Computers for Smart People by Robert S. Swiatek - HTML preview

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9. More Modifications


Let’s return to our very first program and consider what happens if we have over a hundred accounts on the file. If we run the program the report will have heading lines, followed by detail lines. It will fill up one page and then print the next one without any header lines. What we want to do is change the program so that there will be a title on each page, subheadings as before, page numbers and today’s date. Note the program name has been changed. To do this the complete program follows.


program-name: acctlist

define  main-heading structure

print-month character(2)

field character value “/”

print-day character(2)

field character value “/”

print-year character(48)

field character(68) value “Account number report”

field character(5) value “Page”

page-number integer(3)

define  sub-heading structure

field character(54) value “account #     last name             first name        mi   street ”

field character(68) value “address               city               state zip         balance”

define  print-line structure

print-account integer(9)

field character(4) value spaces

print-last-name character(22)

print-first-name character(19)

print-middle-initial character(5)

print-street-address character(29)

print-city character(19)

print-state character(6)

print-zip-code integer(5)

field character(2) value space

print-balance, mask($$$$,$$9.99-)

define  file acctfile record account-record status acct-status key account-number structure

account-number integer(9)

last-name character(18)

first-name character(15)

middle-initial character

street-address character(25)

city character(15)

state character(2)

zip-code integer(5)

balance signed decimal(6.2)

define work-date character(8)

define record-counter integer(5) value 0

define page-counter integer(3) value 0

define line-counter integer(2) value 54

define error-msg character(60) value spaces

work-date = date

print-month = work-date(5:2)

print-day = work-date(7:2)

print-year = work-date(3:2)

account-number = 9

read-file: readnext acctfile 

record-counter = record-counter + 1

if acct-status = 0

print-account-number = account-number

print-last-name = last-name

print-first-name = first-name

print-middle-initial = middle-initial

print-street-address = street-address

print-city = city

print-state = state

print-zip-code = zip-code

print-balance = balance

line-counter = line-counter + 1

if line-counter > 54

perform print-headings


print print-line

go to read-file


if acct-status not = 9

            error-msg = “There was a problem with the account file”



go to end-program

print-headings: page-counter = page-counter + 1

page-number = page-counter

line-counter = 5

print page main-heading

print skip(2) sub-heading

print skip

end-program: record-counter = record-counter - 1

            print skip(2) ‘the number of records read was ’ record-counter     

            print skip error-msg


            You will note that we have a few more structures, one each for the main title, subheading and the print detail line. Most of this should be familiar and you can take for granted that I have all the spacing correct. For the main title line we’ll print the date in mm/dd/yy format at the leftmost portion of the line and the page number will be found at the rightmost portion of the same line, preceded by the literal, Page. The variable


is set up to give us all we need. The first new keyword you see is


which appears to be a variable. It is used mostly for literals or to separate one field from another. The first occurrence of it is

            field character value “/”

and this is one position which is in the third column of the line which will always have a value of /. It is the separator between the month and day and the day and year in our date. It occurs twice because we need it twice. We’ve seen the keyword 


before. It’s used to tell us that this one character field has a specific value. There will be other uses of the 


keyword, for literals or constants – fields that don’t change. Though


is a keyword, we cannot refer to it in our program. For example, we couldn’t change its value. A few lines down you’ll see

field character(4) value spaces.

We could have written the statement as

field character(4) value “ ”,

which we used before. Each of the two statements, as well as

            field character(4) value space

achieves the same result – even though one may not be grammatically incorrect. They represent spaces, a space, nothing, a single blank and blanks.

You will note that


occurs a few times in the program and just about each value is different. It represents either a certain amount of spaces for separation or a specific literal and is part of a structure, which enables us to use it. If we need to assign it a value that can change, we have to make it a variable and then we could reference it. Using




would do the job, although it would be better to give these fields more meaningful names.

So the beginning of the main title line is a two-character field that is


but as you can tell it has no value. We’ll give it one in the program and do the same for




all based on the current date. If you move down to the line

            work-date = date

you will see how this will be accomplished. This line has another keyword


which represents today’s date in the format yyyymmdd. Thus if today is September 10, 2001, the field


will have the value


Note that not only do we not have to define this variable, we actually couldn’t if we tried. What this statement does is assign the variable


which we have defined as


the value of the field


This is done by the equal sign, which takes whatever is on the right side (today’s date in this case) and moves it to the field on the left side. Note that when this move is done, both fields will have a value of


It’s more like a copy than a move. You have seen the equal sign before but there it was used as a logical operator in conjunction with the


In this line and a few others in the program, this symbol is used as an assignment operator as it gives a field a value. We have another assignment in the line

            print-month = work-date(5:2)

which moves the two characters in work-date starting in the fifth position to


This is


which happens to be the month. You can then see that


turns out to be the two characters in


starting in position 7, which are


which is the day. The statement after that takes two characters starting at position 3 or


which is the last two digits of the year. So the four statements of our program after the last define statement get today’s date and format the date on the main heading line as


Tomorrow it will be


a day that will live in infamy – although I didn’t know it when I wrote this book or did the first revision on it.

The statements


account-number = 9

read-file: readnext acctfile


we’ve seen before. A sequential read of the file is being done, starting with the first record and subsequent reads until the end of the file is reached. You may ask if we could begin at the last record and read the entire file backwards with the first record on the file being the last record read. Think about it and I’ll provide the answer at the end of chapter 23.

The verb above is for sequential reads, while


is used for indexed reads. For reading sequentially, the status is 0 for good reads and 9 for end of file being reached. Anything else is a serious file error. For indexed reads, 0 status is a good read, 5 means the record wasn’t on the file anything else means deep trouble.

The next unfamiliar keyword is in the statement

            perform print-headings.

It enables the printing of the headings, resulting in going to the label


where each statement is executed until another label is found. The keyword


is different from a

            go to

statement in that control will be returned to the line in the program after the
