police become involved, but there is no caring.  They are processing various actions based on a set of standards and rules for what is considered normal and acceptable.  They process criminals, they are jailed, and the law enforcement person returns to the street to continue their shift.

Expression of energy must be allowed.  Using recent events such as riots and shootings, we are addressing the lack of concern, though concern should not be had simply because you don’t want violence.  The kindness and concern you have for those closest to you should also be shared with those who are strangers to you; those who seem the most different.  It should not be forced upon anyone to conform to any specific standard.

Stop the definition of ‘normal’ and there would be a simpler way to identify energy imbalances.  Two humans from opposing walks of life can still enjoy a conversation when they realize that whatever each does in their own life does not impact the outcome of the other.

We are all energy and this is true, but first it will be important for individuals to identify themselves as those who are interfering, who are meddling in the affairs of others.  Currently there is a greater number of people who could be happy and at peace if they only realized that much of what is happening in the world is created for show, or created to keep a large number in hysterics.

All walks of life can coexist, but humanity has exceptional skills for allowing a small population to constantly list differences; differences that do not matter.  If one man sacrifices a bird because of personal beliefs that does not mean another man is held in higher esteem because he kneels to pray before a different symbol.  One is not a heretic because he renounces another and chooses the other. 

Humans have the ability to be fluid in their thinking.  You do this as you turn from children into adults.  You change views; you can do this with all things.  You change your mind today and move from a small hut into a busy city, you can move from a busy city to a jungle.  Anything is possible.  Stop judging and defining all things as though they are constants, they are not.  It is not your responsibility to punish others, you should work to heal them and allow them to understand themselves and their situation.  Actual rehabilitation, actual kindness and concern; not constant bombings, not constant force and violence.

A hero is not born simply to intervene in what appears to be mistakes in the lives of others.  What you stop today will simply find another way to occur if it is meant for that being to experience.  So, you should find a way to address those who are in what you call a crisis or those who feel they are not being given a voice.

Keep in mind that some will always have a reason to complain, no matter if it is through a riot or police shooting or because they were not given an extra five minutes for a lunch break in the work place.  Some will become angry over the color of shoes and some will become angry because they cannot travel to the moon.

It is your response to these things as a group of beings that will determine peace.  Causing more disruption when there is already perceived disruption in a person's life will not cause peace and healing.  A person must be given a voice; a person must be given the opportunity to live in their chosen life without definitions applied from others.

Extremes are present when the most modest of methods is not gratifying.  A person screams louder until they are heard.  Your governments should support peace and helpful methods, not violence born out of fear.

Where does the time go?  When you punish people, no matter their walk of life, where does the time go?  Unfortunately, there are many who are kept prisoner that serve the purpose of their captors, even if this is the state, or private entity maintaining the prison.

There is a great deal of slave owners in your present day, but instead of chains they are using financial power over those living in your existence.  This too is true for those who are in most criminal justice systems in America.  Citizens who may be rehabilitated are corrupted by the corrupt overseers of these institutions.

In addition to the problems we have mentioned it is important that it is not only the 'criminals' (your label) who are experiencing an imbalance of energy; there is a great deal of those too who are experiencing an imbalance of energy.  There is a great deal of those too who are not critically evaluating their decisions. 

Criminals and criminal justice system employees are simply 'doing as they're told' or otherwise perpetuating old methods for punishment because that is what has always been done.  Many do not address this because it is not for their primary purpose, though this is what they believe; it is the purpose of all beings to assist others in raising their methods and ways.

All people should be concerned with the treatment of all people.  When one suffers, all suffer.  Many do not want to see, know about, or otherwise be educated on the 'justice' system or prisons.  Those who enter this system because they violated rules have been labeled and that is all society cares for.  Much of this system is born out of fear.  It is fear that perpetuates tall walls, locks on gates, death sentences, and the 'eye for an eye' mentality.

Your world can move beyond these ways of thinking.  Understand, all that we have said are just illustrations for the energy that is on your planet.  It will manifest in prisons and the labeling and the definitions and the need of society to label and correct all things and people to make them 'normal.'  But all of these are just the manifestations of the energy into the system which is present.

