To give you an analogy, let’s say your body runs on electricity. You have a
powerhouse inside of you to generate al the electricity you need. This
allows you to function perfectly, independent of any external source —
you are self-‐supportive and whole. But if your internal power plant broke
down and you had to plug into an external power generator, you would
be reliant on that external source to keep functioning. You then start to
function without wholeness; you become incomplete. This becomes a
very insecure existence; at any time you could be disconnected.
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If you are relying on someone to make you feel love and/or loved what
happens if they leave? What happens to your wholeness? All of a sudden
love is gone and emptiness and pain occurs, and you fal apart. When the
love you experience is generated from within, it is stable, safe and secure,
giving you true wholeness. This gives you an authentic life. If you truly
love yourself it does not matter what anyone does; it does not change
that love or that Truth.
When love is generated from within, external love can be experienced in