Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The Spirit of the Mighty Waters

Elemental Water

“Self Sacrifice”


The Hanged Man self sacrifices himself on a living tree turning his self consciousness away from selfish, rational arrogance to commune with the living spiritual waters that flow in the depths of Nature. Through this union he is freed from self-delusion and enters onto a path that leads to security, happiness and inner peace. The image of the Hanged Man is shaped by both its simplicity and inner symmetry. His arms and head form a triangle while the legs and the torso form a cross superimposed upon the cross of living wood from which he hangs suspended. In this simple symbolism one of the Tarot’s most fundamental revelations is revealed: that which we call consciousness is dual in nature and that true spiritual enlightenment (symbolized by the halo which encircles his head)  can only be achieved by the recognition of this truth and its practical application in the life of the individual. The blue tunic which is worn by the Hanged Man symbolizes the Inner Consciousness (Elemental Water) while his red trousers allude to his self consciousness. The symmetry of the cross formed by his legs and torso and its parallel to the cross of the living tree from which he hangs suspended reveal the necessary sacrifice of the individual self consciousness to the guidance and Will that speaks from the depths of the Psyche thus rejoining the individual with the primal powers and potencies of the Life Power flowing within the tree. The Hanged Man has succeeded in forging a relationship with the fertile and creative waters of the deep Psyche – and built his personal bridge to a higher level of awareness. The Hanged Man invokes an atmosphere of self sacrifice necessary to achieve reunification with the deep Psyche and the necessity to drink of these living waters and acknowledge the importance of the emotional, imaginative and aesthetic dimensions of consciousness.


The element of water symbolizes that aspect of consciousness related to the emotions, instincts, and creative imagination. Symbolizing the Primal Water of creation from which all life has emerged, this element relates directly to the Inner Consciousness and its great reservoir of wisdom upon which we may draw throughout our lives. We must drink deeply of the waters of our own dreams, imagination and creativity if we wish to become transformed and   enlightened like The Hanged Man.


When Appearing Upright in a Reading

There is no possibility of reaching your goals without self-sacrifice and the conquest of your arrogant rationality. You must be willing to adapt to changing circumstances, exhibit  flexibility of mind and  have the courage to change your way of thinking. A present sacrifice may have to be made to accomplish a higher goal.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

Selfishness, egotism and a preoccupation with materialistic ends are clouding your consciousness and are preventing a new viewpoint from emerging. Material influences and an obsessive focus on maintaining the status quo at any cost is blocking the energy necessary to transform your situation and attain a higher conscious awareness.


“The Path of the Stable Intelligence”

The spirituality of Water unites with the vivifying energy of Fire on the Path of the Stable Intelligence transforming and purifying the Divine energy so it assumes a stable form and becomes suitable for manifestation in the physical universe. All energies have attained the necessary completeness to perfectly reflect the Divine Intention when they emerge from this path.