How to Have Your Better Life by Bob Brown - HTML preview

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22.  Attracting The Life That You Want

You now know and understand that how you think controls how you feel, and how you feel affects how you see the world both moment by moment and overall. You know that you create your life with your thoughts. As this book is hopefully demonstrating the causes of unhappiness arise in the mind and the solutions are also to be found in the mind. You now understand that happiness and unhappiness are due to your own thoughts and the way you think about situations and events. You are able to change your thoughts to a positive attitude about all the many good aspects of living and your life. If  life’s situations are not the way you want them, you can work to change them without frustration, without anger, and without letting them disturb your peace of mind. Your new attitude is to work steadily to change things which are not the way you would like them to be but with a calm and peaceful mind.

Life can and should be fun, every moment can be a joy, and it really does depend on you because only you and you alone can allow thoughts to live in your mind. And how you think determines how you feel. And how you feel influences the world around you and the life that you experience. You now have the resolve and ability to choose your thoughts with awareness of their power. You can choose to allow only positive, beneficial and helpful thoughts to be in your mind. I hope that by now you understand how important it is to choose every thought with care because the thoughts you feed your mind with, the attitudes, views and beliefs you accept, inevitably become your own living reality. How you choose to think today influences your tomorrows. When you e.g. forgive people for what has happened in the past, or when you stop regretting events in your past, you don't change the past-you change your future.

Once your conscious mind has resolved to stop dwelling on what you were perceiving to be problems, and instead made the positive decision about the direction you want your life to go in, then your subconscious mind can arrange for you to achieve the life that you desire.

The way to attract the things you desire is to adopt the feelings that you would have when you have already attained them. For example the way to have the friendships in your life that you desire is to think and feel like you already have those friendships rather than feeling unpopular, lonely and unloved. The way to have the wealth that you desire is to think and feel like you already have enough money and possessions rather than feeling life is unfair, and that you are denied and poor. You can see from these two examples that the solution is always the opposite to dwelling on the problem.

In contrast by allowing yourself to be focussed on your perceived problems – the things in your life that you think are not as they should be, or as you wish them to be-  you drag  your problems into the future with you where they  automatically attract more of the same feelings about other situations and events. It is these negative thoughts which provide the negative energy that feeds your problems and keeps them alive.

You should here and now resolve to just relax and switch to seeing the good things in each situation, event and moment. Focus your energy on how you want things to be rather than how you do not want them to be. Once you withdraw all your negative thought energy from the problems it clears the way to attracting the solutions and the life that you want. Your subconscious mind can then move forward free from the self limiting influences of your past.