The Internet Ideology - From A as in Advertising to Z as in Zipcar by Massimo Moruzzi - HTML preview

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There's nothing Silicon Valley loves more than disruption.

If we were optimistic, we could say that disruption is akin to Schumpeter's creative destruction. [1]

Disruption is driven by technology; by deregulation; or by ignoring the rules.

Technological: If a large part of the population chooses to "inform"" themelves using Facebook, the future will probably not look very good for newspapers.

Deregulation: If the government loosens the rules in a given field, fewer rules will lead to more innovation. Sometimes it works.

The Far West: New companies enter a market, be it rooms for rent or urban transport, and simply ignore the rules, right, wrong or old-fashioned as they may be.

But what is left for the "disrupted"?

Nothing. The disrupted are little more than negative externalities of history. "Progress" cannot and will not be stopped.

William Gibson said: "The future is here – it's just not evenly distributed".

Nor is it distributed evenly. [2]

[1] Schumpeter, Joseph. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.
[2] Gibson was interested in saying that the future would arrive. Perhaps it is time to give some thought to how this future is affecting our societies.