The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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The highest existence, the super consciousness has 25 actions which are all interconnected, completely independent of each other and relate with each other for anything in the universe to exist. Many people think that it is all about creation, but this principle is only one of 5 basic actions from a total of 25 in the universe for it to operate. All these 25 states of consciousness or actions of the Ultimate, called in Sanskrit as Paramashiva are being presented as his 25 heads and 50 hands as the Ultimate God.

Paramashiva describes his 25 heads and starts with his

first 5 FACES:

1. Shristi – Creation

2. Sthiti – Maintenance

3. Samhara – Rejuvenation/destruction

4. Throbhava – Delusion and being pulled out of Delusion

5. Liberation

Each of these actions are needed for the universe to exist.

Each of his 5 FACES, has separate and independent PHASES and happen within us also. You are Paramashiva, because he is residing in you and doing all these 25 actions to give you the experience that you are ALIVE!  Paramashiva is constantly doing all this for anything to exist. Because he is sitting inside of you and doing it, YOU ARE PARAMASHIVA.

Now, let me describe you all the remaining phases of each FACE of the Ultimate.

It goes further and starts with the FACE of creation, Shristi.

1. Creation being created

2. Maintenance being created

3. Rejuvenation being created

4. Delusion /Out of delusion being created

5. Liberation being created

Next, with Paramshivas FACE of maintenance,


1. Creation being maintained

2. Maintenance being maintained

3. Rejuvenation being maintained

4. Delusion being maintained

5. Liberation being maintained

Then we have his FACE of rejuvenation/destruction.

1. Creation being rejuvenated

2. Maintenance being rejuvenated

3. Destruction being rejuvenated

4. Delusion being rejuvenated

5. Liberation being rejuvenated

After that phase follows his FACE of delusion,


1. Creation being pulled out of delusion

2. Maintenance being pulled out of delusion

3. Rejuvenation being pulled out of delusion

4. Delusion being pulled out of delusion

5. Liberation being pulled out of delusion

The last phase and FACE is liberation,


1. Creation being liberated

2.Maintenance being liberated

3. Rejuvenation being liberated

4. Delusion being liberated

5. Liberation being liberated

You might ask yourself this question, “why is HE putting me into delusion?” Be very clear, only you put yourself into delusion and the divine is pulling you out!