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As most scientists have discovered, they tell you that the brain does not recognize a difference between visualization and the happenings within the physical plane. All in all of reality is interpreted by your senses, from the chemical signals of your brain to the tip of your fingers, that is being instructed by consciousness, therefore you can alter it, change it, move it as you want, shape your whole life as you want. Your consciousness replicates the things that you are reacting to in the outer world on a continuous basis. This is indeed, why almost every day seems very similar to the previous.

Your ability to make a conscious visualization has the power to impact the space and is connected with the outer reality.

When your awareness remains, or pure consciousness with visualization, the space simply absorbs your visualizations into reality.

Whatever you visualize consistently, alters the reality around you. You are merging with the visualization and the visualization is merging with you.

The multidimensional logic of space is to celebrate your own consciousness, that whatever you want is already being fulfilled, otherwise you could not visualize it, if it would not already exist in you. It is like feeling already complete while consciously visualizing, without feeling a need or exaggerated emotion. Celebrating Consciousness means feeling your own completion, independent of internal and external happenings, simply expressing your consciousness.

There is one important aspect to this logic, why it is actually multidimensional. If you visualize some things, which are connected to your desires, regarding higher levels of maturity to maintain those desired things as a reality, you will go through a process of realizing that maturity first, for them to manifest. If you visualize things which are less connected to a higher level of maturity/desires, depending on what you are constantly integrated to, you manifest those things very quickly: any objects, scenarios, synchronicities. Fundamentally, your basic needs are always taken care of. Ultimately, the manifestation of greater things depend on your maturity to maintain and rejuvenate those desires as a reality in your consciousness. Your will persistence is mandatory to achieve something higher than you are experiencing right now.  It is like the more you consciously visualize, the better you stay on the path towards its realization. 

In my case, whenever I needed something smaller next to higher manifestations like a lot of money or a certain relationship I want, or any great success, I always got them in perfect timing, in a perfect divine order and I can see clearly, how things I asked for in the past found their way to me later on, the further I have matured.

The greater you mature in a consciousness of the thing you want, the easier it manifests in the outer reality. We are all maturing in various dimensions of consciousness. If it is wealth consciousness, health consciousness, relationship..

Maturity makes you manifest life!

Since you are now initiated into the multidimensional logic of space which is corresponding with your maturity, this is what you have to do when you visualize:

1). Define what you want

That's already 1/3 of getting it. Formulate it by writing it down. Clarify it. Narrow it down. Be specific.

2). Imagine it as if you already have it in first person view, as already being fulfilled - the end result.

All sensory vividness. Add feeling and thinking from the scene.

3). Drop it and forget it.

Move to the next visualization and start again from point 1).

If you want to manifest anything by conscious visualization, which is the multidimensional logic of Shakti, the Sankhya of Parashakti, your being has to be able to catch up with what you have asked for in order for you to be in alignment with the happenings around you and maintain it.

Every word you utter, every action you perform related to what you want to manifest, creates a certain ambiance, an environment, a certain space for what you want to manifest. It is only the fertile ground you are preparing, for what you have visualized to become reality.

The more you remove the clutter, chaos, confusion, delusion, the agitation which pushed you to react constantly, and even start fighting within you in your head, if you just clean them up, suddenly you will see the space you are living, how people respond to you, the situations you attract become different. All our decisions are not logical thought currents, it is Sankhya, multidimensional logic force.

Conscious visualization is powerful enough to make anything into reality.  The universe simply listens to your command and constantly says Yes to support you. Your conscious will is not qualitatively different from the Will of the universe, it is only quantitatively different.

The more conscious visualizations you are making, the more your being also matures to the level of experiences you desire. The more your dimension of consciousness matures, the more you feel complete with it. You will feel you do not need it anymore. From there, things can be easily initiated by you to simply perform as you would when you already have it. It will simply feel natural to you. Another important aspect in this chapter is, that it is only the source in you which gives you what you want by its grace, there is no other way. This knowledge is not really useful to you, when you only have vested interest, because your desires are also meant to mature. It looks like this to be straight:  Whatever you want simply follows, when you are integrated to the source of the visualization power, which is the Ultimate. Shouldn’t that be obvious to you? You use the power, the more your are in oneness with your source, which is experienced through complete completion.

