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Now let’s enter into awakening your wealth consciousness.

Wealth consciousness means, you being constantly active, alive, involved, participating and engaging to enrich others.

Expanding and raising consciousness means constantly enriching, contributing to the world. Giving the world something that which is of value for others, that enhances, improves their life by offering various solutions. 

Let me explain how you can easily get to an understanding for you to get started. First thing is, you already know there are millions of problems happening around you. Second, choose one of them where you feel you want to contribute. Third, ask yourself, how many people have exactly this problem? If you see how many have this problem, then you should know that there is already a high demand, all these people are already literally searching for a solution! Fourth, create a solution for it!

Whatever you have already around you to work with, when you feel you do not have what is required to get started - before you deny your possibility to expand, let me tell you that you can at least set an intention into that direction and grow towards it! There is always a way to get started. Remember, you are getting matured with each decision you are making, simply to be active and alive, willing! It starts with your very attitude.

The right perception about taking action

Most of the people feel resistance when it comes to taking action. Deep down you do not know what you need to do when somebody instructs you to take action. There is a misunderstanding about it, meanwhile the mind is only able to operate through the series of questions: who, what, when, where, why and how. The mind is deceiving in its nature because it is only linked to the senses, which is limited and acts upon a series of thinking.

First of all, thinking will not lead to the right action. Second, the mind can only use the memory of the past experiences. The right understanding comes forth through the recognition, that the habituated state of being that you have chosen as a consciousness, is able to receive the necessary information and divine ideas which lead to an inspired action. The only thing you need to start with is a powerful cognition!

Do not take any inspiration you get for granted!

You can relax for now, because this book itself is full of them.

Taking action means acting out the person you have chosen to be in its consciousness which is already in alignment with its own nature.

The less resistance there is evident of your mind, the more you are allowing to naturally align with your primordial state of being, that is wealth. Too many people are stuck when they hear the statement of taking action.

This statement is "Meant to be the state" of the being you need to perform. The right action is the right state of being simply performed. It is the being you act out and express and not "Not knowing" which actions need to be performed outside of you, because the outside is just the reflection of your very consciousness. Don't act as if, but act as is. God speaks through you in form of ideas in the nonresistant surrendering state of being, but willing to be active and alive, allowing the blessing to be bestowed upon you, which already is in this moment. You will receive information in your consciousness based on the state you are choosing to be, the frequency you dial-in. The first thing you always attract is some sort of knowledge or thought, impulse that is the first symptom of manifestation. If you act out the being, that kind of a person you have chosen for yourself to be, then the right action simply follows!

I have seen many people who hate to work, or they try to avoid it, dump it on others, try cunning strategies to live as indolent as possible, without any responsibility and really believing that is freedom. They have already given up, thinking they are a finished product, already packed and put into a box of any supermarket. A major problem in society is decision fatigue.

Many people ask me about how to overcome decision fatigue, what a paradox question! The more and more you DECIDE to not make any decision, you are caught in a trap! You are pulling yourself into delusion and imprisoning yourself in this box and bring up thousands of excuses, if’s and but’s not be integrated.

It is all a hoax, a huge blind spot in society, thinking that saying  NO to life is a freedom. You waiting and hoping that something is going to change without any decision of your own to cause a change, nothing will work out for you. You have to be the cause for it! I also have seen many eloquent people, who think they can justify anything in the name of freedom! Please save yourself  from such statements. It maybe sounds highly intellectual, but it is another cunning strategy to justify your own inability to make decisions, believing in your intentions and to execute them. Same way, many people believe, that consolation is love, NO!

It is another strategy to justify inability in others. This is also irresponsible. Real love is not falling in love, it is raising in love. Real love means, you empowering others, helping them to feel empowered to raise themselves by themselves!

I tell you, the only way out is to declare it intensely again and again. Whenever you miss, restore your integrity, by deciding for it again. Do not wait for anything to happen!

Work on its own is a pure reflection of your own attitude directly towards life itself! By working hard, your blind spots get revealed! If you feel triggered, because somebody is not working well, be very clear, it bothers you because YOU are no working at your peak and in completion with yourself and others.

You will see, when your relationship towards work is consciously strengthened, naturally you will start loving it! Your whole being starts to flower and suddenly what seemed to be hard before has now got very easy for you.

How to handle impatience

The more you are in completion with yourself and others, the very concept of patience simply disappears, because your are already complete. Whenever you feel restless, it is because one corner of yourself still carries some sort of agitation, which means, that part in you has not yet come to completion in you. It has not yet properly matured. Whenever you remain in the space of completion with yourself and others, you will see that your intentions are not something which is moving, they are simply pure and centered in your inner space. It is like you do not feel any need to move anything in your inner space. Or try to force something in to your inner space.

