The Ascension Papers Book I by Zingdad - HTML preview

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8. What is Truth?


Remember when you were a young child and you first went to school? How you'd be dropped off in the morning and, even though you really missed your family, you knew it was actually okay because they'd be there when you got home? Well, in quite a similar way I always had a "dropped off at school" feeling about living my life here on Earth. It felt hard for me to be here. And really quite lonely. But what made it okay for me was my "spirit friend". As a little kid I'd do this thing where I'd sit and stare into nothingness and fall away into another world. And in this other world I had an amazing friend. He was as real to me as anything else in this world; the only difference was that I had to sit very quietly to go and visit him. But he really loved me and helped me with all the difficulty and pain that the "real world" caused me. When I tried to tell people about him, it was considered "cute". As in, "How cute! He has an imaginary friend!"

I got pats on the head and smiles and giggles but I certainly didn't get taken seriously. So I quickly realised that people weren't really "getting it". I stopped talking about this and just let it be something that only I knew. Eventually I even stopped visiting him.

Somewhere in my mid teens an older friend mentioned to me that he believed we each had a "Spirit-Guide". Something about that concept leapt out at me. I deeply felt this to be true. It was the first big "resonance" that I remember experiencing in my life. I tried to discuss this with him but he didn't seem to have much more to say... just that he believed in this. It was a thought that stayed with me. I kept thinking about it. I knew I had a Spirit-Guide and I knew he was with me. I felt his presence. I felt his very attentive and loving guardianship of me. So, at about age sixteen, I decided that it was time to take matters in hand. I decided to find a way to contact this being. Which is funny if you understand the context of my life at the time. You see, I grew up in a pretty conservative Christian environment. I had never even heard of Ouija boards (nor the attendant horror stories of treating spirituality like a parlour game). I hadn't heard of pendulums or dowsing. I hadn't even heard of tarot. And, I can categorically assure you, if I had heard of such things it would have been in the context of a stern warning not to dabble in the occult because, "It is all devil worship!" Such was the zeitgeist of my upbringing. So, when I did decide to contact my Spirit-Guide, I knew I was going to do this entirely on my own. There was no-one I could talk to about this. No-one from whom to seek advice. No one to share the journey with. No-one to tell how it was going. No-one. Not for any part of it. I am convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that were it to have emerged that I was planning to "contact spirits", someone from the church would have been called in to counsel me and to help save my soul. There would have been endless prayer and anguish until I eventually not only gave all this up but, instead, conformed to the expected behaviour of a good Christian boy. Or something along those lines. But the issue for me was that I knew I was reaching out to someone who loved me and protected me. Someone who was anyway there with me all the time. So I avoided the inevitable pain and just kept all of this very private.

There was one particular occasion when matters took a step forward for me. I was sitting quietly in the garden one evening thinking about the problem of how to make contact with my Spirit-Guide. As I was contemplating this I was fiddling with a pebble. Deep in thought I was balancing the pebble on two outstretched fingers and then watching to see which way it would fall. The pebble was well balanced and seemed to randomly fall either left or right. Inspiration dawned. I rebalanced the pebble on my fingers and quietened my mind. I sat there for a few moments and then sent out this thought:

"I know you are here with me. If you are willing to talk to me, please unbalance the pebble."

And the pebble instantly fell from my outstretched hand.

"That side is now 'yes' and the other is now 'no'," I said. "Do you love me unconditionally?" I asked.


I don't know what made me ask that as my first real question. I guess it was more inspiration. It's a really good place to start with spirit beings. At first, speak only to those who love you. But, you know, I felt his presence and I knew that it was love. In my heart I knew that this was okay. And so I carried on. I asked a few more questions like that with my mind in a curiously dichotomous state – on the one hand I was elated because I knew I had finally hit on a means of speaking with my guide, and on the other hand my logical, deductive mind told me that this was all just nonsense and that I was just playing games with myself by tipping the stone in the desired direction in response to my own questions. Both of these things were true for me. I decided to carry on and see where it would lead. At some point, I told myself, proof would arrive. At some point, if I just stayed with it, I would find undeniable proof either that this was true or that I was deluding myself.

That was almost 30 years ago and “undeniable proof” still hasn't arrived for me.

