How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money by Tom Antion - HTML preview

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My Recommendation

People in my seminars have been bugging me to death to recommend a system that is both easy to use and install AND has sophisticated features like an expensive custom designed cart.

I have resisted giving my recommendation because there was really nothing on the market that satisfied those requirements. ( I also didn’t want to be responsible because I know what a supreme hassle building a shopping system usually is.)

Now, that has all changed. I can confidently recommend a system that has all the features listed in the checklist above. I’m using the system myself and I’ve never seen anything as powerful and as easy to use in all the years I have been marketing on the Internet.

I was so impressed that I dumped my extremely expensive old system, switched to this new system, and even got the owners of the new system to allow me to resell it. . . . It’s a really inexpensive shopping and cash generating system. (I’m a guerilla marketer and I don’t throw my money around.) I believe in the product and most folks that know me know that I don’t promote anything that I don’t wholeheartedly believe in.

I run at least 70 websites through this new system and using all the upsell modules, discount modules, autoresponders, ad tracking and affiliate program to really sell lots more products to my customer and prospect base.

The name of this system is Kick Start Cart and you can check it out for free for 30 days


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The Kick Start Cart Integrated Shopping System Includes:

Hosting on their server . . . This means no expensive and time consuming installation on your server. Their technicians maintain the entire system and you never have to worry if it has problems. They fix it immediately and for free AND they know what they’re doing. My webhost treats me like a dog and never knew how to fix my old system because they didn’t develop it.

Free upgrades . . . This company is aggressively upgrading the system and adding new features constantly. The company is not only technically able, it is run by people who think like marketers so they are always developing new ways for the system to help you make more money.

Ease of Use . . . You can literally have your Kick Start System working in about an hour with no technical experience whatsoever AND they have a video tutorials and complete manual online to help you really maximize the sales features of your system. I’ve even created additional videos to help you at

Multiple Websites . . . Run sales from as many websites as you want through the Kick Start System. This alone could save you many thousands of dollars per year. The other neat thing about this is that you could be selling bibles on one site and lingerie on another site. Website visitors from one site would never even know about the other site unless you want them to.

Autoresponders . . . This is one of my favorite features. The Kick Start System has unlimited autoresponders. This means that each product can have it’s own set of follow-up emails. What a powerful tool. When someone buys a particular product the

How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money autoresponder follows up with additional offers based on what the customer already purchased. . . . Now that’s a smart shopping system which can increase your sales easily by 300 percent with no increase in the number of shoppers.

Discount and Coupon Capability . . . What an extremely advanced feature and it’s included in the Kick Start System. You can offer coupon banners and other percentage discounts to certain groups of people and the system handles all the details. This used to be a big nightmare for me because I had to take discounted orders by phone, fax or email. My old shopping cart couldn’t do it.

Offer Management . . . Want to encourage people to purchase multiple units of your products? The Kick Start System will handle just about any deal you can make up. Offer one free for every three purchased, or buy 10 and get a discount. This is yet another advanced feature usually only found in extremely high-end shopping carts.

Integrated Upsell . . . Want fries with that? You can’t be there 24 hours a day 7 days a week to suggestively sell your shoppers additional products and services, but the Kick Start System can. Every savvy company on the face of the earth knows that the easiest customer to sell to is the one that has their wallet already out. Let your cash generating tools do the upselling for you.

Soft and Hard Goods . . . Information is the highest profit product you can sell. All you are really selling is electrons. It’s all pure profit! The Kick Start Shopping System makes it easy for your customer to buy an ebook or computer program and have it instantly. We live in a society that wants instant gratification. Without your ability to deliver the products instantly you will definitely lose sales.

How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money

Customizable “Return to Shopping” Button . . . Send your customers directly where they can find additional products that specifically interest them. This is a totally overlooked sales technique in virtually all small business shopping systems except Kick Start Cart. This one feature will make you lots more money.

Database . . . All top marketers know the value of their databases. Many businesses end up selling their business and getting paid only on the value of their customer list. Who cares about computers and furniture when you can get $100.00 to $1000.00 per customer? (A conservative example for a really tiny business: 3000 customers valued at $400.00 each means you sell out for $1,200,000.00 NOTE: This is not all that hard to do.)

Your database of customers is also very easy to sell to when you have a new product or offer. They have already bought before and are much more likely to buy again from you. The Kick Start Integrated Database keeps track of prospects and customers and totally eliminates retyping, labor costs and database mistakes. Having a good database is literally a license to print money.