Whatever you want, you do not need to force your will onto the universe, it simply hears you and brings you what you intent to happen, effortlessly. You do not even need to think about it, it just happens. Whenever your intention is unforced, unbound, but persisting, where there is no conflict happening within you, only the pure intention existing for the sake of itself, you only let it remain as it is in your inner space and suddenly it disappears on it’s own. As long it remains pure, you remaining in your completion is enough and the universe delivers.

Any incompletion is like one part of you, which has not yet become consciously the way you want it to be, which after all is nothing but that part of you has not fully matured. All your desires are going through an evolution. The moment one desire has been fulfilled, you have already forgotten you desired it a long time ago. You have forgotten the context on why you desired it, that is why you are frustrated today, because you desires are getting matured. Life always gives you what you ask for, but you have to remember why you asked for it and what is happening now is something you wanted earlier!

Now let me explain

what this concept of money is really about

Money is nothing but a reflection of your own independence and freedom in consciousness that grows, by more and more contribution, activism related to something of value for you and others.

It has nothing special on its own, because it is simple matter.

So this is the right context to begin with.

Now, let me give you some more details on the relationship that rich people have towards money.

Money is an extension of your own activism to contribute, which is your currency of your consciousness. Money is nothing but another form of energy which becomes part as a currency, in your current of life.

In order to attract money, you have to be convinced and be certain that you deserve it. This is the very basis and core of it. The depth and basis. It is really about how much you feel worth of it to have, express it in your very body language and let others feel its presence. Most of the very rich people, embody their worth of a specific scale of money through their body language. They show it. They express it in some way with their confidence.

Do not fear money, because it is part of your own consciousness. If you fear it, in reality you fear the environment of where money is circulating, the kind of confident people you will have to interact with. I tell you, not all of them are smart, either they are very active and contributing that which is of value, or they are using cunning strategies to steal your money.

You must embody a lifestyle of wealth to match the frequency of it

 Riches do not like you because the amount of money you actually have but you being like them in their lifestyle and ambiance they vibrate in, which is the smell of richness in the air you radiate around you.

When you watch many famous people, who are always talking about money, show videos of themselves with money, cars, women, drugs, material objects, they are pleasing others by invoking their desires based on the limited senses and also justifying and proving themselves as being rich as per their definition of being rich for their own credibility and actual evidence or aspect of richness, which are mostly acted out as if by being pleased. There are two channels you can use to be wealthy, the first is by pleasing others as mentioned or solving problems of others.

Turn problems into currency by increasing value of solutions to the most problems and attracting more amounts of people willing to exchange for solving their problems they are already looking for. The more you feel you are of great value for humanity, the more your contribution will be of value.

In order to be a millionaire, you think like a millionaire and do what a millionaire does and feels about himself as his core value.

The more you behave like a millionaire, by setting your intentions to be a millionaire, you will see how you start thinking like a millionaire. The ideas which come out of you, the actions which come out of you, all of them will be on a higher level. There is no big difference between you and a rich person, other than their self value, their activism, constant readiness for intense action and contribution.

If you can perceive it correctly, you will act it out correctly, because you will receive ideas in a nonresistant, surrendered state in its likeness. You will take right steps and actions related to it. Live in rich people’s consciousness. You have to become a contributor. The definition of contribution itself is richness. The more people are involved in your life, the more currency of consciousness will be shared unto you.

Enriching is becoming more rich, in any field of life.

If you want better relationships, enrich more people to live better relationships, if you want more health, enrich more people to live healthily, if you want more money, enrich people on how to be come active, alive and enriching, you will become more rich. The more you enrich, the more YOU are enriched.

This is the power of living called Jiva Shakti.

The secret of success

Success is nothing but you being highly integrated to any goal you have in your life. Integrity is always the first fundamental principle to achieve anything in life.

The more you keep your integrity, the more you will naturally radiate success. Whenever you fulfill the words you give to yourself and others consistently, you become more and more integrated, more and more powerful, more and more energetic.

When you come from an integrated space and please others consistently with your integrity, people will always appreciate you and feel you deserve the best. Because you are integrated, you are pleasing and empowering others to follow their own integrity. Being always integrated makes others to trust you, honor you, also follow you. You will be a great role model for others, because you are not demanding anything, but constantly giving and fulfilling your words and the words you give to others. When you are constantly giving without any expectation, naturally they will bless you with whatever you need. Whenever you ask from your Integrity, whatever you are asking in return will seem very small when they know you are always pleasing, empowering and enhancing others life. They will feel what you are is of uncompromising, irreplaceable and highest value, truly deserving of your right to ask.

Honor gets the blessing/favor.

Helping and pleasing for empowerment or enhancement is the highest thing you can do in life. Giving and pleasing for empowerment or enhancement is purpose of life. It will make you intelligent and a divine super conscious being. This attitude is pure and of fortune. This is the meaning and depth of being rich and becoming rich, and receiving. Open hands of giving are the same open hands of receiving and having more of what is being given. You will get anything you need from other people, because they will bless you with what they have in store for you, being pleased to give something back to you, feeling you deserve it.

