A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master by Grant McGaugh - HTML preview

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A Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master And I meet so many many people who say, help me build a website. I'm like, okay, but do you even know what you want to say? And they don't see it's out of order. They don't have a point of view, and they don't know how to tell their personal stories. Right. So after you have an idea of what platform you will use, you need to understand your position, and the positioning is where you stand about your competition.

There are many other options for people who teach what I teach, so I think it's a good idea to understand your position. Are you Louis Vuitton or are you Walmart? Are you going to go to a specialized market, or are you going to go to the mass market?

And if you are opening a pizza shop grant and we went to the bank and asked for a business loan, we'd have to tell them these things. And that's where a lot of people get in trouble because the barrier of entry is so low, we think, Oh, I'm going just to start a YouTube channel, and I'll gure it out along the way.

And then they put hundreds of hours into something, invest a ton of money, and need traction because they can't answer those four simple questions.

They don't know; they don't know what their point of vie w is. If they have one,

they're scared to share it.

They don't want to share their personal stories. They want to share what they know. News ash information isn't exclusive anymore. It's all over the internet, right? They don't know what platform to use. And I don't know where they sit relative to the competition.

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a Point of View with Grant McGaugh and Mike Kim Brand Master 13 - 41

How are you supposed to build a

(GRANT): Right? You've got to have

business o of that? Right. So I start all that put together. Very good.

with those four steps and then we

There's another thing that I liked

get into the products, which you're

that you stated, and I am trying to

at the pricin ,

g the pitch, the

remember where it's in the book,

partners. And all of that is in the

but you'll know what I'm talking

book, but that's real, like those rst about. Like, you've got to

three to four steps are really, really understand yourself. I'm talking to


someone who's been podcasting

since podcasting started becoming

They're critical. They're critical.

popular, right?

Because that is that you're

beginning to build the invisible to

become visible, that's what I would

call it. And so when you start

becoming visible, you've got to be

ready. So if someone doesn't like

what you have. Then there's a

mechanism for them to acquire it.

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