The Internet Ideology - From A as in Advertising to Z as in Zipcar by Massimo Moruzzi - HTML preview

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Internet of Things

Unsure of why your bread toaster should "speak" with your fridge?

You're not alone. But that's not the plan.

The plan is that your fridge should "speak" with the Cloud where they are gathering Big Data about you, and that your insurance company will be able to see what's in your fridge, if healthy food or junk food, so that they can adjust your premium accordingly.

Companies have understood that consumers won't fight back for their rights and will try to gather as much information about them as they can while they can.

In the private sphere, this hoarding of data is called the Internet of Things.

In the public sphere, it's called the Smart City.

How much data? In what Cisco calls the Internet of Everything, the unit of measure is the zettabyte, or a trillion gigabytes. [1]

Everything will send data about you. Your fridge, your vacuum cleaner, your running apps, your car, your "smart" TV etc. [2]

Bruce Sterling says we are facing "all-purpose electronic automation through digital surveillance by wireless broadband". [3]

[1] Cisco. The Zettabyte Era: Trends and Analysis.
[2] Hill, Kashmir and Surya Mattu. The House That Spied on Me.
[3] Sterling, Bruce. The Epic Struggle of the Internet of Things.