Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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Lord of the Fire of the World

The Sun



The gift of rejuvenation that follows upon the experience of the Inner Light of Divine grace is symbolized by the triumphant child who emerges into a new life of freedom, vitality and personal fulfillment. It is the fulfillment of the Hero’s journey – Spiritual Illumination. We now stand face to face with The Sun – The Lord of the Fire of the World.  As we experience the power and energy of this card, we see that The Sun has been given a face. In the Tarot, the Sun is considered to be a conscious, living, sentient intelligence and the face in the solar orb affirms this belief. Radiating from this symbol of solar consciousness and light are both straight and wavy lines symbolizing the dual manifestation of  its sentient energy through the material forces of Nature: its manifestation as vibration (the wavy rays) and as radiation (the straight rays). The naked child riding astride the white horse symbolizes the illuminated personality whose Inner Light has come to shine forth. It is coming forth into the Sun of a new life of creative service. The strength and purity of this light is shown by the white horse upon which the child rides. The solar child wears a crown of seven orbs symbolizing the seven sacred planets of the ancients and their meaning as representing the seven fold manifestation of the Life Power. He sports a large red feather atop his head, similar to the one The Fool wears on his cap. In his arm he waves the banner of spiritual triumph. There are four sunflowers to his rear, representing the four suits of the Minor Cards, as well as the four Jungian psychological functions of Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition which the solar Child has united within him and through which he has achieved realized self consciousness. The Sun invokes an atmosphere of realized higher consciousness as a healing illumination which dispels any darkness that may still dwell in the inner psyche or the outer world and shines a light on the underlying causes of our setbacks, obstacles and conflicts thus freeing us from their shadowy grip.


In astrology, the Sun represents the Supreme Will that is reflected in the human being as the self consciousness through which is expressed the conscious personality and the individual free will. The Sun is light, consciousness, the fundamental psychic life force and the root of our individuality. As the center of our solar system the Sun symbolizes the very light of life itself for without its light we would have no existence. So to without an active relationship with the Inner Light that is our personal inner sun we have no real spiritual life and thus no way to nourish ourselves as we travel on our journey back to the Source of our being.


When Appearing Upright in a Reading

Your emergence from the bondage of ignorance into the light of higher consciousness will bring increased freedom, attainment of your goals, success, achievement and happiness. You will be able to escape the chains of blind fate and create a unique and individual destiny for yourself through which you may be able to play an important role in society. Great accomplishments lie ahead of you.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

Your inner sun has become eclipsed and your present fortunes are becoming darkened. You have failed to attain your goals and your future is in doubt. Severe misjudgments on your part are putting you on the path to failure. Without your Inner Light to guide you misery and misfortune are sure to follow you all of your days.


“The Path of the Collecting Intelligence”

On the path of the Collecting Intelligence all aspects of the psychic monad that serves as a vehicle for the Divine light on its journey through Nature are made ready for blue printing in the invisible realm that serves as the foundation of the universe before coming forth into the power and light of the Sun.