The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


In the dictionary of the true entrepreneur, the word ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ does not exist. Even the word itself says ‘I’M POSSIBLE’. The importance of a positive mental attitude and approach towards your sojourn in entrepreneurship cannot be overemphasized.

It is important as an entrepreneur to lay stronger emphasis on the positives and opportunities in every situation and circumstance with regards to your entrepreneurial journey.

Going over the negatives and problems will only leave you thinking and brooding over the problems all day and will create even more problems. This is what you do not have the luxury of time for as an entrepreneur.

A positive mindset is one of the greatest asset you will ever need even before deciding to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams. This is ever important due to the nature of the terrain.

You simply cannot accomplish much without it!

To bring this point home, I will share with you an interesting story from the bible, Numbers 13: 17-30, of two groups of spies who were sent to spy on a certain land since the nation that sent them wanted to invade and take over the land.

The first group went on the mission to spy the land and came back with the news that this land had many giants and war troops with their soldiers towering like the cedars of Lebanon and there was no way they could defeat them.

The second group went and spied on the same land and their report was that indeed the land had their armies and armory but they can conquer the land.

It is important to note here that by focusing on the problems and how difficult it was to conquer the land, the first group of spies created more problems for their nation in form of fear, confusion, helping them see their own weaknesses instead of what strengths they have left. The second group of spies, however, acknowledged the strength of their opposition but were careful enough to observe an opportunity to conquer them. This report brought a feeling of hope, revived confidence, vigor and awareness of their strengths. They eventually went on the strength of the later report and defeated their oppositions, taking over their lands.

Oftentimes, we are blinded to life transforming opportunities when we lay too much emphasis on our limitations along our entrepreneurial journey.

This is a major reason why some quit along their entrepreneurial journey, succumbing to fear, doubts and worry when faced with seemingly difficult circumstances, which can be overcome by simple and careful analysis of the circumstances to identify the silver linings that can lead to desired breakthroughs in businesses.

Always imbibe the culture of learning to stay long enough, perceiver long enough, search for solutions long enough and that ‘long enough’, that extra patience is what will bring you into your winning realm as an entrepreneur.

A quote of significant interest to me goes like this, ‘and those who were seen dancing were thought to be mad by those who could not hear the music’.

Your positive entrepreneurial mindset is like your secret music that keeps playing for you to dance and continue to make efforts in your entrepreneurial journey even in the face of unimaginable uncertainties.

Always remember that people, watching from a distance, and who do not hear the music of your positive entrepreneurial mindset, will think you to be ‘mad’ or ‘out-of-place but your music will keep playing you into your realm of desired success and great achievements to the amazement of people watching from a distance.