Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale - HTML preview

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Step Three:

Get clear.

Spot was a stray dog I claimed as my own when I was in college. But he used to run off and tear up the neighbor’s gardens,  run  across  the  street  and  make  drivers  slam  on their brakes, and just make a nuisance of himself. So I put him  on  a  small  leash.  But  I  felt  guilt  for  keeping  this wonderful  friend  on  a  three  foot  leash.  I  bought  a  longer leash, six feet of freedom, and put it on Spot. I then walked six feet away and called Spot to me. He ran---three feet. He wouldn’t  go  an  inch  beyond  the  length  of  the  old  leash.  I had to walk over to Spot, put my arm around him, and walk him  out  the  full  six  feet  of  new  leash.  From  then  on,  he used all of that leash.

I  think  each  of  us  has  a  limit  we’ve  placed  on  our freedom. We need a “miracles coach” to help us see that in reality  we  have  no  limits.  Jonathan  does  that  with  his clients.  But  he  does  it  in  a  way  that  may  seem  pretty strange to you. Hang on to your seat and let me see if I can explain it to you...

The  first  time  I  had  a  session  with  Jonathan  I  didn’t know what to expect. I thought the man was a little strange because he couldn’t articulate what he did. But I’ve been a curious journalist for many years, so I jumped in and did a session with him.

“What’s   your   intention   for   this   session?”   Jonathan asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You  can  have  anything you  want. What do you want to focus on?”

I thought it over for a moment and then spoke.

“I  want  clarity  on  the  book  I  am  writing  about  Bruce


“What kind of clarity?”

“I want to know what I’m supposed to do next,” I said.

“Okay. Let’s go upstairs.”

Jonathan  had  me  lie  down  on  his  massage  table.  He gently guided me to breathe in different colors.

“Breathe the color red through the top of your head and imagine it going through your body and out of your feet.”

We went through numerous colors.

“What other color do you need to breathe in?” he asked.

I said gray. He then asked me to breathe in that color. After several minutes of   breathing deeply and relaxing on his massage table, Jonathan put his hand over my heart and said, “Open this up.”

While I didn’t consciously do anything, I felt a rush of electricity  and  energy  shoot  through  me,  almost  blinding me.  There  was  a  strong  white  light  surging  through  my body,  blasting  into  my  head,  somehow  illuminating  the inside of my skull.

Suddenly I felt in the presence of angels, spirits, guides. I don’t know how to explain it. But it was real. I felt it. I sensed   it.   I   knew   they  were   there.   And   these   beings somehow  worked  on  me,  altering  my  beliefs,  helping  me realize I had more “leash” than I thought.

I’m  not  sure  how  long  I  was  in  that  altered  state. Twenty  minutes?  An  hour?  I  don’t  know.  When  I  finally sat up on the table, I noticed that Jonathan had a tear rolling down his cheek. When the energy started to blast through me, he moved aside to let it do its work. But the beauty and miracle of what he was seeing touched him. He was crying.

As my head cleared and I got my bearings, I realized I knew  the  next  step  for  my  book  project.  I  was  to  go  to Wisconsin  and  continue  my  research  by  looking  at  the private papers of Bruce Barton at the historical museum. I had gotten my intention.

And that’s not all.

Shortly after that first session with Jonathan I began to notice other changes in my outer life. The book I had been working on began to take direction. I found a publisher for it. I found the money to complete my research. I bought a new car. I bought a new house. My income soared.

How? Why?

I had invited the other side to help me, and it did.

As  I  write  these  words,  I’m  very  aware  that  you  may think I’ve lost my mind. After all, here I am, an adult, an author,   a   fairly   well   known   speaker   and   marketing specialist   who   advises   business   executives   about   their work, talking about “spirits.”

But I also know that you know what I mean. Even the most   atheistic   among   us   has   been   touched   by   the miraculous,  the  uncanny,  or  the  unexplainable.  While  no one knows what awaits on the other side of this life, we all tend to believe something intelligent is there.

Maybe it’s worth mentioning that the book that helped me the most here was What Can A Man Believe? by Bruce Barton.  In  it  he  explained  that  there  was  little  proof  for heaven after earth, but that it was far wiser to believe than not believe.

