The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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It is time to sit back and relax! You must now release your intention into the hands of the Universe. You must let it go altogether and go about your daily business. The act of surrender is about releasing your lower selfs grip on the intention. It is about detaching from the outcome and trusting in the Universe to orchestrate fulfilment.

The secret to effective surrender is to have a playful, childlike knowing that it will express in its own perfect time. You do not know, or want to know how, nor should you care. Just leave it up to the Universe to handle all the details. You must release to receive, and this is usually the most difficult step for apprentice alchemists.

The other essential aspect of surrender is to let go of any desperation or neediness of having your intention fulfilled. This is because being receptive to intuitive guidance is an essential part of the process. It is a direct conduit to wholeness, your Higher Self, and the unbounded orchestrating intelligence of the Universal Mind. Nevertheless, it is a passive channel, and the active nature of the intellect will always over-rule it in times of need and desperation.

When you surrender fully, you disengage the intellect and allow fulfilment to express in ways your intellect cannot possibly conceive. Remember the intellect is anchored within the individual mind with no direct rapport with the Universal Mind. Because of this fragmentation and isolation, it is the cause of all resistance to complete surrender.


Can you remember a situation where you really lost your patience? Chances are that the outcome was not a positive one. It is not always easy to remain patient throughout the manifesting process, especially if you have put a lot of money, time or energy into manifesting an intention. Nevertheless, you will need to transcend the temptation to rush the manifestation process. The entire method will falter quickly in the presence of impatience, frustration and ego-driven demands for faster results.

Impatience and excessive attachment to the outcome are long time bedfellows. Both cause feelings of frustration and despair, which are very low vibration emotions and have no place in the manifesting process. To stay in the frictionless flow, you must act quickly to re-focus your attention and increase the energy in your emotions to joy and gratitude. Inspiration will express itself more clearly and frequently in the presence of high vibration thought and emotion. When your overall emotional vibrations drop down into this range, you lose your connection with Universal intelligence. If there is no action in joy, surrender and gratitude then there is no inspiration. Without inspiration, there is no effortless ease, no grace and no synchronicity.

On your path to mastery of the manifesting method, you will learn to exercise Infinite Patience. Infinite Patience is an inner knowing that there is a season for all things, and that everything comes in its own good time. This perspective can only come from experience in the process. Eventually, you will have accumulated so much evidence that you will begin to trust that this process works. You will reason that because all of your past intentions have been actualized, so too will all of your current and future intentions.

The big secret is that, paradoxically, the more patient you are the faster your intentions will manifest. That is because the state of Infinite Patience fosters surrender and expectancy.


Patience and expectancy are complementary states of mind. Expectancy is active in nature, such that you are actively looking forward to your intention manifesting. Patience is more passive, in that you are in no hurry for it to come but you know that it will. Expectancy will push and patience will pull you along the path to the realization of your intention. Maintaining a harmony between patience and expectancy is critical to the process.

You might recall from Part II that expectancy is one of the three elements of Intention, alongside desire and belief. Anything you can do to reinforce your expectancy will greatly increase the fluidity and speed of the manifesting process.

When you expect money, a resource, or even inspiration to come to you, it sends a very clear signal to the Universe. The important thing to remember with expectancy is that you will not get the money, resource or idea until the exact time that it is required. For that reason, you must not lose faith in your expectancy at the last minute. Many people prematurely abort the process because what they are expecting to support them has not shown up well in advance.

The Universe is a highly efficient operation and it is perfectly reliable. It is the Ego, your partness, which demands the security of all the resources in advance. That is fair enough, the Egos drive is toward self-preservation and protection. It would not be doing its job if it exposed you to unnecessary risk. Nevertheless, you must recognize that it cannot comprehend the ways your Higher Self will support you at the perfect moment, when you trust in it. Allow grace, synchronicity and effortless ease to propel you along the path toward realization. Your job is to over-rule the demands of your Ego by out-picturing with your unwavering expectancy.

For example, say you require a certain sum of money by a certain time, but there is no sign of it and the deadline is approaching. Your intellect will cause you to become anxious about the fact that you do not already have the money well in advance. The intellect reasons, „Oh Universe, why cant I have it now so I can sleep soundly at night? Unfortunately, for the intellect, the Universe does not operate that way. If you have impressed upon „formless substance and keep yourself anchored in the high of the emotional spectrum, and expect the money, you will get it! It will come not a moment too soon, or a moment too late. The unbounded orchestrating intelligence will deliver it right on time! Your job is to keep your faith in the process and expect it to be there when it is required.


This kind of expectancy is the essence of true faith, or trust, in the Universe. Your intellect will never allow this degree of trust until you have built it up one-step at a time. Knowing this, you can start by manifesting small things, growing in trust until you build an unshakeable inner knowing. The evidence will just keep piling up until your intellect can no longer deny the truth. Once this happens, you can truly surrender your lower self to your Higher Self, and your manifesting ability will grow exponentially. You can read entire bookshelves about this faith or trust, and about other peoples success with it. However, until you have proven it to the only person who matters, yourself, it has no constructive power in the process.

You will have plenty of opportunities to fully develop this faith, but extend it a little trust to begin with and work from there. Rest assured, the same intelligence that transformed you from a few strands of DNA could not let you down if it wanted to. It operates to give expression to your impression in accordance with perfect law; it knows no failure. Follow the five-step manifestation process outlined in this book and the Universe will support you.