More Annoying Dead People (Book#2) by Evelyn Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter Five


     Once again, my friend, Winston Thomas who is a trance medium invited me over for another séance.  This time I asked some of my long-standing clients to come along.  This was held in his basement.  We were given the option of receiving a 'Past Life' reading or a 'Future Life' reading.  Winston's spirit guide who will be speaking through him is known as Dr. George Wilson.

Dr. Wilson:  Yes, this is Dr. George Wilson.  I am the spirit companion or what some my term guardian angel or control for this instrument.  Greetings and salutations to this wonderful assemblage here tonight.  It is my understanding that some may be interested in past or future life readings.  I have searched through the records of those who are present here tonight.

     At this time, I wish to give you each a choice, and I want you to simply see before you two doors.  The door on the left will be the door to a past life.  The door on your right will be the door that opens to your next human existence in the earth plane.  I will give you your choice of choosing whether you wish to have discussed a past life or the life that you will live the next time you incarnate into the physical body of a human. 

     With that being said, are there any questions before we begin?

Group: “No.”

Dr. Wilson:  Alright, let me say there is a spiritual law that covers what can and cannot be brought forth.  This pertains mainly to the timeline of a ‘future life’ reading.  So, for example, if I were to say in the year 2040 you were going to be born, then when you reach a certain age in your present life, you may say, 'I've got to die in order to get over there in time to get everything ready for my next life.'

     So, I will not give you certain dates when it concerns a ‘future life’ reading.  I do not wish it to be in your subconscious mind.  Everyone understands if you pick the door to your right, I will withhold the date because your subconscious mind will cause you unease and anxiety and a lot of needless effort in thought.

     Yet, I will tell you that being in your subconscious mind, any information that is given to you while in the human form will be most challenging to erase after you have been reincarnated.  That means you will remember what is said tonight during that ‘future life.’ 

     Now, for those who choose the ‘past life’ reading, dates will be given for the most part.

     Does everyone understand?

Group: “Yes.”

Dr. Wilson:  Now, all the information given tonight will come from the Akashic Records.  It might be called the Higher Hall of Records.  It has many names, or it means many different things to many different people.  It is the Higher Hall of Akashic Records when the future life is researched.

     This is Dr. George Wilson; I will be working tonight, please feel free to ask questions at any time.  Shall we begin with you Evelyn?

Evelyn:  Oh yes, please do.

Dr. Wilson:  Which door do you wish to open?

Evelyn:  The left one please.

Dr. Wilson:  Now then, you have had many lifetimes, so I simply chose this one at random.  Your incarnation into this world was in the eastern region of what today is called Mongolia.  It was during the time when Genghis Khan was the Emperor of the Mongol Empire.

     You were one of his many daughters; born to one of his many concubines.  Your mother was taken from her village that had been conquered by Genghis Khan’s army.  Your mother spent only one night with the Great Khan, against her will, and you were your mother’s only child conceived from that union.

     You were born in 1218, during the early spring.  Your name was Lisui, and you had dark hair and eyes; you had your mothers features which she inherited from her southern Chinese lineage.  You stood less than five feet yet had a strong constitution as your life was very hard for one such as you.  Many of the women of your village looked down upon you and your mother as they felt your mother should have committed suicide after being defiled by what they felt was an infidel.

     Because of your mother’s reputation in the village there could be no arranged marriage for you.  All you knew was hardship as you and your mother did your best to endure.  Some relatives who lived in another village did help with food and clothing at times.

     Your mother succumbed to death at the age of thirty-seven, which was a normal lifespan for lesser women of privilege of that time and place.  You died at the age of seventeen; you can add that to your birth year to find the year of your passing.

Evelyn:  Why did I die so young, was I murdered?

Dr. Wilson:  Not murder, it was late summer, and you had walked over to a nearby village seeking work.  Two drunken male villagers had come upon you on the roadway and were seeking to extract some sort of sexual favor from you.  You bolted and ran quickly to the village.  Due to their state of drunkenness, the men were not able to pursue you. 

     There was a covered horse enclosure and you dropped down behind it to conceal yourself as you were unaware that they were not searching for you. 

     Darkness came while you hid and rested; you suddenly felt a stinging pain to your right hand, it spooked you and you fled heading back to your village.  Observing the small wound later your mother simply applied a mixture of mud and herbal roots and gave it no more thought.