In  other  words,  while  I  can’t  prove  that  angels  and guides are standing ready to help you, isn’t it a much more delicious and comforting and magical thought to believe in them  then  to  not  believe  in  them?  There’s  no  concrete evidence to support them or deny them. But when you can use the belief in them to create miracles, wouldn’t you be wise to do so?

Yesterday a friend of mine called and said she wanted to  believe  in  guides  and  angels  and  teachers  from  the spiritual side of life, but a part of her doubted they existed.

“That’s okay,” I said. “I have my doubts, as well."

"You do?”

“Sure,”  I said.  “If  I had  to  go  into  a  court  of  law  and prove  I had  spirit  guides,  they would laugh me out of the courthouse. There’s no proof for them, but also there’s no proof against them.”

And  then  I  remembered  something  I  had  read  in  a recent issue of Reader’s Digest, where Larry Dossey talked about  prayer.  He  said  praying helped people recover from illness.  In  many  cases  they  recovered  from  what  Doctors had said were “incurable” illnesses. What these successful patients  did  was  pray.  Even  the  patients  admitted  they didn’t  know  if  the  prayers  were  answered,  but  it  was  the belief in the praying and the act of praying that helped them anyway. Again, as Barton pointed out, it is wiser to believe than not to believe. Believing helps create miracles.

Barton  wrote  this  passage  in  1927,  in  his  book  What Can A Man Believe?  I’ve always loved it as it seems to stir the  very something  he  talks  about  within  me.  See  what  it does for you:

“In  every  human  being,  whether  emperor  or  cowboy, prince or pauper, philosopher or slave, there is a mysterious something  which  he  neither  understands  nor  controls.  It may  lie  dormant  for  so  long  as  to  be  almost  forgotten;  it may be so repressed that the man supposes it is dead. But one night he is alone in the desert under the starry sky; one day he  stands  with  bowed  head  and  damp  eyes  beside  an open  grave;  or  there  comes  an  hour  when  he  clings  with desperate instinct to the wet rail of a storm-tossed boat, and suddenly  out  of  the  forgotten  depths  of  his  being  this mysterious  something  leaps  forth.  It  over-reaches  habit;  it pushes  aside  reason,  and  with  a  voice  that  will  not  be denied it cries out its questionings and its prayer.”

So  let’s  assume  you  don’t  have  access  to  Jonathan (though  you  can  reach  me,  and  other  healers  and  mentors by emailing the people in the back of this book). What can you do?

Easy. Focus on what you want, and make one of your intentions finding someone to help you clear yourself of old beliefs  so  you  can  create  the  life  you  want.  Help  exists. State  your  intention  to  the  world  and  allow  it  to  come  to you.

I feel it’s important to have support from a mentor. It’s too  easy to  fall  back  into  the  old  way of  thinking,  to  feel sorry  for  ourselves  and  play  the  role  of  victim.  The  vast majority  of  your  current  friends  probably  won’t  support your  desire  to  create  miracles.  When  I first  started  seeing Jonathan, I would visit him once a month. He and I quickly  saw that we needed to stay in touch at least once a week. Me and Jonathan made a pact that said, “Whenever I’m not clear, I am to call him.” Then, whenever I let something in life throw me for a tailspin, I would call him.

Another  woman  recently  asked  me  what  it  meant  to “get  clear” with my beliefs. I thought about it for a while before I could answer. The image that came to me was of a football  team.  If  one  of  those  players  is  hurting,  upset, feeling neglected, angry because the coach overlooked him earlier  or  his  girlfriend  dumped  him,  that  one  player  can jeopardize or sabotage the entire team’s success.

You are like the whole football team. If all parts of you, all  of  the  beliefs  inside  of  you,  are  in  alignment,  no problem.  You’ll  achieve  your  desires.  But  if  any  part  of you,  any  belief  in  you,  doesn’t  support  your  intention,  it will jeopardize or sabotage you. That’s why you may have had  lousy  luck  at  love,  romance,  money  or  health.  Some part of you doesn’t want it. We need to heal that part. When you do, you are clear.

How do you know if you are clear right now?

Think of something that you want to have, do, or be.