When you are integrated to the source of you and mature your oneness, your relationship with it, it blesses you automatically and supports you, guides you to mature your consciousness - if you believe it or not, if you want it or not. You won’t take anything for granted and live gratefully. The more you are grateful for what has been already showered in your life, you give birth to more blessings, by the grace of the divine, Paramashiva.

(Paramashiva means: The ultimate causeless auspiciousness - The Source of Shakti)

Let me give you the royal sacred secret of manifestation, which is called as Sadashiva Rahasya in Sanskrit, which has been revealed from my enlightened master, who is always referring with his highest integrity to the sacred scriptures.

If you are still not manifesting, then because you are using less power. The only solution is more power.

How do we generate more power to manifest? Please read carefully and intensely. Lets say your ability to manifest is a weapon, a bow, thread and arrow.

The State is your bow, which means you are constantly unclutched, in Nirvikalpa Samadhi, completely detached. The moment you are hearing the words of an enlightened master, the very frequency already lands on you, the State is already given, because you are in deep listening. The Space you create is how you express, radiate to what you are integrated to.

Your State is your Bow, The Space you create is the thread, the Intention you make is your Sankalpa

(Cosmic Command). The Power you generate to pull the thread strong enough and shoot your Sankalpa to manifest anything you want, that power comes by making more and more completion with others. The more and more completion you make with others, it can be anything, if its a tree, the river, your boss, your neighbor, anything other than what you think is you, the more Shakti you manifest! When you are in completion with yourself, you will feel peaceful, you experience unclutching, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, but the more completion you make happen with anything other than you and expanding it, you will be blissful! The more and more completion you have with anything other than what you think as you, the more Power you will have to manifest your Sankalpa, where your Intention simply becomes a reality for you.

Manifesting Powers (Shaktis)

There are four forces of nature as science is confirming that these natural forces really affect our reality. One is gravity, the second is electromagnetic force, the third is weak nuclear force and the forth is strong nuclear force. As per revelations from the space of Kailaasa, the highest conscious existence, there is also a fifth force, which is called permanently excited consciousness, or called awakened consciousness, inspired consciousness. The fifth force is being revealed as superior over the other four forces of nature. The weak nuclear force is known as our guts, the body which all beings are using, the strong nuclear force is hard power which is either used for energy supply or atomic destruction. The consciousness of the individual Soul and the supreme consciousness which is responsible for life to happen, the very quality and superior authority are one and the same, it may look different because of our attributes, but the consciousness, the source material is one and the same with the highest intelligence, Paramashiva. As per the science of third eye awakening and the science of power manifestation, they explain elaborately, how all these above 460+ yogic powers can be manifested, like blind fold reading, remote vision, moving or materializing, teleporting matter, changing the chemistry in the body, raising or lowering body temperature etc. An ordinary human being has only access to preliminary powers of third eye due to Kundalini Awakening, but all higher powers can only be achieved by the fifth force, permanently excited consciousness, which is called also as the embodied consciousness, Paramashiva manifesting through the body, called Parameshwara. A guru as an incarnation or as an avatar, is a manifestation of the Ultimate in ones life to grant a being liberation, enlightenment and ultimately being introduced to the highest existence. Whoever is an initiated disciple, it means that liberation is already granted and the Ultimate connection has been set up. A sincere, chaste and integrated disciple is sitting in the lap of the Ultimate itself. The Guru initiated his disciples into the highest possibilities of existence, which as the Guru itself is the embodiment, representation of the Ultimate consciousness. The guru is constantly supplying with intense bio energy for the devotees and followers to awaken their peak potential and realize their Paramashivattva within themselves, experience life in higher vertical times zones. The Guru disciple relationship is called as Shaktipada, where constant transmission of enlightened bio energy, the initiations as a spiritual umbilical cord maintained by the principle of integrity, a quantum entanglement is happening and increases the quantity and quality of consciousness in the disciple, experience oneness with the Ultimate and infuses powerful cognitions from the space of Kailaasa to make sure the disciples are constantly engaged with the infinite. Shaktipada is also known as the mirroring of neurons between the master and the discple. The greater the feeling connection, when it reaches to the level of trust, it embodies as Parameshwara, the excited consciousness manifesting through the body, which is superior over all other forces of nature. The higher the consciousness of the disciple, the more life seems to be a divine, an orderly play, which is called leela, rather than a drama, chaos, random happening or accident. Incarnations manifest on planet earth again and again, because their script is already written, it is a leela. They descend to the plane of ours to initiate the next breakthrough in our evolution. The main reason on why this is happening, is because of their love. Don’t get me wrong, they are not here to support your laziness and compulsions or any other if’s and but’s to delay your conscious growth. They do not love your laziness or your personality or your attributes, they love your very consciousness.

