That is how simple it is to release the negative impact of non-‐truth. I
always do my best to be active in every moment to perceive the Truth in
what is presenting. By doing this, I stop the creation of non-‐truth and
create truthful y. Anytime I am in alignment to Truth I empower my life
with love.
When Divine Truth is seen, you start to bring into your life the qualities of
the Divine. Your internal vibration shifts to a more positive frequency by
recognising Truth. No effort is required for this to occur; it simply
happens. It is not some secret, complicated process, unachievable or
available only to a select few. Removing burden from your life is child’s
play. In fact, it is so simple most people miss it or just don’t get it.
When you see Truth, it is very hard for non-‐truth to exist. It no longer