Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 23

Putting it all together

. . . generally, the type of soil management that gives the greatest immediate return leads to a deterioration of soil productivity, whereas the type that provides the highest income over the period of a generation leads to the maintenance or improvement of productivity.

—Charles kellogg, 1936

In this chapter, we’ll provide some guidance on

your farm. Experiment on one or two selected fields and

promoting high-quality soils through practices that

permit yourself to make a few mistakes.

maintain or increase organic matter, develop and

Decisions on the farm need to support the economic

maintain optimal physical and biological conditions, and

bottom line. Research shows that the practices that

promote top-notch nutrient management. In part 3, we

improve soil health generally also improve the economics

discussed many different ways to manage soils, crops,

of the farm, in some cases dramatically. Higher soil health

and residues, but we looked at each one as a separate

tends to provide higher yields and more yield stability,

strategy. In the real world, you need to combine a num-

while allowing for reduced crop inputs. However, you

ber of these approaches and use them together. In fact,

need to consider the fact that the increased returns may

each practice is related to, or affects, other practices that

not be immediate. After you implement new practices,

promote soil health. The key is to modify and combine

soil health may improve slowly, and it may take a few

them in ways that make sense for your farm.

years to see improved yields or changes in the soil itself.

We hope that you don’t feel as confused as the

The bottom line also may not improve immedi-

person on the left in figure 23.1. If the thought of making

ately. Changing management practices may involve an

changes on your farm is overwhelming, you can start

investment in new equipment; for example, changing

with only one or two practices that improve soil health.

tillage systems requires new tillage tools and planters.

Not all of the suggestions in this book are meant to be

For many farmers, these short-term limitations may

used on every farm. Also, a learning period is probably

keep them from making changes, even though they are

needed to make new management practices work on

hurting the long-term viability of the farm. Big changes

Photo by Abram Kaplan


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent