The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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The existential reality is beyond arithmetic logic, the accumulated information through the limited senses or memorization. We used to perceive reality only within the faculty of senses, therefore we are only able to grasp the outlines of the real substance reality is made of.

The senses do not have the capacity to cope up with reality in its vast infinite existence, where..

Zillions of universes and multiverses, stars, moons are being created, spontaneously and simultaneously, maintained, destroyed, pulled out of delusion and being liberated NOW, without time gap, inside you as well. Zillions of big bangs and black holes happening at the same time, NOW, without time gap, in each NOW, from NOW to the next NOW.

This is the multidimensional logic of time “Kala” in Sanskrit.

Now here I will share the exact lines from my master related to the multidimensional logic of time: the Sankhya of time – Kala:

Now, now, now, now - creation, maintenance, rejuvenation, pulling out of delusion and liberation - all 5 happening now! Now! Now!

*the permutation combination of all 5 into 5 -

Principle of manifestation getting manifested. Principle of maintenance getting manifested, principle of rejuvenation getting manifested, principle of pulling out of delusion getting manifested, principle of liberation getting manifested.

*creation of the universe is one level. Principle of creation getting created. Creation energy getting created.

*if you meditate on this, you will understand how some people are manifesting in our life is creation. Some people leaving your life is rejuvenation. Some people getting back to your life is them pulled out delusion. Some people adding bliss and joy to you and you adding bliss and joy to them is liberation.

*whether if it is people, places, object, health or anything you experience is just 25 principles manifesting in you. If you are fighting with that happening - you are Jeeva. If you are mastering with this 25 principles, you are Shiva.

*if you sit and complete now with the two happenings in you - internally and externally. “everything happening in you is auspicious.” If you understand that, you are Shiva.

Once you are initiated, once you are my disciple, even if you think that everything in your life are falling apart. Nothing is falling apart, they are falling in proper place!

*nothing is falling apart, they are all falling in place. Once you are initiated disciple and you are integrated to Guru, Linga and Sangha (community), nothing falls apart, even if you think things are falling apart in your life, they all are falling in place. Nothing falls apart! Everything happening is auspicious. Everything is falling in place for higher purpose.

*once you sit with that clarity, you are shiva.

*whoever who lives in fire fighting mode internally lives as jeeva whoever who lives in ferocious mode internally lives as shiva.  Whatever is happening in internally and externally is auspicious. Things are not falling apart, they are falling in place for your higher purpose. - hold on to this powerful cognition. Align your logic to this powerful cognition. Creation, sustenance, rejuvenation, pulling out of delusion, liberation, this 5 principles like creation of universe is created. Creation principle itself getting created is creation getting created. So this 25 principles, the permutation combination of this 5 is happening constantly in you.

*so understand the truth, “everything happening in your life is auspiciousness.” With this one truth, if you sit, and bring this clarity, completion, joy and restful awareness -keep this one principle in you alive! Then, you are free from death.

*i can give you thousands of sacred secrets about death. Just catch this one truth - everything happening in you, this 25 activities is happening in your life internally externally. So be clear, if you won the lottery, it means wealth is getting created. If suddenly you lose money, it means wealth rejuvenation is getting created. You are not a loser. You are Paramashiva. Things are not falling apart, they are falling in place. Sometimes losing wealth, the kind of energy to work hard created in you is worth millions of dollars. Understand this principle everything in you is auspicious.

*anyone who soaks into this powerful cognition that, “whatever is happening is auspicious.” First of all, you will not be having violence inside, he will not be doing anything wrong. You will be living as Paramashiva. When someone tries to attack you, they create karma for themselves. You live in pure Paramashiva space!

I am telling you the most powerful sacred secret of death - 5 into 5, creation, sustenance, rejuvenation , pulling out delusion, liberation - this 25 principles are happening now in you. Take this as powerful cognition and everything happening inside you and outside you is auspiciousness. This powerful cognition will make you intelligent, strategic, powerful and gives you tremendous healing. It will not make you tired, powerless and bored. When you are initiated by me and integrated to me, it will just manifest in you like initiation.

