The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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Desire is not the wanting as society made you believe, mostly from teachers who are not enlightened.

Desire is a living part of you that is evolving your consciousness,  bringing you on the right path to your enlightenment, to experience complete completion.

Each desire you have, is a part of yourself that you are awakening within. The more you complete with all your root patterns, as I already guided you through from the very first chapters, your desires mature along with you. Either your desires being fulfilled matures your consciousness and you experience completion, or you are integrated to be more in completion, both are on the same path leading to enlightenment.

It is not about renouncing your desires, but renouncing the contradiction, confusion and conflict from it.

Desires are an already living part of you, the part of you which has not yet manifested in you as a fully awakened presence, as a being which is already fulfilled by the desire. When a desire has been experienced completely, the very depth of it, that desire dissolves into higher consciousness. Desire becomes a Will - becomes an intention to be -to allow its fulfillment to take place. Desire does not arise by the senses. If you believe your senses and temptations, you will create too much of thought around these things and it takes too much of your inner space where you get deluded. Anything that arises by the senses, psychological ups and downs, chemical ups and downs, are not desires, they are delusion, unless you claim back your superior authority over them and make them loose their power over you. When your consciousness is superior over anger, sleep, hunger and lust or greed, only from that powerful space if you live them, they can only add more joy to your life. When it comes to the senses, the only way to win the game is integrity and powerfulness. Being ferocious with your body by doing Yoga and the yogic cleansing techniques (tantra). The word tantra itself means method, or technique in Sanskrit and has almost nothing to do with what the western society has made out of this word.

Your inner space will be abused by neediness, through the temporary effects of the senses and therefore you imprison yourself. Leave that space open and free to receive the blessing that already is.

Your innate desire to be successful, is nothing but seeking your own source.

Real desire is a desire to change. Evolve and expand. Let that seeking take over. Your seeking can flare up in intensity by prayer.

The right prayer is not begging, it is praising god - feeling devotion for existence, uniting, by

not taking anything for granted but knowing you deserve what you are seeking. Seeking itself is powerful enough  to achieve what you are seeking!

The purpose of desires are to mature and evolve into seeking the Ultimate. They are a path for self realization. The more your desires evolve, the more your being is getting matured.

The more your desires experience completion, the more seeking you will express, which is nothing but you having a feeling connection with the divine, wherein you are  allowing the divine to bestow itself upon you.

Desire is a part of you that the more you complete with, either by fulfillment or choice, the more completion you experience.

The seeking which drives you, your entire life and gives you a purpose,  is the power which matures your desires and realigns you with the divine.

You are seeking the being, the self in you which already has everything that you want, where all desires are already being fulfilled. Seeking turns into enlightenment by realizing in depth that you already are enlightened, when you are in conscious communion with the divine. God is present for you, the same moment your awareness is on him, letting you know. It is only of your side of being committed to the divine, by always having him in your awareness and therefore his presence. 

The more you realize these truths, the more you will experience completion. Solitude will become a simple basis for you. More and more you become independent. The connection you maintain with the source is the consciousness of the source.

The divine wants that you become the lord of your consciousness, in order for you to own the consciousness of the thing you want as already having and living it.

It is giving a lesson about the things you want in depth - in first place before he leads you further, to protect you. You are prepared for what you are asking for. Your seeking itself is the divine grace upon you, because it is gods desire that you are becoming aware of. It can give you anything you want, but he needs your involvement and commitment as an entire consciousness with your free will, your conscious presence to make it a reality. The divine is your consciousness. It works with the presence of all things all together. Be integrated to god, then you are integrated to your true self which is true commitment. Divine Communion.

Whatever happens right now in your life, need to happen to carry you where you need to be carried by the flow of cosmic currency. Your cosmic currency is your consciousness that moves all life all over the space. From the view of consciousness. You are the entire situation itself. Everything else flows and consciously carries you where you need to be carried. Just flow with it knowingly that the divine leads everything in oneness with the whole happening.

You are where you have to be right now. Flow with the current of the entire consciousness as one whole happening through giving up the fight with your higher self in its unimaginable ways of guiding you through the scenes.

All is interconnected, happening in the cosmic dimension of nithyattva (eternal infinity), Eternal Oneness (Shuddadvaita), therefore he works through others as well to fulfill the desires you have. The whole scene itself is conscious. Even a stone on the ground. It is alive.

Whatever you see, is conscious as its substance (divine).

