What About Love? Reminders for Being Loving by Gina Lake - HTML preview

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Whatever you are doing, enjoy it! You have another option, of course, which is to not enjoy it. Notice what keeps you from enjoying whatever you are doing. It's your thoughts, isn't it? Even when you are experiencing pain or something unpleasant, like going to the dentist, if you don't listen to any negative thoughts, fears, complaints, and desires about it, you won't suffer. You'll just have the experience.

Our thoughts about whatever we are doing interfere with enjoying it not only because they are often negative, judgmental, or resistant to the experience, but also because thoughts—even positive ones—remove us from an experience to some degree. Some thoughts don't interfere much with being present and enjoying what we are doing; they just float in and out of our mind, without taking very much of our attention. Other thoughts, however, grab us, and we lose touch with what we are doing and the experience we are having. When that happens, it feels like we are going through the motions or doing something just to get it done.

We can go through life this way if we want, but when we aren't fully in contact with what we're doing, we miss out on the potential joy and pleasure in it. Any experience can be interesting, since we have never had it before. And any experience can be enjoyed, because when we are immersed in it, we lose the false self (the sense of I or me) and discover our true self, which is always enjoying life. Essence is always injoy. And from Essence's standpoint, every moment is an opportunity to serve life and love, which is another source of joy. What if you approached each moment as an opportunity to experience, serve, or love?

The secret to enjoying whatever you are doing is getting lost in it, getting involved in it. That means getting all your senses involved in it or, more accurately, noticing how all your senses are involved in it. Noticing sensory experience takes us out of our egoic mind (our functional mind is still available) and into the experience we are having. When you are present to the experience you are having, you are in the moment, where it's possible to experience Presence, or Essence. The experience of Essence is highly pleasurable, so no matter what you are doing, if you are present to it, it will be enjoyable.

What's so hard about being present? It takes some practice to be in our body and aware of our sensory experience because the habit of being absorbed in thought is so deeply ingrained. We have to practice being present again and again to neutralize the old habit of identifying with the voice in our head, and that takes dedication and commitment.

Meditation is a way of practicing being present, and it will really help you live in the moment more. Meditation teaches us to detach from the egoic mind, observe it, and see it for what it is. Objectivity toward the voice in our head is essential in breaking the programming that causes us to identify with that voice, which belongs primarily to the ego. You can even learn to enjoy meditation if you don't listen to the egoic mind's resistance to it!

From Living in the Now