Perhaps if your world was different it would manifest in ways suitable to that system.  Think of this energy manifesting in the system in many ways to help those understand.  If the system is a lake, the energy could be a bubble of air uncovered on the bottom.  Eventually the energy is apparent because it rises to the surface.  The system could be a brick wall, the sun and earth elements can break away the wall or the 'system' to reveal what is behind it, the energy.  In this we do not mean 'system' in some sort of satanic cult or some otherworldly government that controls the populace from the shadows.

All men can live in hate, but it is the love and understanding of the mature and advanced sibling or equal that allows for peace and understanding to grow from the smallest seed.  Often force is met by force.  Protect yourself if you feel the need to, but in many cases, it is not necessary to react with violence.

In a physical fight between two people of equal size one person can attack the other.  The one being attacked can protect or leave, or stop the situation physically without inflecting harm on the other.  It is not passive or a waste or a weaker influence to refrain from violence.

Many can come to this way of thinking shortly.  It is not a detriment to society; it may be a detriment to the ego to find an alternate method of dealing with conflict.  So much of the ego drives the violence and retaliation, but does that create a peaceful result?  No, in all senses, no matter the system; a war or fight between two people, when the battle is fought, all who took part can be injured on many levels.

Shootings, these are only slightly different in the nature of their attacking is not isolated.  The hate that one creates is often indirectly related to their surroundings.  What is different about these individuals is that they were not previously thought to be able to carry out attacks in your country.  Even in the individuals that are from your country, the shock value is not necessarily accurate because of your media.

There are many lessons but again, this is the same energy manifesting itself in the system that is present.  Such as with prisons and the criminal justice system, it is important that energy be expressed.  Hate ignored because governments refuse to treat all individuals equally causes hate and contempt.

Often, unfortunately for some, the energy expressed is not energy they were aware of.  Much energy now is because many turned blind eyes to the acts of their government.  They believe there is nothing that they can do about the actions of politicians or that the system will correct itself.

Listen to this, if all contribute one drop of water you will fill the oceans many times over.  Live with critical evaluation, we do not mean negatively, we do not mean be critical in the sense of some coworker you despise irritating you throughout your shift, we mean evaluate, do not passively agree with everything that is around you.  No change will come if the same acts are being repeated without any regard for their usefulness. 

Because so many live life with blinders on they do not see that change is necessary and their neglect for their own government is to blame.  They instead, will see enemy and live in fear because they do not understand from where the enemy is coming.  In a way, this is somewhat understood with the example of 'karma' or 'yin & yang.'

 Everything must be balanced; because you walk away from the bathtub does not mean it will not overflow.  Choosing to ignore something does not cause it to disappear.  There is much in existence that many beings do not examine or involve themselves in.  Many are concerned only with their small window of experience, much of this view should be grown and a much wider lens used on the camera.

View all of society; change any institution, abolish an institution.  The current 'success' of any institution is only because many people care little for the things that do not directly impact them or because they feel they have no power.  This does not mean you have to take action in all arenas, perform and do what you are called or compelled to.  Do not live passively in this world.

All violent acts can be narrowed down, as most actions, to cause and effect.  When one domino topples so will the next and so on.  If you turn on a switch the light bulb activates.  If someone is angry, if ignored, it must be expressed somewhere and allowed to vent.  This is very much like compressed gas in a cylinder.  It can be released slowly but if the pressure inside the tank cannot be relieved, if it keeps growing, the tank will rupture, violently exploding.

Lazy people that live off the system, people who live in ways different from yours; these two types of people are only two of the ways in which humans seek out to define 'us' from 'them.'  It is unnecessary.  Worry less about those people.  Imagine life in a vacuum where you have no one to compare yourself to.  This can be a difficult exercise if someone has only ever maintained ideas and thought processes that have been shown to them throughout their own life.

It is important to evaluate certain aspects of life as though you are in a vacuum, you are all related, this is true, but if you were alone in this vacuum you would not have others telling you how to think, who to fear, what to wear, where to work, or any other manner of 'living.'  We say living this way, because, is that truly living; constantly existing in the shadows of thought from others?