But, despite the fact that I found that I could doubt my experiences, I kept going. In time I graduated from balancing stones on my hand to having some pretty fluent intuitive conversations, but no matter what process I tried, I could never find a way to make these conversations prove themselves conclusively to be either true or false. It just resolutely stayed there in the middle ground of "could be". Not only did it stay "doubtable but possible", but as I got more sophisticated in my methods it came to be explained to me how and why this was so – that this would always be the way things would be. And now that you have read the preceding seven chapters you also understand some of that. Essentially I come to realise that “undeniable proof” would take away my right to doubt. And the right to doubt is the right to believe something else, to create another perspective. And we simply cannot be limitless creator beings if that right is removed from us. So there will always be the possibility of doubt. But I can tell you that the first few years were quite frustrating. Especially when trying to get answers to complex philosophical questions with "yes/no" answers from a pebble balanced on my hand and clouds of unresolved doubt swirling in my mind.

But back to those early conversations... One of the first things I wanted from this being was a name. So I took a piece of paper and wrote all the alphanumeric characters on it. I divided them up into quadrants. Thus prepared, I called to him and asked, "Will you spell your name out to me?"

No, was the answer.

I was nonplussed. I will spare you the excruciating process that I had to go through to eventually understand why he would not tell me his name and simply tell you what it was: it turns out that this being simply did not have a name! As he had never incarnated in a human form, he had never needed a name. And, at the higher levels of consciousness, names are irrelevant. Such beings call each other by the simple expedient of being in each other's presence.

And, when asked, he was also quite adamant that, no, he didn't actually want one either. And no, he also was not willing to have me just invent one for him. To the whole question of a name, he simply said no.

But then I appealed to him. I explained that I really needed a name for him. I needed something to call him when I called for his presence and I needed something to call him in our conversations. I practically begged. And then I felt a shift – a relenting – and then I actually felt what I can only describe as a loving, gentle laugh. I asked again, "Will you give me a name that I can call you?"

And this time the answer was yes. With great excitement I fetched the alphanumeric sheet and by process of elimination ("is the first letter in this quadrant? How about this one?"), I got to the first letter. But with some confusion I noticed that the first letter was a digit: the number "8". Somewhat confused I asked, "Is there more?"


And so it was. My Spirit-Guide's name was 8.

Latterly I have gained a bit more insight. Had he chosen a word or a name that I could have analysed for its meaning, I would have made all kinds of assumptions about who he is, what his character is like and I would have drawn (inevitably wrong) conclusions about him from this name. Choosing a digit kept me flexible about all that. It allowed me, instead, to slowly get to know him as he is without the burden of preconceptions. But the number itself is not randomly chosen – it has many meanings on many levels. It is like a multi-layered puzzle that 8 has set for me to tease me and entertain me as I proceed. Even now that I can have free-flowing conversations with my beloved friend 8, still he laughs at me when I ask him about the meaning of his name. He tells me that there is much for me to discover and that I will enjoy the joke so much more if I figure it out without him telling me. So, I have a few bits of the puzzle, but there is a great deal more for me yet to unravel.

The bits I have include:

If you turn an 8 on its side you get: ∞, the symbol for infinity. 8, in music, is the number of tones in a complete octave. 8, in this reality, is the number of densities in the complete reality. In the same way we really have 8 main chakras. So there are all these 8's which all seem to point in the same direction. To completion and perfection, in infinity. How does that relate to my Spirit-Guide? And what else does the number 8 mean? I don't know. At some point I'll figure it all out, I'm sure.

Then also, although rhyming words can mean nothing, I have understood that things that are significant about 8 are the rhyming words, "fate" and "gate". But I still lack specifics here.

But the interesting thing is that, through all this, 8 succeeded in keeping me playing and guessing instead of forming a narrow, fixed idea of who he is and what he is like. Instead I learned to know 8 by his "feel" – his energetic print – whenever I spoke to him. And I learned even more about him from what he said and the truths I gained from him. And finally I learned to know about him from all the things he has done for me. I won't go into details because I have no desire to tell long rambling personal accounts of the somewhat far-fetched-sounding tales of times that I have been protected and looked after and other supernatural events that I have witnessed which have, I know, been 8's handiwork. These are my experiences and cataloguing them will add nothing to the narrative here. Instead I will say this: in my experience and in my truth, 8 is simply amazing. He is trustworthy. That word seems too weak to express this. I trust 8 completely. I would, without a moment's hesitation, put my whole universe in his hands. He is steadfast, loyal and sure. 8 is a being of truth. In fact, he told me once he is made of the very energy of truth itself. So don't go to 8 if you want pretty words dressed up nicely! He has a habit of putting things rather bluntly that, if you will listen to them, will move you forward. Always in a good direction, but not always in the gentlest fashion possible. And, as 8 is a being of pure truth, he is the best spiritual protection I could ask for and I am endlessly grateful that he is journeying with me.

