Spiritual Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale - HTML preview

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Step Four:

Feel how exciting it would be to have, do, or be what you want.

Marketing  specialists  know  that  people  don’t  act  for logical   reasons,   but   for   emotional   ones.   Emotion   has power.  Emotion  also  has  the  power  to  create  what  you want. Find within yourself what it will feel like to have, be, or do the thing you want and you will begin to manifest the thing you want. The energy in the emotion will work to pull you toward the thing you want while also pulling the thing you want toward you.

I  know,  I  know.  I’m  getting  philosophical  again.  But I’m writing about spiritual concepts, which few people can relate to. It’s easy to see why. We are taught from the crib to  pay  attention  to  reality,  to  obey  the  laws  of  man,  to worship books and leaders. While that can help our society run smoother (actually, it hasn’t worked, but that’s another book),  it  limits  you.  Belief  in  leaders,  rules,  and  outside authorities  limits  you  from  creating  the  life  you  want.  I once told a friend that a belief in a guru can limit her own power  to  manifest  what  she  wanted.  When  you  give  your power away to anyone, you are spending your own energy in their direction.

One   of   the   most   powerful   energies   you   can   ever experience  is  gratitude.  Feel  gratefulness  for anything and you shift the way you feel. Feel thankful for your life, your lungs,  your  home,  this  book;  it  doesn’t  matter.  Once  you feel grateful, you are in an energy that can create miracles.

Jonathan taught me this. I remember going to see him when I was broke and depressed. One of the first things he did was guide me into realizing that I had plenty in my life. When you compare your own life to that of people living in third  world  countries,  you  quickly  see  that  you  are  living like a King or Queen. You probably have food, water, and shelter,  as  well  as  a refrigerator, a television, a radio, and probably a computer. Millions of people don’t. Realize you are   blessed   with   enormous   abundance   right   now,   feel grateful for it, and you will attract even more abundance.

My friend Jonathan Morningstar once cured himself of a   terrible   illness   with   a   simple  one  line  statement  of gratitude.

Jonathan  got  double  pneumonia.  Nothing  seemed  to help  him.  Then  he  felt  inspired  to  write down one simple but  potent  sentence  that  he  repeated  every hour,  recorded on  audiotape  and  played  back  to  himself,  and  wrote  on signs  which  he  hung  around  his  home.  He  made  this  one liner part of his very being.

And within twenty-four hours, Jonathan was healed. What was the one line he used?

“Thank you God for all the blessings I have and for all the blessings I am receiving.”

I’m  not  a  scientist  so  I  won’t  pretend  to  explain  how this  works.  Somehow  your  energy  sends  off  signals  that attract  more  of  what  you  are  sending  off.  Like  the  child who unconsciously says he’s a victim, you send off signals that attract what you are getting. Change your signals and you will change your results. Change your energy and you will change what you experience. “The energy you give out is the results you get.”

Again, gratitude can shift everything. Just start feeling sincerely grateful  for  what  you  have.  Look  at  your  hands, or  this  book,  or  your  pet,  anything  you  feel  love  and gratitude for. Dwell on that feeling.

That’s the energy that can help you manifest whatever you want.

Another  energy  you  want  to  experience  is  the  energy that comes from imagining what it will feel like to have, be, or do the thing you want. This can be fun.

Imagine how good it will be to have what you want, to be  what  you  are  wanting,  to do what you dream. Feel the electrifying  feelings  that  come  with  the  images.  These feelings can create the life you want. They can manifest it for  you.  Somehow  those  feelings  lead  you,  guide  you, direct you to do the things that will make the events.

The great German thinker Goethe may have said it best when he wrote the following inspiring message:

Until one is committed,

there is hesitancy,

the chance to draw back, 

always ineffectiveness.

Concerning all acts of initiative

there is one elementary truth,

the ignorance of which kills

countless ideas and endless plans:

That the moment one definitely commits oneself,

then providence moves, too.

All sorts of things occur to help one

that would never otherwise have occurred.

A whole stream of events issues from the decision,

raising in one’s favor all manner of

unforeseen incidents and meetings and

material assistance which no man

could have dreamed would come his way.

Whatever you can do or

dream you can, begin it!

Boldness has genius, power,

and magic in it.

I was in Seattle once to see friends. One night I turned on  the  television  and  caught  the  ending  of  a  fascinating Larry  King  interview  with  the  famous  actor  and  singer, Andy  Griffith.  Andy  was  talking  about  one  of  his  first  motion    pictures.    He    said    something    unknowingly metaphysical when he talked about a director who told him: “The  camera  is  just  a  machine.  It  picks  up  what  you give it. All you have to do is think something, and feel it, and the camera will record it.”

They then  cut  to  a  scene  from  the  movie  Griffith  was referring to, when he was to look at a woman with a heart full of lust. You could tell from the actor’s eyes that he was projecting  thoughts  that  were  pretty  hot.  Larry  King  later said,  “It  was  one  of  the  most  X-rated  looks  in  movie history.”