*what it means to be integrated to me?

Paramashiva says in samaya deeksha,”as long as you don’t abuse guru and shiva, don’t do the guru aparadha, guru nindha, shiva aparadha and shiva nindha - you are integrated to me.” You are my disciple. This word may look very simple. But meditate on it and it will open Paramashiva in you. EVERYTHING is auspiciousness. Everything you think is bad or good is 25 things happening in you. Something coming in your life is getting created, sustained, rejuvenated , pulled out of delusion and liberated. .

*this 25 will be going on in you forever, you can be going on in firefighting mode as jeeva or you can be ferocious and be Paramashiva - Hinduvidual. Be Hinduvidual not individual. He, manifesting through individual is Hinduvidual!

*i want all my disciples to do this homework. One year before, whatever you thought was bad destruction happening in your life see now how that turned out to be auspicious. Pen down. Whatever you thought as bad 2 years before, but now how it has turned out to be good, pen down.

*write 5 incidents each year. You will understand how Paramashiva is manifesting, that is not powerful cognition alone, it is truth. I will only give you the truth. If you understand this one truth and settle down, even death is such a celebration.

*with all my love for you, i tell you, "my devotee will not perish". I do not care about trolls. I am speaking for my beloved disciples who are waiting for me everyday.

*with my tremendous love, i am telling you, just meditate and internalize this powerful cognition, “everything is auspicious and Paramashiva is existing in me alive. I give you all this as boon, mediate on this powerful cognition and do this exercise, i will manifest this in you. As a responsible guru, i give you this powerful cognition, whatever is happening is auspicious. Paramamangala. Shiva means causeless auspiciousness, reasonless auspiciousness. Paramashiva means ultimate causeless auspiciousness.

Do this homework. I commit with you, all my disciples, i will liberate you all from death and birth cycle and give you conscious freedom either to be liberated once for all or take a birth consciously. A conscious freedom to be liberated.

*actually when you leave the body, the moment you leave the body, you will just know everything happening in you. It is not like you will enter into a deep valley, you can see very clearly everything happening around you. You will know you are dead. You will know how the people around you are reacting including internally. Whatever they are doing outside and inside you will know. Someday scientist will prove what i am talking. You will see what is happening around your body for roughly 15 days. If you are a person with a lot completion, full 15 days. If you are a person with little agitation and restlessness, that will differ from 10 - 15 days. But you will know everything happening. With all my integrity to Kalabhairava (God of Time and Space, Completion, Ferociousness, Law of Life) i am telling you the truth, you will actually know what is happening. And all my integrated disciples, i will just manifest that time and take you to the space of Paramashiva. You will actually know what is happening around you when you leave the body. That is the truth!

*few days before, there was an article about how they take a small flame and see how it is moving and how big bang is created. When i read, clearly i saw what Paramashiva is explaining in Agamas as Spurana, “when Shaktipada (Mirror Neurons or Entanglement) is done, how Kundalini is awakened” the scientist are slowly tiptoeing to the Agamas. So, they also will tiptoe to what i am saying. I give you the boon, internalize what i am saying and enjoy and celebrate life. Let your logic be aligned to this truth, and celebrate life. If you internalize this one powerful cognition, i commit i will liberate you.

Let me repeat the sacred secret, the direct knowledge from Kailaasa: zillions and trillions, countless universes, multiverses, big bang, black hole manifests, exist for zillions of years and yugas dissolve, get deluded, get pulled out of delusion and get liberated without time gap.

*i know the complication getting created in a linear logic mind. The mind functions on linear logic.

Many people are having questions, "swamiji is saying millions, zillions, trillions of years and yugas. How is that possible?" Years is western unit for time. Yuga is eastern unit of time. I am using both units and then saying without time gap. People are naturally debating how that can be possible!

