Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

nutrient ManageMent:

an introduCtion

The purchase of plant food is an important matter, but the use of a [fertilizer] is not a cure-all, nor will it prove an adequate substitute for proper soil handling.

—J.l. hills, C.h. Jones, and C. Cutler, 1908

Of the eighteen elements needed by plants, only

soil fertility management, they also cause widespread

three—nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium

environmental problems. Poor soil and crop manage-

(K)—are commonly deficient in soils. Deficiencies of other

ment; overuse of fertilizers; misuse of manures, sewage

nutrients, such as magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), zinc (Zn),

sludges (biosolids), and composts; and high animal

boron (B), and manganese (Mn), certainly occur, but they

numbers on limited land area have contributed to sur-

are not as widespread. Deficiencies of sulfur, magne-

face and groundwater pollution in many regions of the

sium, and some micronutrients may be more common

U.S. Because both N and P are used in large quantities

in regions with highly weathered minerals, such as the

and their overuse has potential environmental implica-

southeastern states, or those with high rainfall, such as

tions, we’ll discuss them together in chapter 19. Other

portions of the Pacific Northwest. On higher-pH calcare-

nutrients, cation exchange, soil acidity (low pH) and

ous soils, especially in drier regions, keep an eye out for

liming, and arid and semiarid region problems with

deficiencies of iron, zinc, copper, and manganese. In con-

sodium, alkalinity (high pH), and excess salts are cov-

trast, in locations with relatively young soil that contains

ered in chapter 20.

minerals that haven’t been weathered much by nature—

such as glaciated areas with moderate to low rainfall like


the Dakotas—K deficiencies are less common.


Environmental concerns have resulted in more

Management practices are all related. The key is to

emphasis on better management of N and P over the

visualize them all as whole-farm management, lead-

past few decades. While these nutrients are critical to

ing you to the goals of better crop growth and better

Photo by Dennis Nolan


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent