The Internet Ideology - From A as in Advertising to Z as in Zipcar by Massimo Moruzzi - HTML preview

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In the '90s, Al Gore "invented the Internet".

Well, not really. [1]

But the Clinton Administration did approve the Internet Tax Freedom Act, which gave preferential treatment to online retailers. [2]

Nice! We can get products from the other side of the planet delivered right to our doorstep.

But what if local shops close down and our urban centres empty out?

Are we using more or less fuel to distribute products? What about traffic jams? [3]

Should we keep giving preferential tax treatment to companies that have become some of the largest retailers in the world?

Is distribution becoming too concentrated? Do these companies have too much control over what we buy, eat and read?

Lastly, are we creating quality jobs or mostly dreadful jobs in warehouses?

Apparently, none of this matters.

[1] O'Carroll, Eoin. Political Misquotes: The 10 Most Famous Things Never Actually Said: I invented the Internet.
[2] Fuller, John. What is the Internet Tax Freedom Act?
[3] Humes, Edward. Online Shopping Was Supposed to Keep People Out of Traffic. It Only Made Things Worse