The concept of time changes based on the conscious awakening you have. You have 25 state of consciousness. Deep sleep, waking state, dream state... Just like how you are normally in these 3 states, like this you have totally 25 states of consciousness. If your state of consciousness goes higher, the concept of time, cognition of time you have changes. If the cognition you have on time evolves, the conscious state you are in evolves. (vertical time zones)

*i am trying to create intense curiosity in you so that you can start doing healthy debate.

The statement i am making, like zillions of universes get created, exist for zillions of years and yuga, get dissolved, pulled out of delusion and get liberated… IF You cognize this, you will reach the higher state of consciousness. When you reach the higher state of consciousness, you will cognize this truth.

If you start contemplating on the higher concepts, truths, the foundation of your existence, the fabric of your consciousness will be so strong. Thinking higher level truths, makes your mind get intense stamina. I can show you tonnes of researches, whenever you contemplate on powerful cognition, higher realities, your whole brain goes through such positive change. It builds strength and stamina to exist and fight depressive thought currents.

These powerful cognitions, when you start contemplating, all the actions like creation, sustenance, dissolving, pulling out delusion, enlightenment - all this happening not only in Kailaasa, it is happening inside you, macrocosmically it happens in Kailaasa, microcosmically it happens in you, the kind of intense confidence and stamina you develop!

*meditate on these truths i am revealing, your blood pressure will become normal, your ability to digest will be so beautiful, diabetes will become normal. Diabetes is constant panic attack and internally you nagging you. Constantly keeping you very vulnerable and unnecessarily going through panic attack.

Be empowered by Paramashiva-Jnana. You will become like Shiva Bootha. You will understand big bang, black hole is happening simultaneously and spontaneously and every moment. I am not saying different big bang, black hole is happening. Same big bang, same black hole is happening simultaneously, spontaneously without time gap even though both look like they have time gap of zillions of years.

*big bang ‘a’, same big bang ‘a’ going through black hole ‘a’, happens simultaneously, spontaneously even though it looks like they are zillions of years between the two actions. That is what i am trying to convey.

*meditate and contemplate on it, not only you will be enlightened, the mental stamina with which you deal with this universe will be tremendous.

*if you sit for 10 minutes and contemplate now on “creation, sustenance, destruction, delusion, liberation and these 25 actions that is the permutation combination of all this, is happening inside me now, Paramashivoham,” (most sacred mantra in the universe to declare oneness with the Ultimate)even contemplating this, even if you have questions and doubts, contemplating this will infuse so much energy in you.

*in few days, the questions and doubts will raise to next level till it becomes realization.

*powerful cognition is capable of raising the quality of questions and doubts and liberating you from all questions! That is the beauty of powerful cognitions.

*ramana maharishi says, “ask ‘who am i’, he is not giving you a question, he is giving you a powerful cognition. You will never find answer for who am i. You will only find realization for who am i. The quality of your answers and doubts and clarity will increase and finally the real result is enlightenment. It is not answer but experience.

Thinking about the cosmic activities of Paramashiva, even if you have doubts and questions about the cosmic aspects of Paramashiva, that raises your consciousness.

*about the cosmic aspects of Paramashiva, guru is supposed to create intense curiosity in you. Like the wild river should be given embankment, not dam. Your curiosity is like wild river, guru has to nicely embank and channel it towards the higher dimensions.

*neither i should give you all the answers, nor leave you without answers. I should create intense curiosity in you, multi level questions in you and leave it to you to find your own answers and let you start, thinking, manifesting, awakening yourself.

*to understand any principle completely:
First: S

(Listening from guru.)


Second: Vakyartha sadas

(debating about it with other disciples.)
Third: M

(internally questioning and meditating again and again.)
Fourth: start teaching to others.

The revelations i am giving you now, are directly from Kailaasa (the enlightened space), how Paramashiva exists and operates. Understanding this will awaken the energies of creation, sustenance, rejuvenation, pulling out of delusion, liberation inside you. If you know how Paramashiva manifest and connect with that energy, you can manifest anything you want in your life. Whether manifesting wealth, green signal in the traffic light, manifesting yes from boss or wife, it can be done if you understand the most sacred secret of manifestation.