Why don’t you have it yet?

If your answer is something negative, you aren’t clear. If  you  say  anything  except  an  honest  “I  know  it’s  on  the way to me,” you probably aren’t clear inside with what you want.

Another question to ask yourself is, “What does it mean that you don’t yet have what you want?”

Your  answer  to  that  question  will  reveal  your  beliefs. For example, if you say, “I have to do such and such first,” then you have a belief that you have to do something before you can have what you want.

If  you  say,  “My  soul  doesn’t  want  me  to  have  this,” then you are stating your own beliefs about what you think your soul wants for you.

If you say, “I don’t know how to get what I want,” then you are revealing a belief that says you have to know how to get what you want before you can have it.

Your beliefs aren’t that hard to find.

Self-help  author  Mandy Evans says certain beliefs can lead  to  a  very  bad  day.  Beliefs  cause  stress,  not  your business or life situations.

“There’s  what  happened  to  you  in  your  life  and  then there’s what you decided it meant,” says Evans, author of Travelling   Free:   How   to   Recover   from   the   Past   by Changing Your Beliefs.

“Change  your  conclusions,  or  your  beliefs  about  the events in your past,” explains Evans, “and you can change the way you live your life today. Certain beliefs can really trip us up.”

Beliefs  shape  the  way  we  feel,  think  and  act,  says Evans, an expert in personal belief systems. But you can’t change them until you know what they are. Evans offers a list of   “The Top 20 Self-Defeating Beliefs” in Travelling Free, her second book, as a way to begin exploring them.

“As you look at each belief, ask yourself if you believe it,” suggests Evans. “If you do, then ask yourself why you believe it. Gently explore your own reasons for buying into any self-limiting belief.”

Here are ten of her Top 20 limiting beliefs.

1. I’m not good enough to be loved.

2. No matter what I do, I should be doing something else.

3. If it hasn’t happened yet, it never will.

4. If you know what I’m really like, you wouldn’t want me.

5. I don’t know what I want.

6. I upset people.

7. Sex is dirty and nasty; save it for the one you love.

8. Better stop wanting; if you get your hopes up, you’ll get hurt.

9. If I fail, I should feel bad for a long time and be really scared to try again.

10. I should have worked this out by now.

Those  are  all  beliefs.  Sometimes  you  need  another person to point out your beliefs. When my friend Linda and I  had  breakfast  one  day,  and  I  hired  her  to  help  me  with some promotion, she said, “I’m afraid some of my friends will be jealous of me.”

“That’s a belief,” I said.

Linda’s eyes widened and her face lit up. “It is?” she asked.

It had never occurred to her that her fear was a belief--a belief  she  could  let  go  of.  She  needed  another  person  to shine a light on the belief.

Here’s another example of what I mean:

I’m  now  driving  the  fourth  new  car  of  my  dreams thanks to Jonathan’s magic in helping me get clear with my desire.

I needed  a  car  bad.  The  one  I was  driving was an old clunker  that  could  only  move  if  you  pushed  it.  Okay,  it wasn’t that bad. But whenever the car broke down, I broke down.  Paying  the  repair  bills  was  killing  me.  And  never knowing  if  the  car  would  get  me  where  I  was  going  was stressing me out. I needed help. I called Jonathan because of  my  fear  of  car  salespeople  (I  had  been  one  once  and knew of their tactics). I told Jonathan what I wanted.

He said, “What you really want is often under what you say  you  want....What  would  having  this  new  car  do  for you?”


Jonathan went on to explain that what we want may be a feeling rather than a product. Focus on the feeling and it will help me get what I really want. What would I feel if I had a new car?

What  a  mind  stopper!  I  developed  a  brain  squeezing headache just thinking about it. I got off the phone and my  head  began  to  throb  as  if  it  had  been  hit  with  a  sledge hammer.  Though  I  almost  never  take  medicine,  I  ate  a handful of aspirin like it was popcorn. It didn’t help.

I went to see Jonathan in person. Sitting in the presence of  his  accepting  energy,  letting  my pain  “speak”  to  me,  I suddenly  saw  the  ache  between  my  eyes  as  a  huge  black ball  of  tightly  woven  thread.  Mentally  a  thread  would loosen and I’d hear a belief:

“You can’t afford a new car.”

