The Internet Ideology - From A as in Advertising to Z as in Zipcar by Massimo Moruzzi - HTML preview

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According to the ideology of web2.0, anything written by the commoners, also called "user-generated content", is better than what is created by experts in their fields.

Book reviews, movie reviews, restaurant reviews.

Anything and everything, really. Remember the irrational crowds? Put them behind a computer, and you can trust them. [1]

Similarly, conferences are less interesting. Today we have Barcamps and Unconfs.

Even TED conferences have become more "democratic". But have they become better? [2]

We live in an age in which everybody should have their say – except in politics, where any idea that goes against mainstream ideas, no metter if it's coming from the left or from the right, is immediately labelled "populism".

So, are "new voices" emerging? You bet. They were given a powerful new platform and they're using it.

But is what they have to say interesting? That's a different matter. Some seem sceptical. [3]

[1] Le Bon, Gustave. Psychologie des foules.
[2] Brown, Mick. Meet Chris Anderson, The Man Behind TED Talks.
[3] Bratton, Benjamin. New Perspectives – What's Wrong with TED Talks?