     The rodent that bit you did indeed have the rabies virus.  It was transferred to you through its saliva.  No symptoms appeared for thirteen days, yet on the fourteenth the symptoms began and five days later you crossed over after suffering what today would be called a severe convulsive seizure.  

     Do you have any other questions?

Evelyn:  That was a pretty short lifetime.  I lived only seventeen years.

Dr. Wilson:  Yes, you yourself chose that harsh lifetime based partly on the length of time.  In the prior life before this one we are speaking of, you failed to achieve a lesson from that prior life, so, you wanted to return quickly and achieve this one experience before moving on to another full lifetime venture you see.

     The failure of the lesson came about from another individual whose free will interfered with your life path which was not programmed to occur.  So, you were granted from a higher group of beings the right to return as you did.

     This was a very fast turnaround time for you.  Most energy beings, or souls if you prefer, do not reincarnate again until they have spent some time in the Unseen World; reviewing and studying the life they just experienced and also preparing for their next embodiment.

     As there is no time or space in the Unseen World as you experience it here on earth, let me give you an example.  In earth time, the average time you would spend back in your true home dimension would be somewhere between 400 and 1500 years before incarnating into the earth plane once more; some do not return for several thousand years.  You, my dear Evelyn, were given permission to reincarnate within a 44-year period, and you did achieve your return goal of a specific experience.

     I do not wish to rush you, but there are others eagerly awaiting their turn dear one.

Evelyn:  Oh, yes, thank you very much.

Dr. Wilson:  Who would like to go next?

Austin:  I’m ready.

Dr. Wilson:  Very good, and which door do you wish to open?

Austin:  I’d like a future life reading.

Dr. Wilson:  Yes, the door to the right.  Now, I have what I call my basic speech for future life readings.  Some here tonight have already heard this, so, I will repeat it again for those who are new to this type of séance.             

      In your future life, the life that is already planned, the life that has been laid out, the life that you are working towards now; that you are obtaining knowledge and information and being guided towards. I shall explain for those who wish this knowledge. 

     Your Soul or Spirit, whatever word you desire to use is simply made up of intelligent energy; the essence of this energy is a part of that which many call God or Creator or ‘Source of all Life.’

     As an energy being, you are part of God, you are not male or female but may then choose to be either when you incarnate into this physical plane where you must take on the mantle of male or female.  Your race, your nationality, your parents, to be rich or poor and much more are chosen by you before your birth into this world.  That is the basic pattern used.

     I would like to explain how it is arrived at a future existence, and it is the future life as programmed, so to speak, from your past experience.  In many past lives you're being guided in a direction to be of future service in a coming life or experience.  It is basically the same life; you are the same being, same soul.

     So, let us begin.  I will turn the page of the book and I will start with the very beginning of the time of birth, not the year.

     You will be born at 4:57 in the afternoon and it will be on a Tuesday.  Your family name will be Tobalatsi, and your first name will be Jylua.  Your father’s name will be Vujsc, and your mother’s name will be Panlela.

     You will be of the female sex, and you will have a twin sister named Kylia.  Your family linage will be that of South American, in the area of what was once called Brazil.  I tell you of your linage because you were not born on planet Earth, you will be born on a moon that orbits the planet you currently call Saturn.

Austin:  Which moon will that be?  Saturn has many moons as I recall.

Dr. Wilson:  It is called Rhea.  In your far distant future life there will be many planets that have been inhabited not only by humans but also by those you now term as space aliens, and do not fear, those who are from other planets, other galaxies will not enslave your species or seek your annihilation.  They will come in peace to offer assistance at a time when the earth is experiencing a great manmade apocalypse.

     They will basically save you from yourselves; the greed, the mishandling of earth’s resources, the overall fear and the warmongering will engulf your planet into a death spiral of which humankind will be unable to free itself.  Their intervention will usher in a peace that your world will be so grateful for; those who survive will start anew as they blossom out into the universe with the assistance of these extraterrestrials.

     Your home and work will be on this moon.  You will not marry, nor will you have any children; yet you will have, what I will call for your understanding, a personal partnership with two other females, as this will be the norm of the place and time. 

     Your work will be that of a cargo loader.  Loading mined crystals and minerals onto large spacecrafts, as you might call them, that take these natural resources to other planets lacking in such components.  These will be very desired by other planets that use such elements for their technologies and power infrastructures. 

     You will use no machines to load this cargo as you will have mastered, what I will term for your understanding, the art of levitation.  All will be done with your advanced mental capability.  Not all will have this ability. 

