Snickers! Bobby's First Adventure. by Devin Keith Nerison - HTML preview

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The checklist was dif cult. He never had to do anything like this. But he also knew if he didn't plan for things it could be life threatening. Like not enough water. The food was important but water was the most important. It made up about 70% of your whole body. So #1 was water;

#2 was food.

But putting all that aside was heading in the correct direction. If he headed off in the wrong direction in a big ocean it didn't matter how much food or water he had. He would go off into the deep blue ocean and never be able to make it back. That was his ultimate concern. The worst that could happen. That was not going to happen!

Bobby was concerned about all of this. But what was his option? He wanted to get back home to Mellville Island with his mom and dad.

Sleep in a comfortable bed and just be a boy. He just wanted his comfort of being home. People he knew. It became more important everyday.

The raft needed to be ready. The covering on the top to block the sun was getting dried out. A new layer of palm leaves would need to go on top. The coconuts were piling up as he found more and cut them down to the inner shell. The sh were drying and Bobby gured they would dry even more as he was out in the ocean.

There were areas between the coconuts and sh that were tied down as best as he could where he could place his tools. If something happened he needed to be sure his tools would be there.

If the raft ipped over he needed to make sure it was secure. If he lost everything he would be as sunk as the raft with nothing left.