If you are understanding the statement:

Life is for others.

If you feel completion with this statement, then you caught the thread of success

This intention itself brings prosperity and success. Knowing that this intention itself manifests in others, others are involved to be pleased with empowerment or enhancement. This attitude is uncompromisingly a divine way for success and makes you trustworthy and irreplaceable, when you are committed, integrated to this divine attitude, knowing this phenomenon is rare in these times of ignorance. If you dishonor somebody, they will leave you, because this attitude decreases the value of their precious time they have shared with you.

When you are able to understand that there is only one consciousness, you will experience that whatever you sow, put out there in the space, is attached on your own consciousness. The seer, seeing and seen are one and the same. If you have an attitude of honor towards life, god will give you the favor.

It all boils down to leading your own life and the life of others to a greater, higher possibility of existence. You taking up this responsibility makes you a real leader. You will experience leadership consciousness.

Presence is abundance, absence is poverty. It is only a way of conscious cognizance on your behalf. The only thing which is needed, is YOU. Let your consciousness be present and experience abundance in your life!

The truth about karmic and financial debts

Many people still believe, the moment they lack money, their entire existence is violated, it is danger, they can not survive, which is again only a concept which was born out of guilt. First of all, money is only a poor substitute for your own freedom and independence you already have, which the money is only reflecting. Money only determines your life when you live in guilt and fear. Fear and guilt is the root of poverty. Why? Because each time you think you made a mistake, you start believing you are a failure and make your self guilty because of a mistake. First of all, each failure was necessary for you to grow and come to new realizations and understandings. Second,  who you really are is never guilty in nature. Third, drop your guilt because of making mistakes! You must know that you learn from them. No need to carry guilt inside of you! Falling multiple times is not wrong, but never getting up to reinvent into yourself is wrong! Failure is not wrong, not wanting to learn from it is wrong, because it is ignorance. Because you carry that guilt within you, that fear of losing again or failing again brings you into an endless cycle of impossibility, which is poverty. That fear is like a ghost which haunts itself constantly. Whoever is trapped in this pattern, will always have debts in some way. If it is karmic or only financial! You can never lose yourself, like you are reading these lines, you are aware right? You are right here. You is all you need, so you can only win.

Believing in those fears that something can be taken away from you is only unconscious. Life only takes certain things from you  to mature you and remind you that nothing can violate your existence, because you are making decisions. Unless you avoid making decisions, everything around you will seem like an accident and chaos. Understand, do not take money serious. The only thing that harms you or violates you is you believing in guilt and fear, believing that something is lost. If life has removed something from you, then because it was only for a specific purpose available in your life, it was not your possession in first place. Your will to exist and be alive is ten thousand times more powerful than the concept of money that is controlling your life and making you a slave to live in constant guilt, fear and greed. I tell you, really enjoy what you have in your life right in front of you. You may want certain things, but not the money itself. Money should not have more value than your own authority, treat it as a reflection of your relationship with freedom and independence. Be grateful for it, that all needs are being taken care of by existence, I mean look at you, you are still alive, do you think money is doing all this?

I have seen so many homeless people in the streets. Why don’t they simply start to think in ways of possibility, when the whole world is open in front of them.? Because they live in guilt, they blame everything and give you a problem to every solution you have. Even I was homeless several times in my life and was engaging with them, asking them about their attitude towards life. I can say that most of them have already decided that their life is done, over, finished, which makes them also dangerous. I have seen how they have millions of excuses and explanations which are always baseless, when you track back their story, how they behaved in their past, even when they were injured. One man for an example, after being divorced he had no home, but since then he could have had enough life, time, energy to change everything, rather than holding on his judgments about things which happened, they do not like and do not even understand why they do not like. Their attitude made up their life, not the circumstances. Circumstances can never be a justification or an excuse for you not to change. They had a chance to choose, either change or deny and rot. The majority of homeless people who carry violence, they show you the extreme of poverty, through their attitude, not their homes and belongings. Not with what they liv, but how they life, they choose. Even enlightened beings live in the streets, with minimal things. My last statement for those people from who you can learn is only this: Focus on the lifestyle, not the money. One more thing, because I was also homeless, I can say from my own experience that there is no difference. There are no two separate realities of rich and poor. There is only one happening and I knew, nothing belongs me, even the body I am using, belongs to existence. There is no differentiation between home and homeless. It is all one and the same.

Being humble does not mean decreasing in worthiness or taking yourself back and avoiding to contribute, both are stupid concepts about being humble. There is no need to walk in a stooped posture and decide for powerlessness. Being humble means the ability not to waste anything but always giving!

If you believe, nobody is taking you seriously, then because you are taking yourself too seriously. Nobody wants to follow that.  They actually want to celebrate you instead. Why aren’t you celebrating? Do not care about being taken serious!