     As I see it, Jylua will be 176 years old at the time of her crossing over into the Unseen World.  Your death will be normal for that point in time.

Austin:  What?  How will I be able to live such a long life?  Will I be bed ridden and weak minded?

Dr. Wilson:  You will be sound of mind and body.  In this advanced future there will be no need of Nursing Homes, Hospitals or Medical Centers as you have now.  As a matter of fact, there will be no Doctors of any kind in this future existence.

     Humankind will be using, what I will call for your understanding, Mind Energy Healing.  Each individual will have the ability to heal themselves of any disease or condition which may present itself.

     Healing will be done so by internalizing the force of nature and by the use of minerals.  No synthetic medicines will be used.  The body will be treated with high regard as to what will be placed into it and what will be done to honor and protect it during this forward-thinking time period.  No more sedentary lifestyles or poor nutrition will be presented.

     There will still be risk-takers and mishaps, as you term it, but they will not use the barbaric surgical practices used in your society of today.     No invasive surgery will be required in this future existence.  The mind will be utilized to its fullest capacity of 100%.  Your mind will have complete control over the physical body to regenerate itself.

Austin:  Thank you.

*Note to Reader:  There is much that has been done to create an atmosphere that will have beings from off the planet received more readily.  There are those that have had sightings that are unexplained, and this is being done in hopes that it will foster the ability for these people to welcome them and not assume that it is an attack on their earth.  There is much that is being discussed as more and more living on the earth have witnessed unexplained events in the sky but there should be more done, and will be done, to prepare this into the minds of those who are less readily open and welcome to it.  It is important that there be less doubt of the possibility; it is not important that all believe in sentient life but the ability to conceive the potential for other life is important.  They need not believe that we are the singular race in the cosmos; this is an old habit that is dying slowly.  There are those who have visions and experiences and as soon as they look at these events more critically, to go about the process of examining them deeper, they will see that this was not a random event or something that they can dismiss as a random event.  More and more these discussions are taking place by those who would have before been uncomfortable brining this news to the open.  There are many who share these beliefs, that share a knowing, that there are beings beyond that of the earth and can exist in the same manner of your physical existence here.  It will take a time of great upheaval before they will render themselves available in physical form, and directly available on the steps of any government building, in great numbers.  At present, they will be coming to you once there is greater seemingly chaos, or events that cause disorder of those that would cause harm or seek to control their existence.  It will take some time yet before they’re physically witnessed on the ground by large numbers of humans on the earth.  Waking to this knowledge is important for those who will be experiencing it.  There are many who have always known there would be contact, and information shared between life on earth and that which does not come directly from it in the present form.  There are others who are coming to this knowledge now and will experience it with greater ease when more share information between those that have known, and those that have only recently known.  It is important to continue your patience for there are many who will need to be made aware of the possibility, simply because they have never conceived such a possibility, not simply because they do not believe, but because they have never considered that as a potential outcome.  It is important to know that there are many who say that there will be violent entities, alien creatures who wish to do harm to the earth or enslave it.  This is not true.  The only entities that shall interact with any life on this planet, will be peaceful and of an evolved degree that will only allow sharing of information for the improvement of all that inhabit it at the time they disclose themselves.  There is not a time when the earth will be enslaved by outside beings.  There are some who wish to manipulate for their own good, just as there are many energy beings or those on the earth in human form, who have goals and motivations that are less than desirable.  It is important to know that there is much done to create a peaceful intervention, so that no outside negative influence interferes with the earth.  This is in the same manner that your own guide or spirit companion, the one who is with you at all times, is present and shields you when you ask and combines the vibration of your energy and physical bodies with their own energy which is readily available to protect you.  Know that it is possible that there are outside influences that obscure facts and truths and whisper negative motivations to some that are in power, within your governments.  It is only because they make themselves susceptible to it that this occurs.  We do not offer assistance where none is wanted or asked for.  The beings who have succumbed to this outside influence will be gone when these true beings make their presence known.  There will be a peace in the aftermath, and they will help to usher in a new type of technology and beliefs for those who are present.  Time is short for the waiting period which will take place; just know that there is work being done to expose those open to it in a more direct fashion than what was done a century ago.  While many fear some global elitist faction is secretly meeting with aliens who desire more control, it is really only two groups of life forms controlling one another.  One group is not made more powerful by another.  Plans have not become more ruthless because of this union. Power that exists is permitted because a population willingly gives up its own power and control no matter who is the perceived boss, overlord, or person or thing holding the power.  Deep within your planet earth there is another race.  They too are considered alien, but it is not necessary to view them as adversaries.  There is a great deal of talk and speculation of all race types, but like anything in existence, it will gravitate towards beings of similar vibration and frequency. Some take comfort in the knowledge of some specific being’s existence and others are concerned they are, themselves, being controlled.  What is more important is not who the controller is, but that there is any control being exerted in any particular fashion.  More citizens look for a devious space alien to blame for situations and lack of love.  There is not much more compassion or energy exerted when the controller is thought to be their own mind or another legitimate human being.  Curiosity can be satisfied, but it is important to look beyond the type of being or entity at the source of any situation.  It is not the being that should be shocking, it is not the type of being that is important.  What is important is that an entire type of being allows this controller to manipulate any power over them, real or perceived.  As some come and go from this planet, others have arrived and have remained.  Don’t see them as interfering.  They, in a way, are no different than humans except that many races have come together in a unified plan or sense of purpose.  Some factions of humans have done this, but many humans are still very concerned with those who have different skin tones or origins: these things do not matter.  Some alien beings are here for extrapolation of information, others maintain the energy systems of natural areas, others seek power and control.  These are all present in your human form, these same desires.  Often, ideas are made taboo or shrouded in mystery or they are created in the public as being false so that the public dismisses them or relies on a new control source for some resource.  Meanwhile, those in power or those who remain behind the proverbial curtain still practice these techniques.  What is made popular in mainstream is to pacify, to contain, many ancient mystery school philosophies and practices, methods of communication and divination, are currently used by many popular figureheads; many more use them as a source of information, though they may not be a direct conduit.