I let it go and another belief would unravel: “What would your Dad say about this car?” And then another thread/belief would slide out: “How will you afford it?”

And then another....and another...and another....

As  these  beliefs  slowly came  apart  and  left,  the  black ball   of   pain   got   smaller.   And   smaller.   Within   twenty minutes, the headache was completely gone! I was healed. I was clear. I was happy.

Now get this:

Though I didn’t think it was really possible, I followed my intuition  and  immediately went  to the car dealership I felt led to visit. Consciously I “knew” there was no way I could  get  a  new  car.  (I  had  never  had  a  NEW  car  in  my entire life and my credit was lousy). But I let go. I trusted.

I went to the car dealership and the gentleman there let me  look  around.  I told  him what I wanted and he said he had  one  car  that  fit  the  description.  We  walked  out  back and he was right. It was perfect. It was gold and beautiful and  new.  I  said,  “Does  it  have  a  cassette  player?”  He looked and nodded. “Well,” I said, “let’s do the hard part. Let’s see if I can buy it.”

We filled out forms and he asked me to place a deposit. I didn’t. I wasn’t confident enough to think I would get the car,  so  I  put  nothing  down  on  it.  I  then  left.  I drove  to  a friend’s outside of the city and we played music all day, he strumming  his  guitar  and  me  blowing  on  my  harmonica. Later in the afternoon I decided to call the dealership.

“You qualify,” said the salesperson. I was stunned.

“I  do?  Are  you  looking  at  my  paperwork?”  I  asked. “I’m Joe Vitale.”

He laughed and assured me he was. He then asked me when I wanted to pick up my car. I went and picked up the car,  in  delighted  shock  that  it  was  mine.  While  I  had  no idea how I would make the payments, I did. It’s now been four years and I’m on my fourth new car. I’ve never been late for a payment. In fact, I mail my checks in early.

And that’s not all.

As soon as I decided to get the new car, my life went into an upward spiral of magical coincidences.

Suddenly the  money I needed  appeared.  Clients  began to call. Classes sold out. I was invited to speak to groups I had  never  heard  of.  And  two  publishers  gave  me  book offers on the very same day.

In some real way, my allowing the car in my life sent a message to the universe that I was TRUSTING. Instead of worrying and wondering how I’d pay the bills, I leaped off the mountain top of fear and---to my surprise---I didn’t fall.

I soared.

But  I  had  to  get  clear  inside  before  any  of  this  could happen.  Had  I  gone  to  buy  a  new  car  when  I  was  still carrying limiting beliefs about what I could have afforded, my  beliefs  would  have  sabotaged  my  purchase.  I  would have  created  not  paying for  the  car  to  support  the beliefs. The first thing that had to happen was clearing the beliefs.

Lynda Madden Dahl, in her book Beyond the Winning Streak,  lists  several  limiting  beliefs  concerning  money. Here are a few of them:

* “I must work hard for the money I earn.”

* “I need more money than I can generate.”

* “I feel helpless in changing my financial  picture.”

What  you  want  to  do  is  replace  negative  beliefs  with positive ones, such as:

* “Money is a natural manifestation of the universe.”

* “It’s OK to be rich.”

* “I don’t have to work hard for my money.”

* “I am destined for great wealth.”

You see, the beliefs you have were given to you when you were a child. You simply absorbed them. Now you are becoming awakened. You are at choice. You can choose to let go of the beliefs you don’t want, and you can choose to replace the beliefs with ones that better serve you.

Isn’t  that  a  wonderful  feeling---to  know  that  you  can now create your life the way you want it to be?

Clearing  beliefs  can  be  an  easy  process.  The  easiest time I ever had was when I wanted to overcome my sinus allergies.

I had   suffered   terrible   sinus   infections   and   sinus headaches   for   years.   I   can’t   begin   to   describe   how miserable   they   made   me   feel.   I   took   herbs.   I   had acupuncture  treatments.  I  wore  air  purifiers.  Everything helped but nothing worked permanently.

