Computers for Smart People by Robert S. Swiatek - HTML preview

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15. Adding records and calling a program


Now it’s time to discuss that program which I asked you to write a few pages ago. It will illustrate adding records to the account number file as well as calling a program to obtain a new account number. The calling program will have the operator enter last name, first name and middle initial. Once all three are entered and valid, an account number will be generated by the system, through the called program,


which passes back the new account number to the calling program.  The called program will read a new file called the next number file, which is defined with the key of account number and set up by the data base analyst. It consists of an indicator, which will be a blank or d, and the next available account number. Besides the next account number, there will also be records with account numbers that are available due to the deletion of records from the account number file.

Before any records exist on the account file, the next number file will have one record and the key or next available account number will be 10. If there are yet to be deletions to the account number file and the file has twenty records, the next number file will have one record with the key of 30, with the indicator equal to a space. At this point if someone deleted the record with account number equal to 15, the next number file would have two records, looking like this:


            Key                 indicator

            000000015      d



The called program giving us the next account number will be included in the next chapter. The procedure to add an account will be accomplished when the three data fields are correctly entered. To exit this program, the user should enter xx for the last name. The lines of the calling program follow.


program-name: acctcall

define  main-heading structure

            print-month character(2)

            field character value “/”

            print-day character(2)

            field character value “/”

            print-year character(42)

            field character(74) value “New account number addition report”

            field character(5) value “Page”

            page-number integer(3)

define  sub-heading structure

            field character(54) value “account #    last name             first name”

            field character(57) value “mi ”

define  print-line structure

            field character(18) value spaces

            print-account-number integer(9)

            field character(17) value spaces

            print-last-name character(18)

            field character(17) value spaces

            print-first-name character(15)

            field character(17) value spaces

            print-middle-initial character

define  total-line structure

            field character(43) value spaces

            field character(42) value “The number of account records added was”

            print-count integer(3) mask(zz9)

define  file acctfile record account-record status acct-status key account-number structure

account-number integer(9)

last-name character(18)

first-name character(15)

middle-initial character

field1 character(42)

zip-code integer(5)

balance signed decimal(6.2)

define data-fields structure

new-account-number integer(9) value 0

process-sw integer value 0

define error-msg character(60) value spaces

define in-last-name character(18)

define in-first-name character(15)

define in-middle-initial character

define name-string structure

field character(26) value “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”

field character(30) value “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ‘-.”

define work-date character(8)

define record-counter integer(5) value 0

define page-counter integer(3) value 0

define line-counter integer(2) value 54

work-date = date

print-month = work-date(5:2)

print-day = work-date(7:2)

print-year = work-date(3:2)

screen erase

screen(1,23) “new account number addition program”

screen(5,20) “account number:”

screen(10,20) “last name:”

screen(15,20) “first name:”

screen(20,20) “middle initial:”

screen(22,36) “enter xx for last name to exit” 

input-data: valid-input = 0

perform input-last-name until valid-input = 1

valid-input = 0

perform input-first-name until valid-input = 1

valid-input = 0

perform input-middle-initial until valid-input = 1

perform call-process

go to input-data

input-last-name: screen(10,36) input in-last-name

screen(24,1) erase

if in-last-name = “xx”

                        go to end-program


if index(in-last-name, name-string) = 1

valid-input = 1


screen(24,20) “invalid characters in the last name – try again”


input-first-name: screen(15,36) input in-first-name

screen(24,1) erase

if index(in-first-name, name-string) = 1

valid-input = 1


screen(24,20) “invalid characters in the first name – try again”


input-middle-initial: screen(20,36) input in-middle-initial

screen(24,1) erase

if in-middle-initial = space or (>= “A” and <= “Z”) or (>= “a” and <= “z”)

valid-input = 1


screen(24,20) “invalid character in the middle initial – try again”


call-process: call nextnumb using data-fields

if process-sw = 0          

                        account-number = new-account-number

                        last-name = in-last-name

                        first-name = in-first-name

                        middle-initial = in-middle-initial

                        field1 = spaces

                        zip-code = 0

            balance = 0

            perform write-record


if process-sw = 3

                        screen(24,1) “next number file is busy – try again later”


                        error-msg = “next number file error; program ending – press enter”

            go to end-program


write-record: write acctfile

if acct-status = 0

                        record-counter = record-counter + 1

                        line-counter = line-counter + 1

                        if line-counter > 54

                                    perform print-headings


                        print print-line

                        screen(10,36) last-name

                        screen(15,36) first-name

                        screen(20,36) middle-initial

                        screen(5,36) account-number


error-msg = “account number file problem; program – press enter”

                        go to end-program


print-headings: page-counter = page-counter + 1

            page-number = page-counter

            line-counter = 5

            print page main-heading

            print skip(2) sub-heading

            print skip

end-program: print-count = record-counter

            print skip(2) total-line

            print skip error-msg

            screen(24,20) error-msg input



The program is quite long but only a few lines should be unfamiliar. Note that the report will only display four fields, so we spaced it out across the page. We spread out the fields on the screen rather than bunching them all at the top. Whoever is inputting data will only key in last name, first name and the middle initial. Obviously, we have to check that they don’t key garbage so we use the same procedures for inputting the first two fields, which has a few checks. For verifying that the middle initial is valid, we use the line

            if in-middle-initial = space or (>= “A” and <= “Z”) or (>= “a” and <= “z”),

which is a compound logical statement. It just checks to see if what was entered was either a blank or a letter of the alphabet, upper or lower case. The check

(>= “A” and <= “Z”)

will be satisfied if any of the letters from A to Z are entered and the second part of that check

            (>= “a” and <= “z”),

you should be able to figure out. Both sets of parentheses are needed here because we want the input to be between A and