Build eTexts Faster by Dr. Elwyn Jenkins - HTML preview

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3.1 Writing the Foreword

This is where you are to write and foreshadow how all these disparate reusable text chunks actually hand together. The Foreword is where you, the author, stamp your mark of original thought providing your readers with some background and a summary of the argument you will then present in the rest of the book.

To write the Foreword you will need to go to the Brain and click on the “Foreword” thought and then select as your content the MS Word file that we created earlier and put no text into. This will need to be written in the same format as every other section, only this is not intended to be reusable. However, you still put this into the Brain so that it can be searched and used as part of the total book.

This is where you provide in 1,500 words a background understanding of the text to catch the reader up to be able to understand what the ebook is about. You will also need to talk about the ebook and provide a general map of what the reader is going to get out of this text.

This is where your personality should shine through the most; it is after all the most important text you will write for people to get the ideas of the book.