Growth Hacking 101 by Layla Galarneau - HTML preview

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Internships and Freelance

While hoping to enter the realm of paid work, internships and freelance can help everyone starting out; even those who didn’t attend a university or perhaps those who decided to switch careers post graduation.

It’s possible to begin a freelance career with only a handful of samples or one could apply for an internship and work on professional level work in a fast-paced environment

Working in an internship can help sell as individual as someone who delivers on their word within a timed deadline. Whether you are working as an individual on a project or working in a group, any completed work wil help build a portfolio.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are working a group setting, make sure to include which portions of the work you specifically contributed to the project in a professional manner.


After building your portfolio, you wil find yourself much more confident within meetings. Consider a situation where you wil be asked a question, knowing that you have a sample directly in your portfolio. Having this type of material on hand wil help you land jobs and prove yourself within the first few minutes of any interaction.

Remember, always build your best portfolio and keep it up-to-date to land unexpected jobs and continue to build upon your career as a professional Internet marketer.


Finding Your Niche

More often than not, consumers wil find themselves rolling their eyes and taking a big sigh at the latest and greatest infomercials about the new must-have gadget of the season.

It can be difficult to imagine the ideal product for the masses and many times, creating the ideal gadget is nearly impossible so predicting the gadget of the season is up in the air. Rather than trying to create demand, consider fil ing demand by taking the time to conduct research and fil a niche area.

There is nothing more stressful than coming up with a new product only to discover that it has only been invented before, but marketed so poorly that you had simply never heard of it.

While many great products were created this way in the past, our current foundation for spreading the word on a new product is so great that it’s difficult to be the best in any given field due to an array of constant competition. Instead, consider finding a market that already exists and creating a product to develop specifically for that demographic to purchase.

Consider working in a niche that interests you. For example, a male college athlete may be able to recommend the best workout gear for others in his demographic but probably knows little about what stay-at-home-moms need for the daily routines, despite his idea for a new baby sling.

The main reason to consider staying in your demographic would be that you would know what questions to ask and which problems to initially 14

avoid. Consider sticking to the habits of your target market, at least in the beginning of starting a business or when coming up with a new product.