The    universe    is    like    the    movie    camera.    Think something and feel something and the universe will pick it up and project it. The advice Andy Griffith was given as a young actor is advice I want to give to us: When you know what you want, all you really have to do is think it and feel it. That’s it. The universe---the spirit of all that exists---will pick up your signal and project it.

This  is  powerful  stuff.  When  Jonathan  and I practiced this,  our  energy  levels  shot  skyward.  We  had  so  much energy surging through us that the very electrical outlets in our homes burst into flames. This is the truth! When I lived in  the  dump  I  could  barely  afford  to  pay  rent  for,  the electrical  system  there  fried.  It  cost  the  landlord  over $7,000 to repair it.

When  Jonathan  was  first  experimenting  with  energy, the fuse box  in his garage caught on fire. While this isn’t why  they  call  me  “Mr.  Fire!”,  it  does  demonstrate  that when  you  make  changes  internally,  you’ll  see  changes externally. Jonathan had to have a new fuse box put in. My landlord replaced the entire electrical system in the house. But  as  my  energy  increased,  I  also  had  to  move  into  a bigger home with better wiring.

Again,  what  you  embrace  in  your  inner  world  creates what you experience in your outer reality.

Jonathan and I were having lunch at a favorite Chinese restaurant one day when I noticed there was hardly anyone in   the   place.   The   owners   looked   worried.   They  were huddled around their cash register and talking. Usually they come over to us, smile, talk, and treat us like royalty. It was clear  something was  wrong.  I mentioned this to Jonathan, saying, “They seem concerned about money.”

Jonathan replied, “That’s why they’re concerned.”

At first my mind screeched to a halt. But then I started laughing.   Jonathan   asked   me   what   was   so   funny.   I explained as best I could:

“Were you a Zen master in a past life or something?” I began. “What you just said was one of those unanswerable mind stretchers that Zen masters come up with.”

“What do you mean?”

“I said those people look worried about money and you said   that’s   why  they’re   worried   about   money.   To   the outside world, that makes no sense.”

“But it’s the truth,” Jonathan explained. “Their concern for   money   was   something   already   in   them   that   got manifested.  Now  they  notice  it  in  the  outer  world.  They manifested their belief.”

He then went on to tell me about a man he had worked with  who  ran  an  Indian  restaurant  and  was  failing  at  it. Business  was  lousy.  He  did  a  session  with  Jonathan  and realized  he didn’t want to run a restaurant at all. Once he was clear, he let go of the restaurant and sold it. As a result, people started going to it under its new owner.

“Once you take care of the inner, it will show results in the outer,” says Jonathan.

Another  time  he  told  me,  “When  you  get  the  lessons, you don’t need the experiences.”

As bizarre as all of that dialogue might seem to you, it’s been the truth in my experience as well.

One time a company hired me to help promote one of their  Dallas  seminars.  I  advised  them  on  what  to  do  and then  I  got  angry  when  I  saw  that  they  did  the  opposite. They were, in essence, screwing up their own success.

I talked  to  Jonathan  about  it.  He  asked  me  what  I got out  of  this.  In  other  words,  what  was  the  benefit  to  me? Assuming  a  part  of  me  did  create  the  company  doing everything wrong, how would it serve me? I thought about it and had the answer.

“Their  screw-up  takes  the  pressure  to  succeed  off  of me,” I said. “They hired me to help them make the seminar a success. I wasn’t sure I could do it. By their not listening to  me,  they  have  almost  guaranteed  that  the  seminar  will fail.  When  it  does,  I  can  point  my  fingers  at  THEM  and say, ‘You did it, not me.’”

It keeps coming back to what we are doing and feeling inside plays a giant hand in what we end up experiencing.

No  matter  what  the  situation  you  are  in,  some  part  of you helped create it.

Get in touch with it, release the old beliefs and energy, and  you  can  move  toward  creating  what  would  serve  you better and bring you more joy. One of the best ways to do just that is to focus on what you want, on how it would feel to have it, be it, do it.

One  wonderful  technique  to  help  you  in  this  area  is called scripting.

I first heard of this method from Jerry and Esther Hicks. The concept is deceptively simple:

Just imagine that you already have what you want and write out a scene that describes it. Describe in such detail that  you  can  feel  it.  Pretend  you  are a movie director and write a script for what you want to experience. Really get into it as you write it. Feel it. Sense it. Experience it.

I  have  a  notebook  full  of  scripts.  Every  one  I  have written has come into reality. Again, when you think it and feel it, it comes to be.

It’s  worth  mentioning  right  here  that  your  business cards,  letterhead,  flyers,  sales  letters,  and  ads---everything you  produce  or  hire  someone  to  produce  to  market  your business---all carry your energy in them.

Think back to some flyer or letter you received in your mail.  As  soon  as  you  glanced  at  it,  you  felt  one  way  or another  about  the  service.  You  may  have  had  an  instant feeling that said “This looks interesting” or an instant one that told you “Trash this.”

