Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Bobby jumped and waved but they didn't see him. Or at least they never slowed the boat. It was the rst time he saw home as he knew it.

He cried. Not understanding why they didn't see him. He was jumping and screaming but the boat kept moving. This was the rst boat he has seen in 21 days! It was upsetting but Bobby's drive was to get home. He was disappointed; yet he was excited on his plan to get home.

Bobby walked back to the other side of the island.

Bobby reached the other side of the island and walked down to the beach with his bundle of bananas and saw Snickers in the water about twenty feet out. He was disappointed that the boat did not see him but was coming from his left where he felt was his way home. He could be wrong and his home could be the other way but he had to trust his instincts. He was sure he knew the correct direction.

He walked out in the gentle sea to see Snickers waiting. I got up to his side and hung on holding the bananas and his dorsal n. He went slow back towards his hut like he knew Bobby was sad. The water was calm and there was a blue sky and the sun was high in the sky still. It was really beautiful but he missed his parents and his home on Melville island. He knew he would get back to it. Or die trying.