There are alien races on your moon which orbits the earth.  Though to be clear, they are not all observable.  We have mentioned this difference in vibration previously, not all of your neighboring planets are void of life as you currently understand.  There are beings present on moons and planets in your solar system.  Though they are present, they are not actively engaged in your world in a physical sense, some dwell in energy form only; that is to say, they have no physical covering or body.  Though, it is necessary to state that actions of any kind expressed in any manner radiate energy outward in all directions.

Dr. Wilson:  Now, we need to move along, so who is ready to go next?

Loraine:  I’ll go next if no one objects?

Group: (no objections were forthcoming)

Dr. Wilson:  Very well, which door do you choose?

Loraine:  A past life please.  The right door, ah, sorry, I meant to say the left door.

Dr. Wilson:  Very well, as I open the left door, the door to a random past life, the date of birth will be 47 B.C. on August 22 as time was calculated in that era.  The time of day was mid-afternoon. 

     Your name was Casinoel and you were female.  You had many brothers and sisters.  You spoke an off dialect of Greek which was a result of Alexander-the-Great’s earlier influence on the region.  You lived close to the pyramids as you were Egyptian.

     Your family would have been considered upper-middle class for the time owing to your father being an engraver of stone.  He was employed by the royals and the kingdom to engrave and decorate their monuments, homes and funeral tombs with hieroglyphs.

     You knew of Cleopatra, yet never saw or crossed her path.  You were married to the son of a man your father worked with.  His name was Ahmes, and he became a scribe.

     You would give birth to four children, all girls, but only one would survive to adulthood.  Your crossing over to the Unseen World came on 25 A.D., September the 3rd just after midnight.  Your passing was due to old age by way of pneumonia.

     Do you have any questions?

Loraine:  Did I not work or have some type of special skill?

Dr. Wilson:  You were tasked with being the mother, wife, running the household and watching over the servants.  This, I can assure you was more than a full-time assignment in that age.

Loraine:  Yes, looking at it that way I’m sure that’s true.  Thank you.

Dr. Wilson:  Alright, who will go next?

Walton:  I would like the door to the right.  A future life please.

Dr. Wilson:  I must offer an apology at this time to you Walton.  I am unable to provide that information.  Would you care for a past life reading instead?

Walton:  Ah, I’m not sure I understand.  Is there some explanation as to why I cannot be told of a future life?  I must admit I’m a little concerned and not sure how I should feel about this.

Dr. Wilson:  There is no need for concern my dear fellow, you simply do not have a future life to live.  You could say you have reached your final destination in this one area of your spiritual enlightenment.  You are an ancient soul who has mastered the ‘7-Levels and Sub-levels of the World of Illusion.’