Then  one  day  I  asked  my  dear  friend  Mrs.  Kathy DeMont, a Remote Healer, if she would try to help me. We were  having  dinner  and  I looked  her  in  the  eye,  slammed my fist on the table, and said, “I don’t want relief. I want healed. I want this thing gone.”

My  intensity  shook  her.  But  she  also  realized  how sincere  I was and how much pain I had been in. She said she would try to help.

And  she  did.  She  went  home,  got  quiet,  and  used  her skills to clear my body. I was not present as she did this. I wasn’t even aware that she did anything. But within a few days  I noticed  that  I could  breathe  again.  I called  her  and asked what she had done.

“You had some negative energy in you and I scared it off,” she said.

Apparently,  she  was  able  to  use  her  remote  healing skills to clear my beliefs and my energy from a distance.

Talk about making things easy for me!

Here’s  another  example  of  clearing  beliefs.  This  one still amazes me, because it happened to my wife and I saw the dramatic change.

Marian never learned to drive a car. I was her chauffeur for more than 15 years. I’m not complaining. That’s just the way it was.

But   after   seeing   my   changes   with   my   work   with Jonathan and other healers, Marian wondered if she could get   clear   about   driving.   She   booked   a   session   with Jonathan. Within one hour she was clear.

What happened? Marian remembered being a little girl and  being in the back seat of her Mom’s car as her Mom learned  how  to  drive.  Her  Mom  was  naturally  nervous.

Marian picked up on that energy and locked onto it. While Marian  went  on  to  grow  up,  the  little  girl  who  sat  in  the back  seat  of  her  Mom’s  car  remained  alive  in  her.  As  an adult, that little girl kept Marian from driving.

Under    Jonathan    guidance,    Marian    was    able    to remember that experience and release it. She realized it was an  old  memory and  it  no  longer  served  her. She let it go. Her energy was now clear.

And  today Marian  drives  her  own  car---a  new  one,  to boot---and  she  loves it. I remember one night there was a terrible  storm  in  Houston  with  lots  of  flooding.  I  was worried  about  my  wife  and  how  she  would  handle  the weather.  When  she  got  home  late  that  night,  I  ran  to  the garage to greet her.

What I saw amazed me. Marian was smiling ear to ear. Her  face  was  beaming.  She  rolled  down  her  window  and said, “I had an adventure!”

Even  being  stuck  in  traffic  is  something  Marian  now feels grateful for. She simply sits there and listens to music.

And one day we went to lunch in separate cars. After it, I was behind her at a stop light. I saw her moving her lips and tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. I wondered if she  were  getting  impatient.  Then  I  pulled  up  closer  and realized  she  was  singing  and  taping  her  fingers  to  the music!

Talk about a transformation!

During  the  writing  of  this  book,  Marian  was  in  a  bad car accident. She was hit by a van, and hit hard enough to break the back axle on her car. Despite the shock of it all, Marian was fine, though her car wasn’t.

Now here’s the juicy part: Two days later Marian was ready to rent a car and start driving again. I couldn’t believe it. I told her I was proud of her, that many people are too nervous to drive so soon after an accident.

Marian  just  looked  at  me,  smiled,  and  said,  “Why? Driving is too much fun not to do it!”

Jonathan has a saying, “It’s all energy.” What he means is  that  we  are  energy systems.  If  we  are  clear,  the  energy moves  in  one  direction.  If  we  aren’t  clear,  the  energy moves in several directions, and without full power.

Caroline   Myss,   a   medical   intuitive   and   author   of Anatomy of the Spirit, talks about being “plugged into” the past.  If  there  was  a  situation  in  your  life  where  you  were hurt, abused, or anything unfinished, you are probably still carrying  around  that  unfinished  business.  You  are  still plugged  into  that  old  event.  That  means  a  part  of  your energy is  still  back  there, reliving and probably recreating the old event.

I know this is tough to understand. But let’s use another example from Myss. Think of the energy you get each day as cash. You wake up in the morning with $500 available for the day. But you are still mad because your spouse said something mean to you last night. That’s going to cost you. You are spending $50 to keep that energy alive in you.

And say you are still upset because a friend owes you money from five years ago. Now you are spending $100 to keep that memory alive.

