More Annoying Dead People (Book#2) by Evelyn Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven


     The temperature outside would drop down to 22 degrees tonight according to the weatherman.  I was sharing an older duplex with a female friend of mine who was a tarot card reader.  We occupied the left side and there was a young male couple who were living on the right side.

     We shared all the expenses equally.  My roommate worked at an upscale restaurant while I worked at a department store running a cash register.

     The young boys said they both worked at a local fast-food restaurant, but my friend and I could hear through the thin walls that they also sold marijuana on the side.  They had a lot of late-night visitors.

     We paid them no mind, as they were very polite and even helpful to us at times.  It was not for us to judge them for the path they had chosen in life.

     I was checking my e-mail on my older model laptop and discovered I had received an e-mail from one of the dental hygiene workers from the dentist office I attend.

    She said her name was Olivia Sullivan and that she wanted to see me for a reading.  There was a phone number and a list of days and times I could reach her on.

     On the first listed day and time I called and got her voice mail.  I said who I was and gave her my phone number.  That very night I received her call.

     Answering, “Hello.”

     “Hi, this is Olivia Sullivan.  I’m sorry I missed your earlier call.  I was looking to book a reading with you when you have the time.” Her voice was hurried, but pleasant.

     “Well, I’m free tomorrow in the morning hours.  I don’t have anyone scheduled until later in the afternoon.  What would be a good time for you?” I asked as I put on my reading glasses.  I write names and times on my calendar.

     “Would ten o’clock be okay?” She asked.

     “That sounds lovely, I’ll see you then.”

     “Thanks, I’ll be there.” She hung up.

     The next morning, she arrived a few minutes early.  Knocking, I opened up the door and I did remember her from the dentist office.

     She was slim, had short brown hair and brown eyes.  Average build with a few extra pounds.  She appeared to be around thirty I guessed, but she looked tired.

     “Please, come in.  Have a seat on my sofa.  Can I get you anything to drink?  I have water and green tea, and some cold Pepsi Cola if you prefer.”

     “Oh, thanks, but no thanks.  I’m good.” She said sitting down.  She pulled a pack of cigarettes from her purse and was fishing around in her purse for a lighter I presumed.

     “Oh honey, I’m sorry, but no smoking in the house please.” 

     “Ah, sure, no sweat.” She said as she got up and went outside.

     About seven minutes later she returned, “I’m ready now.  Oh, I’m a little short on cash this week, could I possibly pay you next week?”

     “That would be fine.  So, do you have a question you’d like to ask?”

     “Naw…I’d rather your guide just tell me what he sees for me.”  She said as she started biting her fingernails on her right hand. 

     Alexander started right in, “Okay, let’s see, my guide is telling me disabled individuals can move at a faster spiritual rate but do not necessarily move at a faster rate simply because they are disabled.

     Just as every situation is experienced and the reverse is experienced, this may be another regular learning session for these souls.  There is not necessarily more or less for them to know, only in different manners and more understanding because of the difficulties which are encountered because of the physical or mental impairment.

    He says more than they progress quickly humankind will progress as they learn the lesson of kindness, love, and patience, as it relates to these individuals.  There is much understanding that should be taken from these souls when they are present.

     Alexander says no scoffing or dismissal as less capable, but the patience and love expressed to all humankind should be shared on to these individuals as they too are souls in a physical existence.

     There is a higher frequency with them to ensure they’re understanding these lessons since the physical sensations they experience may not be the same as able bodied individuals.  There is extra guidance to help interpret and after this life, to go over and clearly understand what has taken place. 

     He says this may be the form taken in a life because of previous actions.  There may be an understanding of them which can only be learned through the focused attention they now have through the absence of some ability that the majority of humans are given.  They may not necessarily progress faster, they too can ignore, or miss their lessons or step off the path and must return to accomplish what was given to them as their assignments for that specific life.

    Alexander says it is the absence or impairment that often gives them the focus and drive which can be missing from an able-bodied person.  They may have less opportunity to be adrift from their mission because their focus is on less frivolous things since they are much more depending on others or must be more self-sufficient.

     Blindness, as an example, has the ability to allow those experiencing it to become greater at experiencing other senses capable in the human body and to understand the subtle nuances in human interaction as well as abilities connected directly to the spirit dimension and communicating with it.

     There is less interference from mindless action and are therefore less distracted on their way to their goals.  This can allow them to progress quicker or accomplish these tasks quicker or easier.  They are given a focus.  These souls can return for this specific purpose, of being disabled, when in previous incarnations they had missed the opportunity to complete some specific task.  Not true for all beings.  They are great teachers in their own right.

     Did that answer some question you might have had, or do you now have a question you’d like to ask?”

     “I can dig what he’s saying.  I have two identical twin boys that are age four, Robby and Bobby, yeah, I know, their names sound corny, but at the time I thought it was so cool.  The shocker is both were born blind at birth.  Can you ask your guide why I got the double whammy?”  She now had tears welling up in her bloodshot eyes.

     “Alexander says that for you, this life is about paying off karmic debt that was incurred several lifetimes ago.  Energy expressed, in what some might call undesirable, needs to be balanced.

     Your two sons are young souls who were unable to navigate through this complicated world in completing their chosen lessons and experiences in previous lifetimes.  Now they have returned to try again in bodies that are limited in scope and will provide them with less distraction.

     He says you three are known to each other in the Unseen World and agreed upon this journey for the benefit of all concerned.”

     “Well shit, I guess I need to suck it up and stop feeling sorry for myself.”  She used several tissues from her purse.

     “Is there anything else you’d like to ask?” I was starting to feel her pain and sorrow that was emanating from her vibrations.

     “Yeah, how much karma would I get if I shot that bastard who got me pregnant and split?” She chuckled for a few seconds and then returned to sniffling.

     “Ah, I’m not sure…”

     “Sorry, I was just kidding around.  Thanks for the info.  I better get home before the boys drive my mother nuts.” 

     She pulled herself together and headed out. 

     On my next dental appointment several months later, I asked about her and was told she had quit her job there and no one seemed to know anything else.  I said a prayer for her, her two boys and her mother.