If we manifest consciousness, embody it through powerful cognitions, the consciousness gets excited. The more the consciousness gets excited or awakened, the fifth force, the ultimate spiritual force can be manifested to alter all other four forces of nature like gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. It is possible to play with them as we want, because the source material of reality is consciousness: static matter – dynamic activity – strategic existence (the will) are one and the same!

The basic necessity to manifest Paramashiva as Parameshwara in us, to embody the permanent excited consciousness, is mainly through non violence. Non violence even when beings are being falsely accused or harassed and protecting oneself legally, giving human being enough time to understand and listen and also to clarify anything related to the existence of Paramashiva. The ultimate spiritual force is not a hard power and is not considered by Hindus to be used for destruction. The way to manifest supernatural powers is achieved by compassion, enrichment, contribution, motherliness, love, which makes it a soft power. The Ultimate power of the universe, which is superior to all other forces, is a soft power, not hard power.

If you are vegetarian because you want to be healthy, great, but the context is different, higher, when you are a vegetarian because you will feel all beings and animals are part of Paramashiva, due to that level of understanding and compassion, you can manifest Paramashiva.

Super conscious beings from higher planes of existence are very well aware of all happenings on this planet and they make sure the right people are being protected, guided and supported. Some even destroyed without our own intervention. All of those Gods and Godesses help us to strategize our way through for a higher existence. There are enough evidences for all those Beings that they really exist. Higher possibilities can only manifest by the cognizance of them. When pure consciousness remains and becomes excited, it has power over anything in the existence. You will understand that whatever is happening macro-cosmically, is happening inside you also. Let me be very clear, if you understood it so far the depth of manifesting powers, you will have to realize that all this happens because of the Gurus grace, you are even reading this book. You can not take anything for granted. The following chapter will make you surely understand why you should surrender and follow the process. Having a guru is called Guru Parampara, Guru Sampradaya, a lineage of enlightened Masters keeping all this sciences alive and not revealing it to the world. Most of all this teachings described here are actually and mostly have been spoken and carried on from disciple to disciple, from Paramashiva himself to his consort Devi, Adi Shakti, the divine mother and then delivered to the world. When we experience the feeling connection with the master, all of his tapas (penance) he went through, all of his penance he went through during the training instructed by his Gurus, like Surya Namaskar, The Sun Salutation Sequence in Yoga from Sunrise to Sunset and much more. All of his hard work which trained him strictly to master all the powers, which are stored in his bio memory will be simply transferred to your own spiritual account! The currency of the universe.

I know there are a lot of pseudo spiritual and pseudo awakened people out there who try to warn you and say: you do not need a guru, or it would be deception and everything, constantly judging and disturbing others conscious growth. I tell you honestly and seriously, the world would never have matured without the lineages of enlightened Masters and.. another thing which is too important, please listen intensely and imprint this in your brain: Whenever someone has bestowed higher knowledge upon you, inspired you by giving you even once a powerful cognition, be very clear, at that time that being was your guru. Don’t be so ignorant and claim you did everything by yourself. That is the opposite of grace. That is utter ignorance, abuse towards Paramashiva, disrespect to Paramashiva, which is called Guru Droha, which is the sin that takes your enlightenment away. If you really believe those conspiracies of individuality rebellions, you are caught and then you are deceived,  please save yourself, otherwise the ferocious form of Paramashiva known as Maha Kalabhairava won’t protect you, nothing can save you. As long a being lives Guru Droha, by its very attitude it can not attain liberation.

The guru will always remind you, if you are integrated to the guru, you are save, protected from delusion and destruction, ignorance. Disciples will never perish, that is the commitment which is written in the most ancient sacred scriptures, from Paramashiva himself.

If you want to find out more about Third Eye Awakening and the Power Manifestation science, here is a link for you to read all Shastra Pramanas, the scriptural references and sacred texts which has been delivered by Parashakti.