If you are in touch with your innermost desire, which is god wanting to fulfill your inner space or inner canvas, all you have to do is allow it - to flow with it and trust it.

Whatever you feel in your innermost, god already works on that. What you feel deep down within you, is what god has already for you. God has designed for you. Everything is already aligned on the big cosmic canvas. The more you flow with it by allowing it without your interference of ignorance, the more the entire canvas shifts around you. The entire scene as a whole by the circumstances - deeper meaning, the situation is you reflected back to you. In the highest realms of reality, there are no real secrets of life, because nothing is hidden, everything is told out to you right in front of you, exactly in your plain sight of all your three eyes..

God leads you through your fastest path of joy, which shows itself as inspired action and you being out of your own way. The inspired action will happen once you are surrendering your wholeness to the divine. It is a place of being and not thinking that you are being. All thinking process is handed out to god, therefore he takes care of you and the alignment in situations. Because you are even alive, it is the real evidence for you that you are wanted here and taken care of in this very moment. Integrity to the revelations of the source is the key to reveal his vision about you, for why you came here. Gods will is your highest good. Your will is god’s will. Let me be very clear.

Gods vision about you, is ONLY YOU.

The Will of the divine is your highest good

We will come to the realization that gods intentions will bring us much further than we ever could rather than trying by ourselves. The only thing we actually did all along the way to reach the best outcome in life was trying to accomplish everything by ourselves.

How far did we come up with our disbelief?

Our belief about our source?

God wants your highest good means at first that you claim back the ownership of your consciousness, set intentions and stick to them to break your own karmic cycles by yourself, raise yourself by yourself in order to stretch the belief about your own power and where it really comes from as the source. The moment we look in and start to reach out to the divine, we come to this realization, that we are ready to surrender, let the divine lead our intentions and trust the process.

Leaving all the weights behind for the divine to work through us. The divine is the real goal. Enlightenment, which means becoming lighter, free of all weights and inner gravitation. That innermost freedom we feel of being alive is bliss and allows anything to come to our life very quickly.

We get into the real alignment once we set the right intention to allow the divine to enter into us. Living in pure innocence and purity. The greatest practice in becoming mature in life is the action of surrender, it is Ultimate, allowing infinite inner space for the divine to settle in. Surrender is Ultimate but not final. It is a continuous happening. We always get the best outcome in life when the right space is made clear for the divine, when we allow it to enter into us.

We are formless in nature, appearing to be a form, which is the illusion, while there is no real matter existing but only empty space. We have to create more free inner space. Emptiness is only being felt because the space is not reserved for the divine to be addressed and engaged with as the source of fulfillment.

In god, there is only auspiciousness in his nature. From the lowest pleasure to the highest gratitude. It is not vertical, it is a horizontal scale. All various expressions of fulfillment.

Gods will is your will. Gods will is your highest good, you will is god’s will completes the oneness.

The only thing that binds you to integrate your will with gods will is the mind and all the toxins in your body.

The mind is useless to connect with god. It is only your intention to be. It is in the being level.

The mind does not manifest. The connection with gods consciousness taking place is what really manifests. God is the only power. The only omniscience and omnipresence, knowing what needs to be done. God remains in your awareness. Whatever judgment we have, is attached on the same consciousness. It is yours. Pure detachment is real freedom, is receiving the blessing right now and being aware of it. Nothing can touch and harm you, unless you attach yourself onto something.

You can only receive the blessing right now, your desires to mature from right now, from an inner freedom, inner space in order to receive an increase of good. The more we stick to the series of thoughts, the mind operating from the senses, the more chains we create and live in a prison, it becomes resistance and  ignorance, neither your desires mature, nor they get fulfilled into greater levels.

The mind will constantly make you feel and ask yourself:

Why does nothing change? Why does nothing move? Why nothing is happening? Why it is boring?

Because you being constantly engaged with the mind, giving it more priority, because of its own actions you come up to those questions. It is stagnant and not able to cope up with reality because it works in the length dimension, the intellect. Only the being, the breadth and depth dimension is able through the experience to grasp existential infinite and fluid reality, not the fiction from the mind added unto it, by trying to put the divine into a box! Free yourself from the box and allow your desires to become more mature to experience more and more completion. Some desires will tire you, so you complete with them. Some will be ironed out of you and  you will feel they are not real desires because they do not empower you. More and more you mature and express Seeking the Ultimate.