And let’s assume you were abused as a child. You are spending  another  $100  to  keep  that  memory  in  you.  You woke up with $500 to spend but before you get out of bed you have spent half of it on old memories.

When you try to manifest something today, you won’t have all of your energy available to make it happen. When you get clear of the old events, hurts, memories and beliefs, you  will  have  more  energy to  create  what  you  want  now. And the more energy you have now, the more you will get.

You will end up like the supermodel who once said, “I don’t wake up for less than $10,000 a day.”

Another  saying  Jonathan  has  is  “The  energy you  give out is the results you get.”

Yes,  he’s  great  at  coming  up  with  mind  benders  like that. But I think he means that the beliefs you have create the  results  you  get.  If  you  are  unconsciously  sending  out vibes  that  attract  lousy  conditions,  you  will  experience lousy conditions.

One of my clients wrote a book about children who had been  molested.  He  pointed  out  that  the  criminal  could always easily pick the person who he was going to molest. That child always sent out vibes that said “woe is me” or “I’m  a  victim.”  Though  we  aren’t  wearing  signs  on  our backs  or  on  our  foreheads,  somehow  the  energy we  walk around with creates the situations we get. “The energy you give out is the results you get.”

If you find yourself recreating similar events---like my friend who has been married seven times so far---you know you  are  stuck  in  an  energy  pattern  that  will  continue  to create those events until it gets dissolved.

My dear friend Karol Truman, author of the great book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, put it this way:

“It’s  the  continual  suppression  of  unresolved  feelings and emotions that cause the problems we experience in our lives.”

I can hear you now: “How can I get out of this pattern?” One of the fundamental principles of Jonathan Jacobs’ work is that everything is energy. It’s not a new idea. Stuart Wilde writes about it in his books. Joseph Murphy refers to it in his works. Bob Proctor talks about it in his seminars. Scientists  are  discovering  it,  as  well.  Nothing  exists  but energy formed into things we then name, like tables, chairs, houses, cars, people.

The thing is, you and I are different from tables, chairs, houses,   and   cars   because   we   are   spiritual.   That’s   the miracle of our lives!

As Bob Proctor once told me, “Although everything is energy,  the  difference  between  people  and  objects  is  that we are spiritual. That means we have the means to alter and influence  other  energies.  We  can  change  the  energy  of  a table, chair, house, car, or even other people.”

Taken a step further, it means we are all connected. If we’re nothing but energy and we’re all one, then what you do affects me and what I do affects you, even if we’re miles or even continents apart.

Got it? Oh.

Well, neither did I, at first.

So let’s look at a couple of stories that may help.

One day a client of mine hired me to be his marketing wizard. He gave me a lot of money and I hired some folks to  help  me.  All  went  well.  Months  passed.  Then  one  day the bomb dropped.

My client suddenly sent me a letter saying I had lied to him. It was two pages of pain for me to read. It got pretty confusing and it made me dizzy, confused, and shocked. I had  meetings  with  my staff  and I even called my client. I couldn’t  figure  out  why  this  was  happening.  I  sent  the client a two page letter explaining my position. Next day I got another two page letter from him, almost as shocking. Finally I went to Jonathan.

“The  key  word  is  trust,”  Jonathan  pointed  out.  “You keep  saying  he  didn’t  trust  you.  Let’s  look  at  how  that applies to you. Where in your own life aren’t you trusting?” This is typical of Jonathan. He’ll have you look at your own  life  to  see  how  what  you  are  complaining  about  is relevant.  In  a  way,  you  use  your  experiences  as  mirrors. You use the outer to see what you are doing inside. (Stay with me on this.)

I  thought  and  said,  “Well,  I’ve  never  done  marketing like this before. He’s hired me to direct his entire marketing campaign  and  expects  me  to  lead  his  staff  to  victory.  I guess I don’t trust that I can do it.”

“And that’s what your client is picking up on an energy level. That’s the signal you are sending out.”

“What do we do?”

“Are you willing to release the fear and feel the trust?"


And that’s about all it took. I felt a shift inside me and I felt like I knew I could trust myself to do the job. I let go and  breathed  a  sigh  of  relief.  I  feel  it  happened  so  easily because most of me was already clear with the problem. I d