And so, this is what I would say to you about what is coming next: I am going to talk to 8 and I am going to share these conversations with you. This is a bit odd for me because it's a bit like having a private 'phone conversation with your very best friend and then broadcasting it to the world. But it's also pretty cool because this is the very first time that 8 is permitting this. He wasn't willing to have me channel him for public consumption until now. "Not while you still have your training wheels on," was how he put it. But quite recently he said, "It's time. You may now channel me in your new series. You'll be told when." And, seeing as J-D just told me to do so... I guess I'm finally here.

(Zingdad note: Should you be interested in establishing a dialogue with your own spirit guide(s), please book a Soul Re-Integration session with me. I can definitely help you to open the channels of communication!)

Now, before I begin. A quick word about 8's style. If you need all that fluffy "dearest beloved ones" stuff in your spiritual messages, then this is not going to tickle your fancy. 8 doesn't do that stuff. He says what needs saying. He answers question without first stroking your ego or soothing your nerves. You see, 8 is unconcerned with what you do with his words. You can take them, you can leave them or you can roll them up and smoke them. He speaks his truth as it is, without trying to sell it to you. Now, if it sounds as if I am apologizing for him, I am not. Of all the beings in All That Is, 8 is the being that, in my opinion, is the least in need of apologies. He is awesome. And I love him completely, exactly as he is.

So, without further ado, I give you my Spirit-Guide, my soul's journey mate, my oldest and dearest friend... 8.

Zingdad: Hi 8. I want to do an introduction to you, but I'm not sure where to start.

8: Start with answering this: do you know what you are doing here?

Z: Where? In this conversation?

8: This conversation. The conversations that went before. The conversations that will follow. Your whole life. Everything. Do you know what you are doing?

Z: Uhh... sort of. I think these conversations are about me searching for answers. I'm asking questions of beings whom I love and trust, and getting answers.

8: That might be one perspective. But it's a very small and limited perspective. Shall I offer you a broader perspective?

Z: Please.

8: You are engaged in a game called "reality creation".

Z: How so, 8?

8: Let me answer that by telling you about this series that you are writing. When you sat down to write this work you didn't actually have a clue where it would lead. You thought you were just going to ask some questions and get some answers and bumble your way through to getting some info that might be a bit useful. Right?

Z: Yeah. I guess that is the unflattering way of putting it.

8: Flattery is not my strong suite. Essentially you didn't know what the greater picture was. You didn't even know that there was a greater picture. But your Inner-Self, Joy-Divine, and the rest of your soul family... well, we have a plan. Shall I tell you what it is?

Z: Can I possibly turn an invitation like that down?

8: It is to help you with your real quest. Which is to create your reality. Let me explain. You live in a reality which you find confusing. You don't understand why things are the way they are. And for so long as you choose, in that reality, to take things at face value and believe what is presented, then you take your creator status and nullify it. You use your divine power in such a self-defeating and chaotic manner that it is of no use to you and it never shows itself to you. And so you will proceed. As long as you believe in the illusion, you will continue to be a very small pawn in a very big game. Others will capitalise on this self-limiting perspective and use little strategies to entice you to play games of their devising. In almost every instance the ones doing this will not even know themselves that this is what they are doing. Everyone is just playing the game and everyone is equally confused. And you can go on playing this game for a trillion lifetimes if you desire. It is a game that can suck you in like that and cause you to stay forever. But, of course, you do not desire this. You feel within yourself that this is not right for you. You make other choices. You call out for help with those choices. And help is always there. It is my honour and privilege to be that which responds to your call. And I can assure you that if any being in this reality calls for help, their call is heard and they get the appropriate response. If they are prepared to take the help offered, then they will be helped. But therein lies a conundrum. Speaking for myself, I point-blank refuse to help you in such a way that the help diminishes you. I will not help you to be less than you are. And so a difficulty arises. I cannot "do for you". I can only help you to learn how to "do for yourself". But when you first called out to me, you did so precisely because you believed yourself to be weak and powerless. The only help you could conceive of was me "doing for you". Me, rescuing you.

