Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Snickers pulled up in front of his beach hut. He ran to the beach to the pile of sh. He knew he had to get them cleaned and drying in the sun.

After cleaning the knife good and sharpening it as well as he could on the rock he cleaned the sh and started drying them on the rock and then taking them off to lay on leaves in the sun so the rock did not cook them to much. He was getting a large pile of sh that were dried. He had the large bunch of bananas and now he had to do the most important task; water. He needed to take as much water as he could. It would be dif cult with coconuts lled up but he had no choice.

His plan was to pack the raft with food and water. He would ll some empty coconuts with water but also bring as many uncut coconuts as possible. Bobby looked over to the raft on the beach. He had made a cover for it of palm leaves to stop some of the sun. It looked big and stable enough as long as the sea stayed calm. That is what he worried about.

If the sea got rough it would toss the raft around. If the raft tipped over he didn't want to lose his food and water. He needed vines and ropes.

Something to tie them down. Bobby went out looking inside the island.

He saw some before but never paid to much attention. Once in the trees he saw some vines hanging down from trees. He pulled on them and after all of his weight pulling on them some of them broke off the trees.

After a dozen or so trees he dragged the vines out to the beach.

While it was still light Bobby scoured the island for young coconuts. Old may be rotten so he wanted young green coconuts. He shook all of them to be sure there was coconut juice in them. Some were dry inside without a “sloshing” sound. No dry coconuts for this trip! He threw them out.

