Tube Monetization and Automation Program by Jordan - HTML preview

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Generating Interest On Social Media

In order to generate interest in your video content on social media, it’s important to make sure that you use other forms of content to grab the attention of your followers. Whilst some social media sites, such as Instagram, may play your video content automatically, others, such as Facebook, may require the user to actively press the play button in order to view the video. In this case, using written content to create an interesting and attention-grabbing description of the video will encourage more users to press play.

When it comes to writing good video descriptions on social media, it’s important to remember to keep things short and to the point –

anything too long could end up boring the reader, and they might not bother to watch the video after reading. A good way to create interesting and compelling video descriptions is to leave the reader wondering. For example, a simple ‘Can you guess what happened when we went here?’ will leave the user wanting to find out more, which will encourage them to take the time to watch the video.


Growing Your Social Media Presence Through Video Video is one of the best types of content when it comes to increasing your social media presence and gaining more followers. Since video is available on the main social media networks – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat – it’s easy for businesses to upload their videos to YouTube and share them on the various social media platforms in order to reach a broader audience.

We have already seen the power of social media and video combined – more and more people are rising to internet fame through short, humorous, or informative videos on social media than ever before. Businesses such as make-up and cosmetics stores and artists are using social media to grow their businesses through short, tutorial videos, and similarly, food bloggers are utilizing video to its full extent by creating short, catchy recipe videos which are extremely popular. The key to using video to grow your business’ presence on social media is to create content which is shareable, along with actively asking your followers to share it.

When creating video content, it’s a good idea to study your target audience and find out the things that they enjoy sharing with their personal social media followers. When you create content that your direct followers love to share, you wil expose it to a much wider audience.


Using Video to Connect With Social Media Followers Using video to connect with your social media followers is something which is becoming more and more popular for businesses and has a range of great benefits. As mentioned earlier, social media and the online shopping boom means that customer service is now something which is expected 24/7.

Customers expect to be kept up to date with their favorite brands through social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat.

Facebook Live Video – One of the best ways to keep your customers up to date using social media and video is Facebook’s Live Video feature. Not only does Facebook now allow you to keep your customers up to date in real time when you’re doing something special such as attending a big industry event, taking part in charity fundraising, or unveiling a big new product, it also allows you to communicate directly with your customers, for example through live question and answer sessions. When you stream a live video on Facebook, you can see the comments being left on it. This means that you can ask your followers to leave any questions in the comments, where you can read them and answer straight away as the asker watches. This can be a great tool to use when it comes to finding out what it is that customers want to know about your business, or what they would like to see in the way of changes and adjustments.


Snapchat: Snapchat was once exclusively for teens and young people, but today, more and more businesses are understanding the power of this app when it comes to connecting with customers. With more and more people of all ages signing up to Snapchat every day, having a brand snapchat account can be a great way to communicate with your customers and get more exposure for your brand. Although snapchat videos only last a matter of seconds, short, to-the-point videos can be hugely effective, or you can use a sequence of short videos to tell a story or share what you are currently doing with your followers.


3. Get Younger Customers By Using Snapchat

With the younger generation having the highest number of people who are more likely to choose to shop online over any other age group, it’s no surprise that businesses are increasingly targeting those between the ages of 16-30. Online sales are beginning to make up a bigger portion of the total profits of most businesses, with more and more companies in existence which operate solely on the web. In order to increase sales, businesses are using social media to reach out to the younger generation who are often more likely to buy products online as a result of seeing social media advertisements and updates.