Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Bobby was walking up the sand in shallow water looking at the beach and what was on it. It was like his island he called home. It was smaller and no real hills; it was pretty at. There were palm trees and banana trees. Wow! Real bananas! He was excited and ran up on the beach towards the banana trees. The bananas were green with a bit of yellow. Large bunches of them hanging on the trees.

His rst thought was to take them all home but he knew they would turn rotten if left for a long time. So he picked a green bunch of about forty bananas. But his knife was back home so how to get them? He had an idea. He got the big bunch and hugged them. Then he slowly spun around several times until he heard a cracking noise. A few more spins and the banana stalk snapped!

Bobby took it down to the beach and headed towards the center of the island to explore. He wanted to get back home to clean the sh and start drying them for his travels. But he knew there was something here Snickers wanted to show him. Snickers was no where in sight. Maybe Snickers just wanted to lead him to the bananas. Why else would he be here? It was confusing.

After what he had been through with Snickers and Roxy, always helping him, he had no doubt he was here for a reason. Everything my friends did helped me to live and get back home. Where was their family? I am sure they had one as important as mine.

Bobby got through the middle of the island with mostly palm trees, some banana trees, and some brush and ground cover. Finally he reached the other side and he saw a boat! A sailboat about fteen meters long and moving left towards his home as far as he knew. Bobby jumped and yelled but the boat kept moving!

