Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Henry David Thoreau

We are made in the image of God. It is not the other way around.

This means that God is not a human-looking, older gentleman sitting on the clouds with a long Gandalf wizard- beard, staring down with contempt and judging us all from the heavens.

It does, however, mean that, as the book says, we are made in the create-or's image; therefore, within everyone lies create-ivity.

You see, humans are, by nature, already creative. So, when our creativity lays dormant, it tends to atrophy.

It's only a matter of educating ourselves to remember what we have forgotten. The word educate comes from the Latin Educo, which means; to provoke, to bring up, to develop or to draw forth. We all have something inside us longing to be berthed into creation; If we search for it we will find it.


Can't find your creativity? Start looking for your creative genius in new areas because if you don't know what it already is, it just means you haven't found it yet, and therefore you can't keep looking in the same places.

Learn new things, view new items, experience and feel new things. You will quickly discover what you like and don't like. In doing so, you will start heading down the path of your true destiny. You can focus on so many areas that it isn't possible to learn and experience all of them.

Explore, dream and decide what you want out of life. Then, figure out where the evidence of how to do that thing is, because, someone has already failed and succeeded at that thing.

The examples you find are the stories you need; they will show you what to do and what not to do which will bring you your



Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "D"

D is for Dharma

“It is better to live your own dharma imperfectly, than to live an

imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.”