SEO Foundations for Small Business Owners by Eli Davis - HTML preview

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Optimization of Title and Meta Description


It takes a bit of practice to master the optimization of titles and meta descriptions. Below are some of the most essential tips that you absolutely need to use:

Begin with Primary Keywords

Search engines learn about your web page from title and meta description, so including your main keyword into both texts is a sound decision. A rule of thumb is to place your primary keywords closer to the beginning of the sentences (however, this is not obligatory).

Consider the Number of Characters

Google truncates the texts that are too long, so don’t get carried away with the length of your titles and descriptions. Keep your titles 50-60 characters long or, at least, try to mention everything essential within that span. As for descriptions, 150-160 characters seems like an optimum.

Make Them Reader-Friendly

Keep in mind that the texts in Title and Meta Descriptions are the first two things that many people learn about your website. If you don’t do your best to write engaging texts for the most important pages, you’ll miss out on hundreds of potential customers. Read this post from Neil Patel to get actionable tips on writing Meta Descriptions.

Don’t Overuse Keywords

In the recent years, search engines have become really serious about people trying to manipulate their algorithms. Today, aggressive use of keywords will impact your rankings in a negative way, so you should never resort to keyword stuffing or other shady technique