The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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Now we made it to the most powerful chapter, after I have prepared you fully and elaborately explained the most important sacred secrets to you to live your purpose, why you came into existence, which is to have a super conscious breakthrough.

Living enlightenment is living powerful cognitions - not constantly trying to build new identities through immature conclusions, but contemplating upon powerful cognitions given to you by an enlightened master to awaken the parts in you which already exist. All practice is useless, when you do not hug the fire of truth ferociously! Please Listen intensely.  Whenever a master gives you a strong click, that intensity to you feel, just keep that fire alive! That is all you need. If you   keep your integrity to that, you are Devata! A divine being!

You are divine the moment you understand the divine and allow it to enter into you! It is not the other way around. One more thing, before i move on with you. You are probaby still having this question sitting inside of you.

What is bliss? Your being itself expressing its shining - for others you seem to be happy, but even that is only a concept, there is only your consciousness expressing its intense presence in innocence. It is life constanly being infused into your being.

All you need to start living enlightenment is powerful cognition, which comes from the highest space of existence into which you are going to be initiated now. In few sentences of the last chapters, here and there i have already given you pieces of what is about to come now.

Please bring yourself into a meditative state and meditate upon what you are going to read from now on.


Live intense innocence !

Express and embody your consciousness intensely.



Celebrate your consciousness!

Intense Presence of Consciousness by celebrating your consciousness (Liberating the dependency on external and internal happenings and focusing only on that)

consciousness is intensely shining because i am alive!



complete completion - being unclutched - intense innocence – pure shining are one and the same!



Intensity in Continuity are one and the same!

The intensity of being alive is eternal



Conscious conscious decision to be constantly in conscious conscious decision to be alive!

Live in your peak performance



Infinite Infinite Intensity Immediate!

I am eternal – deathless and birthless



Will persistence – innocence – bliss are one and the same!

Bliss is made out of the material called will persistence.

You just need to work on your bliss, you will automatically develop will persistence.


Visualization technique:

visualize an intense extreme light which is brighter than light itself on your third eye and maintain it with undivided awareness. This technique will allow your third eye to flower and awakens your consciousness. It is like the NASA pictures you got from the space and how it looks with the black space and small bright dots. In Kailaasa, it is the exact opposite! There is extreme light with only small black dots which look like small small flies!

I will even go deeper with you, where we will contemplate upon the highest existence, how it is being described from an living incarnation of super consciousness, my beloved Guru, bhagvan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, as soon we reach the chapter 25 States of Consciousness of existence, but before we get there, i have some more sacred secrets to share with you.