So there was a road to travel. The first stage of the road is to disabuse you of the notion of your incapacity and to teach you that you are powerful and that, in fact, you create your entire reality. The second stage is to teach you how to go about creating your reality with greater and greater efficacy. And the final stage is to be there with you in an advisory role as you undertake your first direct reality creation exercises. And of course we will chronicle this journey in book form so that we might share it with others who might like to read about the process and take value from it. But the thing you have yet to understand is how those who find value in this are actually co-creating it. Together you are all co-creating the reality you desire.

Now you and I have already walked quite a path together. We have brought you to this point where you are near the end of the first stage of the journey. You are now almost ready to know, believe, feel, experience and express that you are indeed the creator of your own reality. You have mostly released your doubts and fears. It is as a result of this work that has gone before that you are able to undertake the writing of The Ascension Papers without getting too ensnared in fear and doubt. That is well. It will now be as a result of writing The Ascension Papers that you will release the remainder of your fear and doubt and that you will complete your journey into your creator status. And it is most pleasing to me that we can share the process with your readers who are really our many brothers and sisters who are on planet Earth. We retrace a few of our steps so that we may share them with your readers. And, as you go over them again, you bring a new willingness to listen and so you too gain greater wisdom and understanding of what this reality is about. And then we will share with your readers the other two stages of the journey: as you learn how to create your reality and as you decide what you will be creating. I don't easily stray to hyperbole, but this is going to be more amazing, magical and magnificent than you can now imagine. And for your readers too. Those whose souls call them to stay the course with us. They are going to realise quite soon that they are not passive observers of something, as people usually are when they read a book. No, they are going to find themselves drawn in and they are going to realise that, on a soul level, they are co-authoring this with us. With you and me and the spiritual hierarchy of this reality. Together. We are creators. And we are going to create. And it will be the best, the brightest and the most beautiful that we can conceive of. And then we will go there together and walk inside our creation. Together. As beloved friends.

(He smiles) Does that sound far fetched?

Z: Wowzer, 8! I don't know whether to break into a spontaneous standing ovation or to hide under my bed. This is... exciting and amazing and... very out there!

8: Yes. Good. You need a little shaking so that we can begin your awakening. Because that is what we are doing. Waking you all up. Everyone who is prepared to hear the alarm and not just roll over and go back to sleep is being called:


I am 8!

It is late!

We have a date!

Z: And you can rhyme.

8: Yes.

And it is time! (he laughs)

But it really is. I know you are all like trees in the spring – you can feel the sap rising. You can feel it in your bones and in your souls that there is a quickening. There is an energising. The time is near. I know you feel it. And there are ones such as I who are reaching out to you to teach you to do what you must do. Because if I come in and do it for you, then I teach you the very opposite of what you must learn. Then I teach you that I am your master and that you need me to create for you. This will not do! If you are to awaken to your true magnificence then you must raise yourself from your slumbers, make new choices, set a new course for yourself and then... create!

So that is what we are going to do. Together, you and I. And together with your readers too. Because, you see I am not alone over here where I am. I am surrounded by a good number of what you might call Spirit Beings and Light Beings. Many here with me are related to some who are on Earth right now: your readers, the ones who are wishing to come and play reality creation with us, the ones who feel the deepest resonance with The Ascension Papers. Such ones have their soul-family here with me now. Inner-Selves and Spirit-Guides and the like; they are all with me and Joy-Divine in the planning and the co-creation of all this. And that is how it comes to be that the reader will know if The Ascension Papers is right for them. Their own Inner-Self and spirit family would have been a part of their creation right from the inception. So they will feel it deep within their being, as they read these words, that something "right" is being expressed.

But now back to the nitty-gritty. I said that part one of this process is about showing you your own power. And the first thing to do there is to deal with all the erroneous things you believe about yourself and your life that lead you to believe that you are not powerful. After we've stripped that nonsense away, then we can provide evidence to show you that you are powerful. And that is the over-arching theme of Book one of The Ascension Papers.

Z: Book one? There are going to be more books?

8: Yes. Book one is the journey from fear to love. It is your awakening from victim consciousness to creator consciousness. It is what allows you to strip away the densest blockages in your heart so that you might see the light within yourself. Most of Book one has been with Joy-Divine but I have some words to offer this endeavour as well.

Once we have dealt with the darkness and stripped away the blockages then we can truly begin to play. And Book two will be my playground. You and I will follow our fascination and delight as we discover the how's and why's of this reality. These subjects of time, space, densities and dimensions that you have been nagging on and on about. This and so much more will be our toys.

