More Annoying Dead People (Book#2) by Evelyn Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


     A friend of mine, Drago Moffit, who I met at a local psychic fair does spiritual healing.  His technique involves hands-on-healing, and crystals to balance the energy as it pertains to the mind-body-soul aspect of the whole human individual.

     Drago had called me a few days ago about getting a reading.  Exchanging the usual pleasantries, I welcomed him with a hug, and we settled down in my living room.

     “Well, what would you like to ask Alexander?”

     “I have been having trouble with my gallbladder, I have what the doctor calls ‘chronic cholecystitis’ and he is recommending I have a surgery called ‘cholecystectomy’ to remove my gallbladder altogether.  I thought it wouldn’t hurt to get some spiritual insight from your guide about my gallbladder condition and any spiritual implications from having it cut out.”

     “Well, let’s see what he has to say.  He’s telling me the gallbladder is, in a sense, the area where outside information is stored inside the body.

     Not in terms that the brain contains the body’s information, but in a sense that the knowledge that you experience, and feel is stored there.  Your emotions regarding that which occurs outside of you.  There can be anger here, there can be resentment, being ignored, being invalid, not being suitable, not being thought good enough for a particular endeavor or function. 

     Alexander says there is an absence within the self, within the true being, that humankind continue to ignore this area.  They continue to fill their lives with activities which do not serve their highest good, but they are pushed into them because they believe, by their upbringing, by the social programming in which they've been involved, that it is necessary for them to engage in these things.

    He says this is not a veiled message to you by not giving you the activities or mindsets which they fill their time, it appears this way because there is no universal activity or thought which causes it.  For different beings the problems that cause this suffering will come in various forms, but the cause and its manifestation are all from the same root and is why the problem resides itself to the gallbladder.

     Alexander says it is not necessary to remove it in any case.  There will be some trauma in a life that may require certain areas to be removed because your current science and medicine do not recognize the body as the greatest and truest healer imaginable.  They also do not recognize other areas of science and medicine which can aid the recruitment of other cells in the body in order to regenerate and heal certain areas of the body.

    He says it is, again, not to shield you from this opportunity by not sharing it with you, but it must come from many individuals within this area of study before it will be widely accepted.  It is also important for those who undergo these procedures, which are only necessary by current standards, in order to gain understanding of the impact they have on the body and the alternatives that are possible when another method is sought.

     At no time during an aggravating illness is it necessary to remove from your body that which comes to it by way of birth.  There are methods for removing tumors, you can be considered not born with these.  It is not necessary to remove these growths also.  What should be understood is that anything that occurs within the body is able to be repaired, remedied, healed, or manifested in another way by the mind, by the mind of many, by the use of diet as prevention and as cure.

     Alexander says there are many aspects and elements on your world that can cure and reverse aliments which are considered fatal once contracted.  It is not a method for you to understand all things on earth, but to understand that which plagues your body is by your cause and can also be remedied by your hand and mind.

     The source of energy required to heal a mind or body is not to be done by one doctor in a lab coat prescribing various medications.  The greatest doctor, medicine man, and healer reside within your mind, but the addition of the community, the addition of friends, neighbors, and relatives, can aid an individual who has ignored an injury, malady, or some imbalance long enough that it is not intruding dangerously into their life.

     He says it is important to understand that the mind of one, the mind of a few, the mind of many can also impact the mind and body of one.  You can aid and repair on behalf of an injured individual.  Understand that if the being does not want the energy, the repair, they will not accept it, no matter if they are conscious or unconscious by your medical standards.

     Ignoring the self, this is the typical answer for problems.  It is not typical because we relay it to you often but in various forms this is what causes physical ailments and injuries for individuals.

     It is more common now to practice surgery and the removal of organs which seem unimportant to the method of living in your world.  Surgery was never available and then became more available, and now it is considered less invasive to remove an organ than it is to cure the mindset of an individual with positive and uplifting words and energy.

     Alexander says it is a quick repair for many and it is popularized by the practitioners in the field, and then doubled by those who have had the procedure.  What only a few are realizing is the inability of the body to regain its full operation and function in certain areas when they are ignored after a surgery; all surgery is invasive.  

     All surgery upsets balance and requires direction of healing activities.  There is no healing method within surgery, surgery itself is an additional injury to the body.  Trauma can be reversed but often trauma can be performed without additional harm to the body to correct it, or that the trauma has already created access for a repair.  Even those with closed skin can be repaired by alternative means and measures. 

     Alexander says corrections can take place to the body without further harming your operation and function.  There are practices that will come to many, which can heal and repair many traumatic and ongoing ailments without needing entry into the body to repair them, and with little more than energy direction and diet.

     Exterior methods are slowly becoming available to the earth.  It will be difficult to bring them to areas in which the regulated medical practice holds such a strong grip on the lives of human beings.

     For those who have had surgery of any kind, it is not reason to fear or worry that you will not live at optimum health.  It is, however, important to understand that an organ becomes diseased or imbalanced because of what negative energy, by mind or by diet, have impacted the organ. 

     Simply because you remove the collection point of your pain and suffering, does not mean that you are removing the source, you are not removing the true cause.  If, for example, you had pain in your finger, you would not remove the finger, you would remove the weight which has been dropped on your finger and you would remove the hazard or element which currently causes a weight to be dropped onto your finger.

    He says it is this healing process, the progression to the true source and nature and beyond, which will lead many to be repaired.

If you have had a surgery understand that this area that is now changed or removed will slowly return to the same imbalanced way of existence, or it will present in new areas of the body unless you change your mind, thoughts, expression and intake of energy, your diet; the source that caused the malady originally will need to be corrected.

     For many, there will be ignorance on this part because the surgery may bring indescribable relief in comparison to the suffering they had undergone.  Some will experience the change in other areas and will not have future instances because they have corrected the imbalance, for others, it will become an ongoing problem, often in this lifetime, but can lead to eventual presentation of energy imbalance in other lifetimes.

     Alexander says focus on your ability to heal yourself.  Do not examine yourself by comparing any aspect of your nature to that of another being. You are not capable of being compared to another being.  You are too unique, each of you, to be categorized and compared, and treated, medically or otherwise, as a mass of beings that may or may not have a problem similar to another individual.

     You can seek advice, you can see that others with similar problems have found remedies, but remember, it is the mind.  You can take several medications which may help you or may unknowingly cause greater imbalance, but it is the mind, that which you do not see readily in other people, that is the source of change.

     Address the aspects within yourself which you currently hide from others.  Address that which makes you feel inferior.  Acknowledge the existence of these elements.  Do not fear showing your flaws or shortcomings into the nature of existence.

     It is these things, the things that you call imperfections, it is what makes you unique.  It is by addressing them that you grow and learn and take more from your experience here in this lifetime.”

     “My dear Evelyn, it would seem I have a choice to make.  I shall think profoundly on what your guide has said.  Go with god little one.” He said heading for the door.

     “Thank you, may god’s blessings go with you.”

     Four months later I met up with Drago at another psychic fair.  I asked what he had decided to do concerning his gallbladder.  He gave me a sheepish grin as he lowered his head and said he chose the easy way; that of surgery.

     I told him not to feel upset with himself, for we all have free will and can choose what we think is best for ourselves.