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6.3. Provide High-Value Content

It is important to create high-value content in both your course listings and course content. Make good or even great course listings can attract many students to your business, and good or even great course content (your real course product to students) can accumulate your reputation on ForteMall quickly. The subsequence? You will find it will be more and more easily to sell your courses, and lead you to a successful power lecturer on ForteMall.

This section, we focus on how to make good course listing, because it is the important of marketing. About how to make good or even great course content (your product), I think it is your know-how, you can do better than me.

To create high-value content in your course listing :


Be specific

It is crucial to be specific with your words. What kinds of details are important? The answer depends on what course you are selling but let’s examine some possibilities :

Your course summary – It is important to show a summary of your course content. Students can view the summary to have a concept of what you will teach. Please note, you only have a one second or two to grab students’ eyes, be short and key.
The agenda of your course– To show your students how you will arrange your course content (product) is also important. It can give the students a guideline how the course be organized and the timing.
The special of your course – How special is your course, you need to write it down. Think about it, if there are 10 or 20 Photoshop course listings in the same category, how you can stand out from these courses if you also have Photoshop course to teach. Try to highlight your strength, and the special points of your courses.
The goal of your course – What students will learn from your courses? It is very important to describe it. If students can’t figure out what he will learn, it is very possible the student will leave away.
Use testimonial – If you have any testimonial, use it. It can help you to convince your students. For example, if you have 20 students passed the certificate exams by learning your course, highlight it.
If you have professional certificate, highlight it – It is part of your resume. You also can describe your resume on “About Me” page of ForteMall. About the detail information how to enable the “About Me” page, please refer to ForteMall online help.

Be positive

Just like in your headlines, accentuate the positive. Your student needs a reason to buy courses from you. You want her to be excited about your courses.

A popular advertising slogan says, “The more you tell, the more you sell.” It’s a good rule-of-thumb to follow as long as you keep your description to a reasonable length. Give your reader a break.

Tell the truth about any negatives

Your student must have a clear description of what she will be buying, both positive and negative. Be straightforward and honest with your information. Deception is counterproductive for you and your student.

Never waste advertising space


Always promote your other courses. Always!
Take advantage of your reputation

Promote yourself. You can feel reasonably certain that these lecturers who have good or great reputation records will be fair. After all, are they going to risk that kind of income because they get in a dispute with a single lecturer?

Be friendly and professional

Be friendly. Wish your students well and welcome any questions or comments they might have to share. Answer promptly. A twenty four hour turn-around should be the minimum time on the Internet. A response within two or three hours is better.

Be careful with your grammar and spelling

Forget what your English teacher said... sort of! You are writing to sell, not receive a grade. Be creative. Make your reader want to read your content. But there are limits. Spelling errors and garbage sentences detract from your message. The shorter the message, the more prominent the mistake.

Don’t make extravagant claims

Recently, I heard a famous marketing person confidently explain, “Just tell them what they want to hear.” Really bad advice, unless it’s absolutely true. It is harmful just to pander your customer and don’t tell the truth.