I’m  not  just  talking  about  the  look  of  the  marketing piece,  though  that  is  part  of  it.  When  you  or  anyone  you hire creates a marketing document, they put their thoughts and feelings into what they create. People don’t have to be psychic to pick up on this vibe. If you unconsciously don’t believe in your product or service, that belief will appear in your  marketing  materials.  And  people  will  sense  it.  And you won’t get business.

Again,  feeling  brings  on  miracles.  When  you  know what you want, are clear about having it, and can feel the energy of what you want, you will begin to pull it to you. And  when  you  clearly  feel  this  energy,  you  will  create marketing pieces that convey it. Here’s an example of what I mean:

When I wrote a sales letter for a software product that I totally believed in, I got staggering results. People read the letter  and  sensed  my  sincerity  and  the  product’s  benefits. As a result, over six percent of them sent in checks. In the world of direct mail marketing, that is excellent.

But when I wrote a sales letter to offer a service I did not  believe  in,  I  got  nearly  no  replies.  Why?  The  same writer  created  both  letters.  But  my  lack  of  belief  in  the second  item  was  conveyed  to  people.  They  picked  up  on my vibe and “just knew” they better not order.

Another  example  is  the  flyer  I  received  to  attend  a workshop in Seattle. All I saw was a dark photocopy of the original  flyer.  So  I wasn’t  dazzled  by bright  colors,  fancy type,  clever  copy  or  incredible  graphics.  But  something about the flyer said “Sign up for this event.” I did. When I spoke to others at the seminar, all of them said they had the same  feeling.  Many  added,  “I  don’t  even  know  why  I’m here. I saw the flyer and knew I was supposed to be here.” The people who put on the seminar were clear about what they wanted. That confidence appeared in their brochures. And the people came.

Contrast that with a company I worked for at one time who wanted to put on a seminar about Internet marketing. This company was after only profits. There was no caring in their business and no sincere desire to serve people. That attitude  showed  up  in  their  brochures.  When  they  put  on their  event,  they  expected  over  two  hundred  people  to attend. Only twenty people showed up.

I’ve noticed that many people have a negative attitude toward advertising. I think that’s a limiting view. An ad can help you market your business. It can become another voice working on your behalf.

One  day  I  was  having  dinner  with  Jerry  and  Esther Hicks  and  a  friend.  We  were  talking  about  marketing  in general and advertising in particular. My friend said, “You don’t have to advertise.”

“You don’t have to,” I said, “but you might want to. A good ad can increase your business.”

“The  last  time  we  ran  an  ad  in  a  magazine,”  Jerry began,  “we  got  so  many replies  we  couldn’t  handle  them all. I dropped the ad until we hired more staff.”

“It  doesn’t  matter  what  you  put  in  the  ad,”  Esther added.  “People  will  sense  who  you  are  and  what  you  are offering and make a decision from that feeling.”

Jerry  and  Esther  have  hired  me  to  write  their  ads because  they  know  I  believe  in  their  work.  If  I  didn’t believe  in  them,  the  ads  I create  for  them  would  show  it. And  if  they  didn’t  believe  in  their  work,  the  person  they hired to create their ads would reveal that attitude.

My   friend   Sandra   Zimmer,   who   runs   the   Self- Expression  Center  in  Houston,  also  knows  the  power  of spiritually based advertising.

Sandra consciously infuses her ads with her energy. She actually sits and meditates over her ad, sending her energy into the ad. As a result, her ads have a magnetic quality to them. She once told me that people hold on to her ads for as long  as  seven  years.  I  know  I  had  seen  Sandra’s  ads  for many years,  before  I finally met  her  in  person.  While  her ads didn’t look different, they felt different. There was just something about her ads that made them memorable. That something was Sandra’s own energy.

“Advertising is important,” Sandra once told me. “But it’s  the  energy you  put  in  the  ads  that  does  the  work.  It’s really the law of attraction at work.”

Again,  who  you  are  inside  creates  the  results  you  get outside. Even your marketing pieces carry your energy. Get clear, feel the energy of what you want to do, be or have, and  you  will  naturally  go  in  the  direction  of  manifesting what you want.

When  I  was  in  Australia  in  May,  1999,  I  learned  that many  seeds  don’t  open  up  and  grow  unless  they  are  first burned.

In the human body, you open your seeds of desires with the  heat  of  emotion.  Whenever  you  feel  love  or  fear,  two very strong emotions, you are turning up the heat. That heat reaches your deeper mind and opens the seed, the image, of what you want. How you do that is through feeling.

The point of this step is that you must joyfully feel the energy of the thing you want to do, be, or have. As Joseph Murphy  wrote  in  his  little  book,  How  to  Attract  Money, “The feeling of wealth produces wealth.”

Feel  the  joy  of  having  what  you  want---feel  it  right now---and you will begin to pull it to you and you to it.

“The  whole  process  of  mental,  spiritual  and  material riches may be summed up in one word: Gratitude.”

-- Your Infinite Power to be Rich by Joseph Murphy, 1966