Self Liberation from Fear, Worry, & Anger by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji - HTML preview

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Types of the Angry

Find your type

Every man gets angry some time or the other in his life. There are different kinds of anger and different types of the angry. A pattern of anger emerges, which can be divided into the following four types.

The first type

These are the ones who are angry from inside and angry from outside too. In this type of the angry, thoughts are churning inside and the flames of anger are leaping outside. They are seething from within and exploding outside. They pass on their anger to others. They blame others. They are irritated at every small thing. Their mantra in life is that I am right and you are wrong.Unfortunately, they also think that this is the right way to live.

The second type

These are those who are angry from within, but calm externally. Understand this type through an anecdote.

A father was home babysitting his child. After some time, the child started wailing. The father began saying,“Cool down Robin.Don’t get so angry Robin. Anger is bad for your health Robin.” He kept on saying all such things. When his wife returned, her neighbours reported to her, “Your husband was taking good care of your son Robin.” The wife explained that Robin was not her son’s name. It was her husband’s name. That means he was pacifying himself! Taking his own name, he was trying to calm himself down since the child was wailing. This is the second type of the angry.

The third type
These type of people are calm from inside and angry from outside.

There was a snake that lived in a hole near a village. It used to trouble the people living in the village. Everyone was greatly distressed by this snake.The story goes that one day a hermit met the snake and advised it against biting and troubling others. The snake was transformed and stopped being angry and biting.When the children in that village came to know that the snake has now become harmless, they started hitting it with stones. The snake used to receive one beating or the other daily. It was almost on the verge of death. Then one day the hermit returned and was alarmed at the snake’s condition. The snake complained that all this had happened because of his advice. The hermit then explained,“If you can’t bite,you can at least hiss.Don’t stop hissing.”

The third type knows to hiss. Angry externally, but calm internally. They pretend to be angry when necessary.


The fourth type


These are those who are calm from inside as well as from outside. They don’t even pretend to be angry.

Ask yourself, what type am I. These are progressive levels. Find out which level you are at and what is the recurring pattern of your anger. Contemplate on your type. Try to progress to at least the third or the fourth type.