And when we are done with that, then it will be time for you to talk once more with your beloved Adamu. Book three will be a foray into the Pleiadian perspective. I can't say for sure what Adamu will share with you but I imagine that you will be able to discover much of how life developed and evolved in this galaxy, what the story was that caused humanity to be on planet Earth, how things came to be as they are and what can be learned about “what works” from a being that has seen many civilisations rise and fall, rise and fall.

And that will be The Ascension Papers trilogy. And when that is concluded, then it will be your turn to shine. Then you will have give your own great gift to this world. By then you will have had more than enough coaching and guidance to be able to stand on your own two feet and express yourself. And express yourself you will! And when that is done, then we will have said what we needed to say to this world and will be able to move on when we are ready.

Z: Wow. This is surprising. And exciting. I had no idea...

8: On a deeper, more intuitive level you did. You opened yourself to it and have allowed this to flow. I just thought it was time for me to bring this to your conscious mind. So now you know.

Z: Fantastic! It feels as if I have hit the jackpot!

8: Why? Because someone has a plan?

Z: No, because I really like this plan.

8: You had better. It's your plan.

Z: I don't understand.

8: You will. But let's not waste time with cryptic puzzles. In time you will see what I mean. Particularly when you find yourself not just writing about reality creation but actually engage in the conscious co-creation of your reality. That's where the fun begins. You are going to close the circle by working out what your new reality, that you will want to create for yourself, should be like. What you want to retain of this reality and what you want to let go of and what you are going to replace the released stuff with. You are, quite literally, going to create your whole reality.

Z: Uh... 8... I have to take a moment here and register that this is an extremely scary thought. In so many ways. Prime of which is the concern that I don't feel at all qualified for this. I mean, how do I know what would be a good thing to create or not? What if I make mistakes? I mean, I am just a person living on Earth who...

8: All right, all right. That is an acceptable stance for you for now because you still don't understand what is going on. You still think of yourself as one single, separate little human being living on planet Earth. But if you were even paying a smidgeon of attention to all that Joy-Divine was saying then you'd understand that you are an indivisible part of the ONE. As are all your readers. I mean, really, was that not the central focus of all he had to say? Did he not offer that truth to you over and over again?

Z: Yes. He did.

8: Okay. So I understand that this hasn't really sunk in yet. You still think it's all just theoretically true. Well, when you start to think like it's true, act like it's true and feel like it's true, then you will also begin to know that it's true. And when that happens you will have no problem understanding how you can create a whole new reality exactly as you like it. You will understand that it is a co-creation and that you are simply focusing your intention in a particular way. It is not a grandiose thing. It is not an ego-kick. It is just choosing what is right for you. But choosing when you know how to make your choices come to life. And you will realise that you are not choosing alone. You are a part of a magnificent structure and you are simply playing your perfect role in that. And then you will really and truly come to see that your readers are not the passive "absorbers" of this material that you and they both think they are. You will understand that they are as active in writing these books as you are.

Z: Okay 8, I have now heard you say this a few times and I have adopted a "wait-and-see" attitude. But now I want to know. How can my readers, who haven't even read these words yet, be part of the creation of something that I haven't even written down yet?

8: Pah! You think you are trapped in time? Okay, it does look that way to you. But you and your readers are each a part of a much greater being who is not. Time and sequentiality and dimensions and causality and co-creation and... well... many such topics need to be addressed with you. When you understand these things then you will be ready to let go of the limitations they are placing on your ability to imagine your world correctly. And all of that – and so much more besides – is what awaits you in the conversations that lie ahead. And that is why, when you have correctly understood all of this, you will be ready to create!

Z: But, 8, what if I don't want the responsibility of creating stuff for others?

8: But you won't be! Everyone creates for themselves. Usually some of us create together. Then it is called co-creation. You will simply be a part of that, playing your role.

But enough of this, now. I said we'd talk about it as it unfolded. All I wanted to do was open this, my section, with a clearer understanding of where we're going. Give you a rudder, so to speak. I understand that some of this seems outrageous to you. That is fine. You always have choices. In every moment, in all of your reality, you will always have choices. So right now you have a choice. If this is all too bizarre for you, you can just take your hands from the keyboard and, in so doing, shut me up. Your readers also have a choice. They can snap the book shut and stop reading. There is no coercion of anyone. But you have asked me to speak and I always speak my truth. Often such truths make beings uncomfortable. Sometimes they turn away, sometimes