     After this life you are presently living comes to a final conclusion, you will ascend to the next sublime undertaking of your journey to a higher  limitlessness that shall open unto you as you endeavor ever forward; seeking to join once again with God.

     With that being said, can I interest you in a past life reading?

Walton:  Oh, okay, well…I’m not sure…uh, well yes, I guess I’ll seek a past life.

Dr. Wilson:  Very good, since you have had so many past lives let me go a long, long way back across the span of time.  Back before your current age even can calculate or verify that energy beings walked upon this planet in the human form.

     I understand many do not hold with that which is known as ‘Atlantis.’  Yet it was a real civilization of which you had several lifetimes throughout its history.

     Let me say before I begin that the instruments used for radiocarbon dating in today’s time period are very limited in true accuracy.  Time is not about how it advances, or its linear movement; it is about change.

     With that being said, the past life I have chosen to relate to you was some 207,491 B.C. as you count time, that is, if you were able to measure that far back in the existence of this planet.  You were male, your name was ‘Lzi Bj Movc Jkvvl’ and you used telepathy to communicate, which was the norm at that time.  Verbal communication was used only by a small minority; however, the majority were proficient and comfortable with using thought transference.

     Married you were with no future plans for having children.  Your wife’s name was ‘Po Dii K Jkvvl.’  She was a scientist in the field of indigenous life forms as it would be called in your present time.  Po Dii K had been tasked with finding solutions on how to deal more effectively with the aggressively large carnivore’s that roamed freely outside the city walls.

      Your career title was that of a ‘protector of humanity.’  You were stationed, as it were, near the entrance to a great walled city known then as Wjv-Oq: which meant ‘Deliverers-of-Light.’  Your post was inside a tower which contained an instrument that was used to repel large roaming creatures, that which today would be termed ‘dinosaurs.’  The apparatus utilized a large crystal and several smaller crystalized minerals that generated what would be similar to a laser weapon of today.

     Creatures would approach the entrance to the city, as the walls were too high to scale, and it was your function to repel them using a non-lethal dosage of energy to send them away.  You never used a fatal quantity of energy as Atlantean’s were living, at that earlier time, in harmony with nature and with their fellow beings.

Walton:  May I ask, were the Atlantean’s more advanced then we are now?

Dr. Wilson:  There was much in Atlantis that was technologically advanced compared to other civilizations of that time and those that immediately followed.  They would be considered advanced by today’s standards; still, some would view them as archaic, but it is because they used different methods for achieving the same results in many areas.

     There was not a telephone system per se, there were devices which could amplify intention and messages but that was all initiated and received by others through the self.  There was higher regard for the self, there was more unity within the group.  Combined group determination could accomplish great things.

     There were many crystalized and inorganic based technologies that powered their civilization. They had the ability for long distance transport by ground and air.  There were limited abilities to be transported from place to place without the use of some device such as a vehicle.  This would be some type of device similar to the ‘science fiction fantasy’ transporters of your movies and TV programs of today. 

     You could be in one place and be sent to another place without the need to self-travel hundreds of miles.  The importance of all of this, what it hinged upon, was that many were capable of using more of their mind, and by measurement, if they were not using more they were very gifted in using their mind in a way more than simply as a storage device for information, as is your custom now. 

     They were aware of what their minds could produce.  The ability of the mind to impact physical objects, the power of their thoughts.  It is very real and possible to produce an outcome based solely on the energy that you emanate from your being and send out into the world.

     Many were aware of these and many things became possible because all energy was directed upon it.  All had independent lives outside the group but there was much more done as a group, as a whole, for the benefit of all of humanity as you would say.  The ability to direct energy as many show you in ‘science fiction fantasy,’ these things were not fantasy, power came from the power of all.

     Later, there were many destructive things that occurred in Atlantis, such as your researchers of today who created weapons out of initially good devices and medical discoveries; many things, nearly all things can be weaponized if that is the intention of a few.

    As I see here you will cross over to the Unseen World at the age of 91.  Your passing will be peaceful and uneventful. 

     Alright, my apology, but we need to move along.

Walton:  This has been most interesting, thank you so very much.

*Note to Readers:  The fundamental design of the ‘7-Levels and Sub-levels of the World-of-Illusion’ is as follows; the physical world of matter was created so that energy beings from the spiritual dimension could come here, among other reasons, to basically experience firsthand, what they cannot experience in their home dimension.  You can observe and learn by viewing and studying an ideal or concept; but to truly