We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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Let The Light Shine


"If you want a vision of the future,

Imagine a boot stamping on a human  face...forever."

– George Orwell

When nothing exists by itself, is it something? In the knowledge that "We are One", we transcend the boundaries of the Self. We begin to realize, the source of our being and its sustenance is the same as for all else.

We, as one, have crafted the multiverse from nothing, but our own body of light. Yet, the qualities of our being are scarcely found or expressed. In this quadrant of space, there is a deadening silence that darkens our days. If we do not let the light of our being shine, then who will?

We Are Nothing, literally as the 99'% and figuratively as individuals, we are non- existent. Therein, lies our power. We should be grateful for that. Once we truly understand what it means to be nothing, then we have attained limitless freedom...

In the nothingness of being, there is no night or day. All of time and space converges simultaneously in all its complexity. Everything becomes very still, as all vibration fades. Our Awareness of Being throughout the whole of existence merging into the Nothingness of Being in the form of Light. The "I Am" falls silent... It becomes the absence of sound as well as its origin. It is a presence, which requires no affirmation of any kind. Prior to name and form, it has no qualities, which we would consider to be existential or substantial, but at a closer look, it creates those qualities from the very fibre of its being.

There's a fine line, where being and nothingness co-exist. Beyond this line, encompassing our dualistic existence, the two become one. They form an undivided whole: The Nothingness of Being.

This part of our awareness, which is the equivalent of time, knows our being is prior to all conceptualization. It is prior to thought, mind and language...

We are One

And in That Oneness...

All is Light.

We may realize the nothingness of being by understanding the illusory nature of the biophotonic matrix. Photons do not perceive space-time in the way that our consciousness does. Their perception is non-sensory. More accurately, it is extra- sensory, as a result of their non-temporal, non-local nature. A single photon can appear to create, bend and devastate entire universes. It is an existence of its own. It may be difficult to envision oneself as light or think as such, but once achieved in meditation, there is a surge of bliss that overpowers the mind. It is a state, where no desire can exist. It is a state, for which there is no description, apart from peace.

In advanced meditation, there is only the Nothingness of Being. There is no night or day. No name or form. No death or rebirth. There is no patronage...Just serene, everlasting solidarity.

Light is nothingness in the absence of darkness.

It is all-powerful potential, devoid of nothing.

When we transcend awareness of our being, we realize the nothingness of our being. Our true origin lies in the uncreated. This ever-changing reality from our awareness of being in nothingness. For some, this is a game. For others, it is test of our resolve, but for a select few, our reality persists due to our craving for experience... Pain or pleasure are just as illusory as birth or death, but our minds are swayed by their influence over us. While we are subject to their effects, when we identify with what we are not, what is life without? Deep down, every living being displays addictive tendencies, where living is concerned. We will do anything to avoid the pain of thirst, hunger or exposure to the elements. While a comparatively small portion of the global populace are a picture of mental health, regardless of their circumstance, only we can change the manner, in which we choose to spend our days. It will be how we spend the rest of our lives.

Drop All Pre-Conceptions

"You cannot conquer the mind of a man,

if you do not know his heart

…and you cannot win over his heart,

if so you do not know his mind."

For those of you, who are unable to handle the pure, unadulterated truth, the next remainder of this chapter should be considered nonsense or heresy. Once again, I’m cutting to the chase on many interlinked issues simultaneously. So, please bear with this train of thought, as it speeds head on into a political powder-keg...

We all have so many questions that demand feedback, but answers won't allow us cross that gigantic abyss to the other side and arrive at the port of all knowledge. All of our knowledge contains itself to the confines of the relative. We cannot know the infinite within the confines of the finite, just as we cannot know the absolute within the confines of the relative. It is conclusively unknowable according to modern science. We may only theorize and put various propositions to the test, yet we rarely accept results that rob the corporate structures of profit-shares. After perhaps a thousand close misses, we may invariably discover a hypothesis that can be developed into a practical solution... However, actual answers to the subject are heavily disenfranchised above as well as below the poverty line. The social divide has grown so vast that the solutions for those at the top are meaningless to the average person at the bottom. Moreover, errors in translation and interpretation further impede establishing just a basic understanding. It has been this way for thousands of years in numerous countries, including India, yet no one speaks of the corpses piling up. Whereas any Maharaja has the wealth or the resources to become

the ideal spiritual practitioner, it is illegal for beggars on the streets to even receive crumbs from passersby. Countless are subject to a premature death from poverty, malnourishment or disease all over the globe, as a result of our defective resource production and its widely unequal distribution.

For What It's Worth: Too many wrongly believe that no one suffers in the West, but I can assure you, I wouldn't be so busy, if they did not. Too many would rather support economic migrants with the funds to enjoy holidays in the war-zone that they fled from, instead of the homeless and the poor in their own nation. With every day, my workload grows larger, as support for Europeans as well as the British is diminished to almost non-existent levels. For years, I logged around this dark cloud of deep depression. With every day, I lacked the resources to provide support, more people died...and I blamed myself. It felt natural to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, but we are all equally responsible for the state of our lives and this planet. Why should any deity or spiritual force save us from suffering, when we are inflicting it upon ourselves? It is the way of the material continuum. We created this mess, it is our duty to clean it up. For that, we have to re-learn how to make do with what we have. Regardless of colour, creed or religion, we have to put aside our differences. Be that as it may, we must also come to terms with the fact, there is an ideological war happening in the dark underbelly of our societies. In the places, we don't dare to look, people suffer as we do nothing. Eventually, we have to acknowledge, our fears are justified. By approving "multiculturalism" in its current, misguided template, we are paving the road to White, Black, Indian and Asian genocide faster than the sixth mass extinction, which is saying quite a lot.

We can have actual answers, even practical solutions, for life-threatening issues, but no one can ever know, for as long as those dangers are perceived as imaginary or xenophobic. Our society buries most of those that contribute above their station. It disbelieves them, labeling them whatever nickname will soil their reputation the most. That's the standard protocol for political and economic warfare. Nikola Tesla knew this. Winston Churchill knew this. Geert Wilders knows this. Everyone of genuine substance that threatens either profit or power suffers such a fate.

It is natural to enter a deep state of depression about our global state of affairs, but after months or years,