Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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Everything was working out pretty well. But there was the reality. He was afraid to go out there! He wanted to get home but what if he failed?

What if he forgot something? What if that stopped him from getting home?

Bobby was nervous. If he made a mistake he might not make it!

The raft was next to the sea. The vines were ready to tie things down.

Fish were drying and water and coconuts were ready. Tie it all down to the raft as good as he could. Fish all dried in leaves and tied down. Leaf cover was good. What was missing?

Something to paddle or steer the boat!

Bobby found a small palm tree about nine centimeters thick and chopped it down with his old knife after working hard. He cut it to about 240 centimeters (8 feet) and cut the ends to make paddles. It was getting dark and he wanted this to be done! Bobby kept working for a few hours longer. The pole had paddles on each side. Not perfect but ideal for what he wanted.

The next morning woke him to birds on top of his hut making a lot of noise. Looking on the top of the hut he saw them ghting over a sh. He wanted to yell at them and make them leave but inside he liked it. His friends were the animals of the island! He could not lose his friends he had begun to love! He let them do their feasting and it was time to get up and start the day anyway.