Broadcast Email . . . How would you like to reach your customers with no advertising costs, no printing, no stuffing envelopes and no postage? That’s what responsible permission based email marketing allows you to do. When it’s integrated into your shopping system, you have nothing more than a few keystrokes to reach all your customers at once, or only the ones who bought blue widgets. I’ve made a fortune with broadcast email doing it the hard way which means exporting data and manipulating other email programs to get the mailing out. Now with the Kick Start System it’s just a matter of seconds to reach thousands of people that have asked to hear from you.

How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money Mail Merge . . . Broadcast email is great, but “Email Merge” is the greatest! This feature of the Kick Start System lets you personalize each email that goes out. This gets you a much higher response. Think about it. Don’t you pay more attention to an email that has your name on it than one that says “Dear Friend?” I used to have to export my data from my database, specially format it and put it in to a $400.00 email program to do just one mail merge. This used to take me hours. Now, with the Kick Start Cart it’s just a couple keystrokes.

Email List Management . . . You can also use this system to handle an unlimited number of electronic magazines / newsletters (Ezines) and be up and running in no time at all. This means you could have separate newsletters on many different topics and control them all in one place. I have made a fortune on my ezine because I can send good information (and offers, of course) to my subscribers who then buy my products and services. You need this function.

Ad Tracking, Conversion, and Rotation . . . When you use an outside company or software to track your ads, you have to do link tricks and jump through hoops to get it to work. Most only give you the number of clicks an ad received and have no way of tracking who actually bought. Only the high end expensive systems can do that and it’s still a hassle. When ad tracking is built right into your shopping system you can immediately maximize the value of your paid ads because your conversion module tells how much money actually came from the ad and the rotation module tells you which ad was the best. You can also do tons of testing on your own site to find out which ads pull in the most number of sales and which parts of your website attract the most buying customers. Without something like this you are doing target

How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money practice in the dark with very expensive bullets. The extra earnings and savings from the Kick Start Integrated Ad Tracking System pays for the entire system all by itself.

Order Form Sell Through and much more . . . Kick Start Cart has many customizable areas that help you sell. Having this capability separates the ho hum Internet merchants from the ones that really make the cash register ring.

Recurring Billing . . . You want to do whatever you can to get money coming in regularly and automatically from your customers. Kick Start Cart’s recurring billing module gives you total flexibility to give finance options to close big ticket sales and to regularly charge your customer’s credit card for ongoing programs you have. The money goes right to your bank account automatically.

Sales Reports . . . Kick Start Cart gives you seven different sales report options. This is three times more than systems costing ten times as much. You’ll always know just how well you’re doing with this kind of reporting.

Questionnaires . . . Ya gotta know what they’re thinking. Kick Start Cart will have your customers pouring strategic information into your head in no time. You’ll use this info to sell targeted products back to your customers who have just told you what they want.

Pop Up Wizard . . . I’ve never seen this included before in a shopping system. This really tells me that the innovators of the Kick Start System are really marketing savvy. I used to pay high school kids to search out scripts for basic pop up windows, now in a few seconds I can generate simple pop ups that, when used

How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money judiciously, massively increase sales and visitor subscriptions to my Ezine.

Affiliate / Associate Program . . . Want thousands of websites all over the world selling your products and services for you? That’s what an affiliate program is all about. Other websites link to yours and you only pay them if someone clicks from their site and buys something from you. built a multi-billion dollar business with this exact same model. I paid nearly $1000.00 for my affiliate software and I’m “kicking myself” because the Kick Start System includes it in the deal.

All the Rest . . . The Kick Start Cart Integrated Shopping System does all the things needed to have a really potent small business marketing machine and cash generator. AND it does it an extremely low price that any small business can afford.

I encourage you to compare and go through the checklist above with any shopping system you can find on the Internet, at your webhost, or anywhere else you can come up with one. Then visit the Kick Start Site and see what you think. You get a 30-day free test drive. If you really want to sell your products and services on the Internet, the Kick Start System will make it happen immediately.

In fact, you can be putting your products into the system five minutes after you sign up.

I sincerely hope this e-book has shed some light on the things you need to know before investing in a shopping system. Let me know how I can help you really sell on the Internet. -- Tom Antion

How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money Oh. I almost forgot that I promised to tell you how to get a merchant account in about 10 minutes. Visit

Tom Antion

You could earn $750,000.00 over the next couple years just by promoting this shopping cart and you don’t even have to own the cart to do it.

Watch the video that proves it.


How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes You Money


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