Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Getting this big lobster in one hand, his spear in the other he climbed up the beach towards the big rock. It was getting very hot and the rock was getting hot to the touch. He cleaned the lobster and put it on the rock with chunks of sh for lunch pouring some coconut juice over them. With the heat of the day it didn't take long for lunch to be ready. And it was very good!

After he ate all of the lobster and some sh he took the rest of the smaller sh and spread them out on leaves to dry. He didn't want to over-cook them. He wanted them to be dry enough so he could take them on the raft.

He had to plan this trip home. He knew the ocean current would take his raft homeward. But he didn't know how far away was home. He hadn't seen any boats but he knew they were out there and possibly to far for him to see.

If he could only see better. He decided to climb up the hill and sleep by the watering hole tonight. He had a better view from there for many kilometers. It would not be as comfortable as the old hut but he needed to get a better look. There were no threatening animals on the island he knew of. No growling at night is a good sign. Bobby thought he was pretty safe unless it rained.

Bobby decided to climb up and set up camp by the watering hole. He grabbed some empty coconut shells and headed up with his old knife.

He wanted to cut some banana big leaves to use for cover if it rained.

Once he got there and drank a lot of water he looked around and saw a type of cave opening. It wasn't a cave but shelter for half his body. He found a banana tree and cut off some huge leaves for a bed and some for if it started raining. The sky was clear and it looked like there was no rain in sight.

