A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master by Grant McGaugh - HTML preview

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22 - 41

A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master You know, to be e ective. I started the podcast; I remember this, I said, all right, I have my camera, I listened to some episodes of Mike Kim, and I see how he's doing his podcast. So I'm going to do it. So I did like two episodes. I did a monologue. They were horrible. They were terrible in my opinion. I was not a Mike Kim.

I will have to change up a little bit. So I started bringing in guests. Then I started getting better and better. I got a designer to help me with my cover art and social media cards. I discovered my uniqueness in that each one of my episodes has a di erent cover art, and people like the personal brand.

And in my world. THERE WERE FEW PODCASTERS because I'm launching it on a LinkedIn platform. So I had a unique audience, and they started to really tune in.

I started bringing on more guests, and it grew and became an e ective platform for me. I want to ask you this now that you've blogged.

You've now you've done the podcast. You've even done the book. You've got the mastermind. You talked recently about doing more Video and YouTube.

Content. Why did you wait so long to do YouTube, and what are you looking to get out of it?

(Mike): Yeah. I put o YouTube for a while because I just, I didn't, I, I was focused on what was working.

Mm-hmm. and I didn't have an exposure problem. I had excellent relationships in the industry, so that's where you have to understand where your people are hanging out. You just gave a brilliant example of what's working for you. I have a weak presence on LinkedIn.

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A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master 23 - 41

My audience, my past audience,

And so what's happening in how

and my current audience could be

people behave is completely

more active on LinkedIn, where

changing. So not only is my

they were engaged on Facebook

audience shifting to more short-

and Instagram. And so I

form videos, and I have to be

concentrate on putting in money

present there, the entire world is

to run ads on those platforms. I

doing that. True. True. You know, I

found other friends who were

have NBA games on. I don't watch

building communities on those

the whole game. I do something

platforms, which worked for me.

else and watch the highlights that

are posted on Instagram.

Now, I'm not seeing that I feel my

business is behind because of

Literally. As the game is being

YouTube or the lack of a YouTube

played. So you think about that and

presence; I know where the trends

where people spend their time, it's

are going. I think regular TV will die on short-form video. And now I'm

a prolonged and painful death. I. . I like, okay, well, let's get on there.

don't have cable tv. I have YouTube

But the awesome thing is it will

tv, which is essentially cable tv, and come relatively easy for me

the only thing I watch on it is sports because I have eight years of

and Everything else, and only in

podcasting experience.

the playo s. Everything else I

watch highlights of football and

basketball on Instagram.

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